
Teknophage: Demon's Reign 12A

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(OP: The World by Nightmare)

Teknophage: Demon's Reign Episode 12: Show of Force

At a manor part of the building of a sort, the elevator dinged before in came a familiar woman with her "pets" panting.

Voice: Behold the Lady Messalina of the Elite Ruling Class of Kalighoul: The "Partners" of the Teknophage.

She was frowning a bit.

Voice: Oh dear, she seems to be a little miffed.

A butler alongside a maid in skimpy skirt bowed.

Butler: Welcome hold, milady. Was the orgy a success?

Messalina: (sighs) Disappointing as usual, Cheeves. Mildly diverting at most.

Cheeves: How many women were there?

Messalina: (annoyed) Look, just because the Phage was said to go both ways, doesn't mean I do!

Maid: My goodness.

Messalina: Draw a bath, Gladys. Skimmed milk will do tonight.

Gladys: (curtsies) At once, milady.

She gave the leash to her butler as the maid departed.

Messalina: Here, Cheeves. See to Bentio and Fabio. The poor darlings must be ravenous.

Cheeves: (takes the leash) Certainly, milady.

As he departed, the familiar man on the chair in robe smoking a pipe with cord noticed her.

Lombardo: I shay! You're back (hics) early. S'not even Daybwake.

Messalina: (frowns) Don't start, Lombardo. I'm NOT in the mood. I'd have your balls for breakfast. If you had any, that is.

Thunder was heard as lightning struck with the green dyed hair woman noticing, removing her mask.

Messalina: Phage! Such a storm. It's shaking the building.

Lombardo: Gives me the (hics) willies.

Messalina: (annoyed) Did you eat too fast again, Lombbardo?

Lombardo: Maybe.

Messalina: (groans) You pathetic worm. You make me want to-

At that moment, another maid in a more dignified dress arrived as she spoke.

Maid: Beg pardon, milady? Willy and Lizzy aare crying for you. They're frightened by thunder.

The woman went into another room where two blond children noticed her, looking at her as they shouted.

Both: (happily) Mater! Mater!

She came to the two before lying down with the smiling two with the boy holding an exaggerated Chibified Phage plush in his arms.

Messalina: (smiles) There, there my babies. Shhhh. It's all right. Go to sleep. (pets one of them) The Phage will watch over you.

At another area of the building, Tyler slightly punched the air a bit.

Tyler: Well whatever we're on, I ain't going to be taken down easily.

Ariel: (looks at him) Tyler, I'm sure that they had their reasons.

Tyler: Reason or not, if it's ruled by some sort of dictator who thinks he's a god, he's got another thing coming.

Ariel: Come on, who does this guy think he is? Hitler?

Tyler: No clue.

Thunder was heard with Ariel yelping, ducking a bit.

Ariel: M-M-Maybe we should get out of here first.

Tyler: (sighs) Right.

Narrator: The Wheel of Worlds, Gateway to the Multiverse.

Out near the Wheel of Worlds, the two workers near it sighed while rain poured on them.

Worker 1: (shivers) Brrr! It's bloody freezin'!! I'm soaked through!

Worker 2: Why can't those bloody bootmen guard this bloody thing 'stead of us?!

Worker 1: Stop bloody moanin', you bloody stupid sod! If they hear you, they'll have our guts for-

Just then, two hands from the shadows with glowing eyes snatched the heads, hitting the two with the men falling down. As thunder flashed, the same figure that attacked the Phage earlier glanced at the wheel.

Figure: Hmmm...

He came to the controls, fixing the location up.

Figure: I'm going to need better weapons.

A portal began activating before he jumped to it.

Narrator: Birmingham, Alabama. Location: Earth.

At a place marked "Chuck's Home Defense Superstore", some light was seen inside the dark building. After a flash, all the weapons were gone. Back at Kalighoul, the same figure came out, holding his weapons with anger.

Figure: Finally...

Meanwhile, at the poor looking city, people did their business while some looked concerned.

Voice: In the Vatworkers' quarters, deep in the cavernous guts of the Phage Building, the foot soldiers of industry bestir themselves for the morning shift.

Inside one of the buildings, the familiar figure sighed.

Vorscyn: I...I'm sorry, kids, but that's how it is. I saw that batch go in the vats with my own eyes. Your folks are dead as dog-meat.

Agnes was crying while her brother patted her.

Josh: There, there.

Vorscyn: (holds his head) Urgh, my throbbin' head. I sure supped too much stuff last night. I wouldn't have got back at all if you 'adn't carried me 'ere. Just wish I had some food t' give yer, t'say thanks.

Madeline: I never realized how bad you and the others took least not from a former aristocrat's point of view.

Agnes: That's right. You never explained about yourself.

Madeline: I came from a line of entrepenours. I was one of the partners' daughter. You probably heard of Samuel Marquis.

Vorscyn: Aye. I do.

Madeline: He and the others should have rescued me when I was captive by that man...

Josh: What do you mean?

Vorscyn: Anyhow, what I CAN do is get you all jobs. We're short-handed at the vats since the rebellion was crushed. Lots o' folks died. No moolahbucks though. You get paid in tokens that you can exchange at the Phage's shops and pubs.

Agnes: They...the rebels must have been very brave. (sniffs) Standing up to the Teknophage and his Automations.

Madeline: (concerned) To be that I think about it...

Vorscyn: Actually, they probably would have had just been offed to the vats had not one o' them insulted the woman that the Phage kept with him.

Madeline: (annoyed) Yeah, that figures.

Josh: Who is this "woman"?

Vorscyn: Her name is Ayami and we didn't get much info as to what happened that led to her death.

Josh: So he convinced the rebels?

Vorscyn: Inspired is what they was...


In the past, a red hair man frowned as he cleaned the vats.

Vorscyn's Voice: See, this geezer arrived. Off-worlder. Came from a place called "Texas", 'e said. Abucted 'e was, like lots o' folks 'ere. I knew 'im. worked right on the next vat.

Later, it showed the man looking at the crowd.

Vorscyn's Voice: Orlando Holmes, 'is name was. 'e said that this was all wrong: This setup, 'ow we were treated, everything. Said that the Phage's ways was, it was ****!

Madeline's Voice: Totalitarianism?

Vorscyn's Voice: Exactly.

The crowd gathered with Orlando shouting.

vorscyn's Voice: 'e told us what it was like where 'e came from. Sounded like 'eaven. Preached subversive politics: 'e called it "democracy" and kept goin' on about "The Spirit of '76', whowever that was.

Man: Now look 'ere, Mr. 'olmes, it's all very well: You sayin' as 'ow we got rights, but we ain't!

Orlando: Yes, yes you have! Inalienable rights! If they've been taken from you, then you've got to fight for them.

Vorscyn's Voice: not all the rebels were killed, y'know. They're givin' the rest a public execution on Friday. Live on Steam-vision!

Josh's Voice: What happened to the Off-Worlder, you two?

Madeline's Voice: It was when I came into the picture...

Later, at the vats, Madeline in elegant clothing came with some bootmen talking to a worker near where Orlando was.

Vorscyn's Voice: Oh, Phage must'a known o' this all along. Right before the uprising, the Bootmen came for 'im.

Madeline's Voice: (sounds regrettable) It was under Mr. Phage's orders.

Madeline looked at the man whom noticed.

Madeline: So this is the man Mr. Phage told me to take care of...I guess that would be all long as-

Just then, the man darted off, snatching the female as she yelped.

Orlando: Sorry. I don't want to hurt you, but I need to distract them 'til I make my escape.

Madeline: (glares) Let go of me! (struggles) The Phage will have your head when he finds out about-

The robotic soldiers arrived to the other side, blocking the two.

Orlando: Damn!

He was snatched before forced to the Blindpigger's eye suctions, yelping a bit.

Vorscyn's Voice: Phage just used 'im and the rebels t'make an example out of.

The female turned as she saw the screaming man having his eyes within the machine.

Orlando: AHHHHH!!

Josh's Voice: What happened?

Vorscyn's Voice: Horrifying, terrible, gruesome! You're better off not knowing.

Madeline's Voice: Trust me. It's best NOT to know.

Madeline looked horrified before noticing the screaming man hit and kick a few bootmen away, starting to dart off with Madeline forced to follow with his free hand.

Madeline: Hey! Someone help me!! Hey!! Bootmen, do something!

Bootman: Right. Phage's orders are to kill them both if ya mess it up for us.

Madeline: (realizes) Wait, what?!

Just then, the two slipped from the piece of organs on the ground, screaming as the two fell through the slide, heading to where the gun was heading.

Both: AHHHHH!!

Madeline's Voice: He was dying, but he wouldn't let me die myself this way and...

The man struggled, trying to feel the walls with the worried woman clenching to Orlando's shoulders. The man then felt a hole near the area.

Orlando: I'm sorry...but at least you'll be safe this way!

He finally tossed the girl to the bare hole as she screamed while Orlando went down the tube with goop.

Madeline: AHHHHH!!

(End Flashback)

The two looked down.

Madeline: And that was the last of him. Off to certain death down the soul conduits.

Vorscyn: Brrr! A 'orrible end!

Josh: Geez, this Phage looks like one nasty person.

Madeline: We know. He eats what he likes and kills what he doesn't.

Agnes: How horrible.

Madeline: He's been alive for 65 million years. Not just by luck, but by protection and his powers as well. They say if he were to drink a liquid fabricated Off-World drink mixed in with any drink people normally would make him lose most of his powers and youth.

Josh: I see...

Vorscyn: (stands up) Anyroad, we'd best get off t' the vats. Can't be late.

He looked at the females nearby.

Vorscyn: Only one thing me an' you 'ave to do first,' that's t' give Agnes 'ere a sex change.

Josh: Ick.

Madeline: Well not literally.

Agnes: Are there any more like him?

Vorscyn: There were stories of another snake like creature somewhere on another world...but we have never seen him or knew if the rumors were confirmed. Ingle something.

Madeline: And even then, the creature's offspring was said to be an reincarnation of a prince of a forgotten kingdom.

Both: Oh.

Madeline: Now come on...I know just how to make you look like a boy without surgery...

Meanwhile, at the Phage's office, the serpent with Whizgumz walked inside with the reptile frowning.

Phage: Hellfire and damnation! You tell the Maintenance Department that if the Spy System cameras aren't repaired and online by Friday, they'll be greasing the gears with their own body fat on Saturday!

Whizgumz: Yessir!

Phage: (frowns) And someone turn off that damn buzzing. It's giving me a headache!

The butler in bandages with arm cast bowed to the serpent.

Porrige: Th-the window and the statue have been replaced, sir. But there's n-no trace of the terrorists as of-

Phage: GRRRR!! Why can't I find him? It's as if he's created a blindspot in my psychic web. How can the swine do that?! This is MY territory! The entire building is within my energy field! Nothing is hidden from me here! (pauses) Did you say "terrorists" as in a plural sound?

Porrige: I was trying to speak earlier, if you's just two children.

Phage: (scoffs) Teenagers.

He turned to the familiar body in goo looking at him.

Phage: NO ONE keeps secrets from me for long! NO ONE!! Isn't that right, Mackaboy?

Mackaboy: Atsa right, boss.

Phage: I think a little demonstration is in order. Something to lighten our sombre mood, eh Whizgumz?

He then turned to the yelping gray coated man.

Phage: Why don't you share your little secret with Porrige and Mackaboy?

Whizgumz: Er...wh-which s-secret exactly, s-sir?

Phage: Come, come. Don't be shy. We could all do with a good laugh. Remove the coat!

Reluctantly, the man removed his coat, showing himself wearing a bra, bloomer panties, and lingerine with the other three chuckling.

Three: He-he-he-he-he-he!!

Mackaboy: Hur, hur, hur! At'sa cute, boss!

Phage: He-he-he-he. Remain like that from now on!

He went to his desk, sitting on his chair.

Phage: Now, let's get down to business.

Porrige: (wipes his tears) Heh, heh...

Phage: Get a grip, Porrige! I want you to set up a video conference with Beaumont. Tell him that I want a full update on the forthcoming Earth Takeover. Also, a report on his search for those two strumpets: Claudia and Jason Cassidy. I want them here, on their knees!

Whizgumz: There IS also the dealings with rumors that the US President himself is there.

Phage: Oh please! He's a rabbit who only answers to guns and weaponry. Just give him some weapons of mass destruction and he'll be putty in our hands.

Porrige: Before I go through your agenda, sir, I'd like to voice some concer for your safety at tonight's Private View.

Phage: Ah, the opening of the Grand Exhibitation in my honor. I've been preparing for that.

Porrige: You really shouldn't attend, sir. It's an opportunity for another assassination attempt.

Phage: Of course it is, Porrige, of course it is. And an ideal opportunity for an Assassin Trap. (smirks) I think that 500 Bootmen, plus 200 Soldier-Workers should be sufficient to seal the gallery. IF he shows his hand tonight, I've got him! (licks his chops) Really, I'm estatic that he's appeared. You tend to forget my main concern, the prime motivation of all my Machinations, the satisfaction of my gourmet appetite! His body and soul will make an exquisite banquiet, the likes of which I've not had many a year!

Porrige: And if the President were to see your ruse?

Phage: I got a surprise waiting for him!

Back on Earth, a familiar rabbit sneezed a bit.

Max: Ah-choo!! Yeesh, this hayfever in this dump is getting worse, Sam.

Sam: Something tells me that when we REALLY meet this guy, we're not going to like it one bit.

(End of Act 1)
The Phage makes a trap for the assassin while more of Kalighoul's ways are slightly shown, the tale of a rebel's fall & Madeline's rescue was heard, Messalina prepares to better her children's education, and the assassin himself prepares his next attack.
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Darkshoethephoenix's avatar
Something big is going down...