
Swipe McCracken and the Froggy Mindbenders 5

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Julayla-64's avatar

Literature Text

(Act 5)

At the Incas, the familiar group came to an ancient ruin with Swiper looking around.

Swiper: Looks like we made it to the Incas.

Mina: (points) Look here.

She pointed to a slab nearby a strange stone.

Mina: (reading) "Ancient Bird Feeder: Fill only with dry bread crumbs."

Psycho: Good thing we got the crumbs.

Nack: Want to sing "Feed the Birds"?

Psycho: What do you think I am? Mary Poppins?

The crumbs were placed on the feeder before a raven flew up to it, starting to eat it.

Dojo: Now one of you's gotta possess that bird in order to find the next crystal.

Swiper: So what magic words would we use?

Dojo: Remember the training: just focus and you will do it. Though I gotta warn you, those Keros, from what I heard, got a device that could track the blue crystal's power. So finish up what you need to do and get back so we can leave!

Don: So we just think of what one of us gotta do and we get that crystal, right?

Dojo: Well duh!

Swiper: Right. Let's see...

He began to concentrate, grunting a bit as he held the crystal. However, nothing happened.

Swiper: It's not working!

Dojo: (meekly) Yeeeah, it has to be certain ones for certain creatures.

Don: (snatches the crystal) Great, are you telling us that if I focused myself as a stupid bird, that I-

As he touched it, the fat weasel yelped while the group watched, noticing Don and the bird yelping with Don twirling and gibbering before falling down, losing consciousness.

Nack: Don?

Dingo: Boss, are you okay?

The bird begins squawking a bit.

Psycho: Hee hee. Hey, the bird is squawking a tus.

Nack: Not now, Psy. We got to see if fatso here is okay.

The bird angrily pecks at Nack's head, making him yelp.

Nack: Ouch! Ouch! Hey!

Narrator: At that very instant in the secret room...

Back in the familiar room, one of the frogs noticed a light blinking before gasping.

Frog: It's happened! (shouts) IT'S HAPPENED!

Up came one of the other Kero aliens.

Other Frog: What happened?!

Frog: A part of THE DEVICE has been discovered and tested!

Other Frog: We must recover the artifact at ONCE!

Frog: Yes, at once!

One of the frogs opened the door.

Other Frog: Wait, your disguise!

Frog: Uh my disguise? (realizes) Oh! Almost forgot.

He opened the shelf, taking out the disguise parts.

Frog: My hat, my nose glasses, and how do I look?

He placed on the items he held.

Other Frog: (frowns) Ugly. Just like a human or regular frog.

Frog: (nods) Good. See ya!

With that, he left. Back with the others, Nack tried to hit the raven whom kept pecking him.

Nack: Ow! Hey! What the heck!!

Dojo: Yeah, that's your boss in the raven's body now.

Psycho: Let's call him Wormwood 'til then.

The raven frowned, looking unamused.

Fiona: Look, just fly over to the caverns, okay?

He looked a bit reluctant before she sighed in annoyance.

Fiona: (bitterly) I'll give you a big fat kiss if you do so.

The bird gasped with a grin with heart-shaped eyes before flying off.

Nack: Ooooh! You're going to be kissing...

Fiona: (snaps) Make that bad joke and I am throwing you off the cliff!!!

The bird flew into one of the eyes, noticing a scroll nearby before snatching it with his claws. Then, it flew back to the gang as TK noticed.

TK: There he is.

Fiona then grabbed the scroll before the crystal glowed, returning Don back to his body. Don awoke, grunting a bit while Wormwood frowned, looking unamused.

Don: (groans) Whoa...that was some tough experience. (slyly) Now...about that kiss, Fio.

Fiona: Fine. Just close your eyes first.

Nack: Better than the pe...

Fiona: (annoyed) AMEN!

Nack: (quickly) Withdraw!

Fiona: Now, Don, close the eyes and pucker up...

He closed his eyes eagerly, puckering up before Fiona snatched from Psycho's jacket a plunger. She quickly slapped the plunger in his mouth, pulling hard before the item and weasel smacked. Don, dazed, fell to the ground.

Don: Whoa...what a gal.

Nack: (blinks) I don't think I want to know where you keep THAT.

Psycho: That's none of your damn business, Nack.

Dojo: Come on, let's get out of here while we're still alive!!

Batula: (ponders) But vhy a scroll?

Mina: It may have some ancient writing on it.

As the group leaves, Swiper looks at the scroll, frowning.

Swiper: Well, whatever it is, I can't understand a lick of the writing. Mina? Can you?

Mina: (looks at it) Nope.

Batula: Maybe zere's something in my library zat can help us.

TK: You think there's a translator in your big library?

Batula: TK, I'm over 300 years old. I DO like to keep myself busy and entertained, you know.

As they flew off, heading away from the area, the female weasel looked concerned.

Nic: You think those rockstar girls will be all right?

Sleet: Look, we'll worry about them. Right now, worry about us.

Dingo: Too right. I mean bloody hell, Nic. I don't wanna end up an idiot.

Stupid: Uh me either!

Smart Ass: (annoyed) You ARE idiots.

Wheezy: (coughs) This is going to be a LONG journey.

As soon as they were gone, a familiar frog poofed into the area where Wormwood was eating his food.

Frog: Ugh, ZLORFIK! I missed 'em!

With that, the frog vanished via electric teleporter.

Narrator: The landing site on Mars...

Meanwhile, on Mars, where there was a train rail of a sort, a rockstar-looking van opened up before out came two figures in suits while looking around.

Ami: You sure this is where this General Grievous wants us to meet?

Yumi: Of course it is. He said that we're supposed to meet him somewhere on Mars.

Ami: But I'm getting tired of waiting here for instructions.

Yumi: (pauses) Yeah, good point. This place IS least since I don't see Marvin the Martian or any martians here.

She felt the sand a bit.

Yumi: It's got a great beach, but no water, and no guys, cool people, OR fans. Good thing Kaz never got involved. What with him STILL trying to cash a fake check...again!

Ami: (sighs) We should've gone to Ft. Lauderdale for Spring Break like everyone else! It would've taken us 2 days instead of 2 months. And I wouldn't have gotten sick every time I looked out the window.

Yumi: Yeah, and in 0 gravity, that sure was a mess.

Both began filling the tanks up.

Ami: Waiii! Now our tanks are full.

The Cashcards, fuse, the audio tape, and Boom Box were each picked up.

Ami: (notices) Hey, there's an ATM here. I wonder what it's doing here?

They walked up to the ATM machine near a gigantic building.

Yumi: No idea, but I think we should get our tokens just in case.

They swiped the Cash Cards, gaining a token each.

Ami: (looks around) I don't see the general anywhere.

Yumi: Must be looking for something to hit or something. Besides, it's not like anyone is gonna get killed.

Back at the familiar vampire manor, books were tossed by the hunters.

Fiona: Ugh, there's no translator in any of these!

TK: (concerned) At this rate, the world's doomed!

Psycho: Yeah, and it's caused by an evil force...AGAIN!

Nic looked seriously with a frown.

Nic: All we found so far are some spell books, boring literature, King Arthur, Arabian Nights, and a bunch of other crap!

Nack: Maybe...and I don't know why I'm saying this because I am no genius...

Psycho: You used to be.

Nack: (ignoring) But maybe the language on the scroll is something ancient.

Batula: I had a feeling you vould say zat. It's even older zan me anyhow.

Dingo: Too right. Now let's get on bloody outta here before something worse happens to-

Just then, something blew up, causing the manor to shake up.

Sleet: AGH!

Smart Ass: What the hell's that bullschtick!?

Fiona: Dynamite! The manor's crumbling!!

Psycho: (panics) EVERYONE RUN!!

As they ran, TK gave a few books to Dingo.

TK: Take these. They look interesting.

Maximus: (confused) Why do you need those books?

TK: It may be boring on the way over to our next destination!

Kazooie: (dryly) Oh great. Something we DON'T need!

As that happened, Maximus noticed a chain mail vest before pondering, quickly taking it.

Maximus: (to himself) You can never tell.

Fiona: (snaps) Can we just go already!?

Most began darting off before TK yelped, being grabbed before looking, gasping as he saw one of the frogs grabbing him.

Frog: Gotcha, ya brat!

TK: (tries pushing him) Get off of me! GET OFF!!

Nack stopped, looking back with worry.

Nack: TK!!

He angrily took out the familiarish gun.

Nack: (snaps) Let him go, you jerk!

He fired, though he fell backward with the bullet ricocheting around before it hit not just the frog's head, but also TK's heart. When Nack looked up, he gasped in fear, looking frightened.

Nack: (panics) TK!!!

He tried going after him, though Psycho and Batula grabbed him.

Psycho: NOOOO! You'll get hit, lil' buddy!!

Nack: Dear God...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHY,. GOD, WHY?!

TK: Nack...(coughs) It's okay...go on without me...and take care of my family if you see them.

Nack looked horrified while TK finally collapsed lifelessly.

Nack: (to himself) What have I done?

Batula: (pulls him) Come on!!

The three darted away, leaving the dead two behind as the manor crumbled apart. Outside, the three landed on the ground, then looked back as the manor was crumbled to bits.

Greasy: (stunned) Caramba! That could've been us!

Dojo: (groans) Oh crap!

Banjo: At least we're all out...(notices) Wait, we ARE all out, right?

Nack: (shivers) No...

Don: (looks around) Wait, where's TK?

Psycho: Uh, you want the truth or want us to lie a little?

Nack only slumped to the ground.

Fiona: (realizes) TK's dead, isn't he?

He nodded sadly a bit.

Dojo: Uh...I'll see if I can find anything that can um...resurrect or something. I won't be long!!

Finally, Dojo became gigantic once more, flying away as Fiona looked concerned.

Fiona: Uh it's getting late. Maybe we uh...should camp here for the night.

Nack: (sighs) Yeah...

Mina: (sighs) It's okay, he's in a better place now.

Swiper: Right. I'm sure T.K. is happy and at peace now.

Don: Um...yeah...(rubs his head) besides, he'd want you to live and um...such stuff.

Psycho: Yeah, buddy.

As Nack continued, Nack slowly walked away, starting to make a make-shift grave while the others began to head to their beds with Batula watching Nack sadly.

Nack's Voice: But Dojo never DID find any resurrection spell or such...until my time travel adventure with my future self, I had a bit of guilt on not saving him, reliving that nightmare of not saving Psycho the first time.


(Present Time: 20XX)

Control Freak: (Anime tears) Oh god, whyyyyy!?

Marine: (shocked) that meant that...

Psycho: Yeah, but as for our future selves part, THAT would be another story, because by the time we came back, it was already almost dawn and we with our comrades all accidentally collided with one another and got knocked out for an hour before Don and the ones behind woke up.

Nack: Of course, later on, as you know, we met T.K. except he's the ruler of Halloween Town.

Marine: And of course he got resurrected with the dead Kari weeks ago, huh?

Nack: But back to our story of the was after the whole Time something bit that we awoke...


(Kero Invasion: 6 Years Ago)

Aleena's Voice: Nack? NACK! Wake up!

He was lightly patted before the boy awoke, then noticed everyone looking at him.

Tails: Are you okay?

Nack: (frowns) I WAS earlier before you guys tripped me and knocked me out.

Psycho: (hugs him) BUDDY! You're okay! We thought you were knocked into a coma!

Don, however, awoke and felt his head before he gasped, noticing Sonic's group before frowning.

Don: Sonic, Aleena, everyone, what are you bozos doing in our mission?

Psycho: Don, I hate to say this, but it's a long story.

Nack: But don't you hate long stories?

Psycho: Yes, and I don't remember them anyhow.

Amy: Look, all you need to know is that we're gonna get involved too and make sure that we take care of whatever's causing this crazyness of making people stupid and-(notices) why is there a giant dragon heading to us?

The dragon flew down, looking seriously.

Dojo: Sorry, I looked all night and there's no sign of any resurrection spell or jewel I could find!

Nack: Dojo, it's okay. It's okay. I'm over it now.

Dojo: (confused) Okay, last night, I saw you weeping for a kid's death and you're telling me not to worry now?! Did you lose something for 8 hours?

Nack: We'll tell you about it later. Right now, we need to head to Mexico to find the jewel.

Psycho: Mexico, a country so poor, you can beat them down if you're an American.

Sally: Besides, we're going with you anyway, even if you tell most of us not to come.

Kriplespac: She has a point, grandson. Plus you vill need some vise people on your trip.

Nack: (smiles) Thanks, Grandpa.

Sonic: Right, let's get the Tornado started.

Back in space, the rockstar girls went inside the strange building before the tokens were placed in, causing a box to open, showing a fuse box.

Ami: Hey, that looks like a fuse box!

Yumi tried to pick it up, though it crumbled to dust.

Yumi: Damn it! Even on the moon, stuff breaks.

Ami: (shows the fuse) Good thing we got the fuse.

She placed it inside, causing the power to activate.

Ami: That oughta fix it.

The door closed behind the two before Yumi opened another door leading to a different room.

Yumi: Well, a nice room.

Ami: Hey, look in this locker!

She opened the locker, taking a flashlight while Yumi looked at a bed that was bundled.

Yumi: I don't know what's under the covers, but I guess it won't hurt to look.

She opened the covers to the bed, then frowned at the object.

Ami: What is it?

Yumi: Some dumb broom.

Ami: (gasps) Wait, it's got arms! AHHHH! IT'S A DEAD ALIEN!!

She jumped, clutching her friend tightly.

Yumi: (sweatdrops) Ami, it's dead so we'll just pretend it's only a broom.

Ami: A-a-a-are you sure?

Yumi: Yes, I'm sure.

The ladder was snatched as well as the broom.

Yumi: Uh besides, I'm sure it won't mind.

Afterward, the door was closed and the exit opened before Ami snatched the fuse.

Yumi: Come on!

Outside, Yumi noticed something on the ground.

Yumi: Hmmm...maybe if we can sweep it a bit...

Narrator: The next day, after sweeping for some time...

The last of the dust was removed as Ami smiled.

Ami: Ta-da!

Yumi: (glances) Gee, it looks like solar panels.

Ami then looked at the ancient building nearby.

Ami: Maybe now we can try to find a way inside the building.

Yumi: Okay, Ami. Hold the ladder.

The pink hair girl nodded, holding the ladder before Yumi pushed some buttons, causing the door to open wide up.

Ami: Yay! You got it open!

Yumi: I bet the guy we need to find is inside!

Ami: But any chance we find a way to breath? I don't know how long we will last.

Yumi: I'm sure we can find something.

Ami: (nods) Right.

The two entered the chamber, making both look amazed at what they saw. However, to their shock, they saw many frog legs on the ground as if cut by a fire sword.

Ami: Yipes! There's a lot of frog legs here!

Yumi: It's the guy we're gonna meet all right.

Ami: Yeck! What is this? Mars or France?

Ami then looked at the orb as she spoke.

Ami: Yumi, hold the ladder for me, will you?

She nodded with the blue hair girl holding the ladder. Ami then took the vinyl tape and digital audio tape, combining them.

Ami: Waii!! (Chibi smiles) Great! Now I can record on it.

SHe turned it on, recording it on the boom box before touching the sphere. The two heard a noise before the door opened up, noticing someone slashing what appeared to be another frog trying to kill the figure with Ami, not noticing, smiling.

Ami: (turns recorder off) Waycool earstuff! Those old aliens sure played herenow noizbop!

Yumi watched as the last frog fell dead, walking up to the figure that turned, noticing the girl in space gear. The figure was a mechanical cyborg with organs inside. His face was covered in a mask, save for his yellow lizard-like eyes, his mechanical body was like a skeleton's with four fingers and two thumbs on each arm, huge claw-like toes on his mechanical feet, organs inside his chest plate, a huge cape, and lightsabers in his belt. He was known as General Grievous.

Grievous: (glares) Sooo...another has come to challenge the likes of General Grievous.

He pointed his lit saber near Yumi, whom yelped, almost being hit by it.

Grievous: Do you?

Yumi: (yelps) Uh no, no! You don't understand. We're against those frog thingies that are making people stupid!

Grievous: you are NOT the enemy, nor particularly one certain creature that is a blob that gives me ridiculous nicknames under that helmet?

Yumi: (snaps) Hell no!

Grievous: (pauses) Because of the images that have been flashed and told me to come before I was locked in here, I'll believe you...for now.

The cyborg placed his lightsaber up, then Yumi looked seriously.

Yumi: Come on, we gotta find a place to give me and Ami some air.

Ami: (following) Hey, wait up!

The three walked down the hall, entering many doors before arriving to the controls of a sort.

Ami: Hey, do you think this machine will give us some air?

Yumi: It's from space, what do you think?

The switches were turned on with the cyborg glancing at the pressure and temperature gages.

Grievous: The temperature is way too cold for the likes of anyone that is human and of course, the air pressure is very dangerous for them as well.

Yumi: That figures.

After a few moments, a ding was heard before they looked at the gage.

Yumi: (glances) Temperature's quite nice and the air pressure's comfortable.

Ami: (sighs) Finally, we can remove these stupid helmets on us.

The helmets were finally removed, showing Yumi with short blue hair and eye marks and Ami with long pink hair with two hairbuns on her head with a flower on it.

Yumi: Thank God. Any more time in this helmet and I would get helmet hair.

Ami: Me too.

Grievous: So you ARE human.

Ami: Well duh! Now look, we're here because we got these flashes and visions from these higher beings somewhere.

Yumi: And we're STILL trying to figure out who gave them to us and whoever else got 'em!

Grievous appears to be blushing beneath his mask, glancing at Yumi.

Grievous: Well...(clears throat, to Yumi) You look...beautiful for a human.

Yumi: (yelps/blushes) Uh let's not get too hasty yet. We got a mission to finish after all.

Ami: Hopefully, they got the crystals.

Somewhere in Mexico, the familiar dragon and planes with Sonic on top of the Tornado, flew above, noticing a ruins ahead.

Batula: So zis is vhere the next crystal's located at?

Mina: Pretty much. The visions don't lie!

Nack: I hope we land soon. (annoyed) I don't know how much longer I can stand this song.

Psycho: (singing) 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer! And take one down and pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the walllllll!

Mina: You mean no more beer, right?

Psycho: No. I pretty much wanna grab another bottle afterwards.

The dragon and planes landed before the group got off, looking at the ruins before they looked at each other, nodding and began heading in.

Kayla: Vell, whatever ze turning back now, though.

(End of Act 5)
As Ami and Yumi on Mars meet with the cyborg named Grievous and activate the air and temperature, a scroll is gained, the death of TK is shown and what happens after Sonic Generations~NAP Style continues on with the plot with more involved to ally on defeating the Kero.
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JusSonic's avatar
Well, the gang is in Mexico. And poor T.K. Well, hopefully the others will be all right. Good work.