
Sonic's Christmas Carol 3

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Chapter 3: (The First Ghost)

That night, Batula, in a light purple gown with his hair down, showing his mutated ears, his hair tied in ponytail fashion, and a night cap looked all over the bed, including underneath before frowning.

Batula: Hmph, spirits.

He got under the covers, then blew out the candle light and pulled the drapes.

Batula: Humbug!

With that, he went to sleep. However, after a moment, two figures were heading to where the candle and alarm were before one breathed fire, lighting the candle. The first one was a red dragon with a yellow dragon mustache wearing somewhat of a big gold robe and the other was a purple cricket. They were known as Mushu and Cri-Kee.

Mushu: All right, let's wake this sucker!

Cri-Kee chirped, hitting the bell. They heard some snorting and muttering before snoring took over.

Mushu: Oh for the love of...time for the old fashion Gong Ringing way.

He brought out his gong with a drum stick, hitting it constantly.

Mushu: Come on, wake up in there!

The squirrel, hearing the noise, grunted, rubbing his eyes. He looked before noticing the two.

Mushu: Finally, you're up. What took you so long?

Batula yelped a bit before noticing the two.

Batula: Hmmm? Who are you two?

Mushu: I am the great and powerful Mushu, the ghost of Christmas Past!

He showed a paper that had a badge with the word "Ghost of Christmas Past" on it.

Mushu: Um...this is Cri-Kee. He's just a sidekick here to see how a ghost can do it.

The cricket frowned a bit.

Batula: Ze ghosts sent a lizard to change my vays?

Mushu: Hey, it's dragon. "Dragon", not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing.

He flicked his tongue a bit.

Batula: Plus, you're more of a shrimp in zat size.

Mushu: (glares) Shrimp!? Who you calling "shrimp"? I'll have you know I may have the power to see through anything. (pointing) Probably even your heart boxers.

The insulted squirrel yelped, slapping him before the dragon frowned, looking annoyed.

Mushu: All right, that's it! Dishoner! (to Cri-Kee) Take a note.

The cricket chirped, beginning to write on a small piece of paper.

Mushu: Dishoner to you! Dishoner to your income-

Batula: Vait, vait, don't go! Besides, how am I to change my vays if you are so small?

Mushu: Hmph, look here, bub! If guys like you were measured by kindness, you'd be alot smaller than Cri-Kee here.

Cri-Kee only looked insulted a bit. Batula began to yawn a bit.

Batula: (scoffs) Kindness is of little use in zis world.

Mushu: You didn't believe that back then. Now come on, it's time to go.

Batula, whom had lied down on his bed, glanced at them.

Batula: Zen go.

Cri-Kee hopped toward the window before the cricket opened the window with Mushu trying to open it. Then, it opened due to the wind, blowing the candle out and blowing some snow in, making him shiver.

Batula: Gah! Vhat are you doing?

Mushu: What's it look like to you, bub? We're going to the past and get you straight.

Batula got up, then went up to the dragon and cricket.

Batula: Out zere? I can't go out. I'll fall.

Mushu: Hey, no problem. I got me a sure thing to get us over there. After all, like me, this is from China!

Then, he discarded the robe he had on, showing a rocket taped onto him.

Mushu: Now hang on!

The squirrel clenched to Mushu tightly.

Mushu: Gah! Not so tight!

He blew some flames onto the match before giving it to Cri-Kee.

Mushu: Light me!

It chirped before the rocket lit up.

Batula: Um, don't rockets explode?

Mushu: (realizes) I hate it when you make a point.

Just then, the rocket activated as the three flew straight out the window. The squirrel yelped and screamed, with them flying above the streets, along the rooftops, dodging chimneys, and walls.

Mushu: What's wrong, Bats? I'd thought you enjoy looking at the world.

Then, he glared to Cri-Kee.

Mushu: If I get blown to bits when the rocket finally goes up in the air or if it collides with something, it's your own fault!

It frowned to him just as the trio were arriving to a shop with lights on.

Batula: (notices) Hey, I know zis place!

Then, near a foot to the ground, they landed as Mushu got the rocket off and it went to the sky, exploding harmlessly.

Mushu: Close one. Remind me not to do that on a mission like that again.

Batula: Yes, it is! It's old Mousekowitz's workshop!

He wiped the foggy window before the three looked inside.

Batula: I couldn't have vorked for a kinder man.

Inside, they saw the workers and happy couples having a Christmas party while some were dancing. All while a mouse named Papa Mousekowitz played the violin.

Batula: Vhy, it's old Mousekowitz himself...and all my dearest friends!

There, inside, many furry animals all were enjoying the music. Then, the older squirrel noticed someone, a younger version of himself, with his hair tied like a powdered wig and in 18th Century gentleman's clothing, looking down.

Batula: Zat shy young one on ze's me!

Mushu: Yeah, and that was really long before you became a selfish little miser that was consumed by wealth and greed.

Batula: (shrugs) Hey, no one is perfect.

Then, he saw a female squirrel twitching her tail and smiling a bit. She had bluish eyes and brown fur with light orange on her muzzle and chest to tummy area. She wore a red dress with a pink-red vest, a collar with a red neck-tie, white socks, and red shoes.

Batula: (grins) And zere is my old sweet heart, Umana before she...

The female walked up to where the younger Batula was.

Umana: Batula? Hey, Batula.

Young Batula: Um, what is it, Umana?

He stood up before the female took his wrist, pulling him under the mistletoe.

Umana: My eyes are closed, my lips are puckered, and I'm standing under the mistletoe.

She prepared to kiss him while the younger squirrel noticed her foot on his.

Young Batula: (notices) You're also standing on my foot.

She looked at her foot over his foot. The two shrugged before the two began to dance. As the party continued, with people clapping, two gophers were dancing while a cat named TC with his friends hung the decorations. When the music was almost done, Umana kissed him while the younger squirrel blushed and everyone applauded, much to the older one's delight.

Batula: Ah, I remember how much I loved her.

Just then, a breeze blew on them as they noticed the scene changing.

Mushu: That's good, however, some time later, you learned to love something else.

Batula looked around, realizing where they were.

Batula: My counting house.

They looked at where a stack of coins were.

Young Batula: 9972...99-

Umana's Voice: Batula?

He stopped before he glanced past the gold, looking at Umana standing in front of his desk, looking concerned.

Young Batula: Yes, Umana?

Umana: For years, I've had this lovely honeymoon cottage. I've been waiting to keep your promise to marry me. I have to know, did you make your decision at last?

The squirrel scowled as he juggled his coins a bit.

Young Batula: I have.

She looked lovingly to where he was.

Young Batula: Your last payment was overdue!

He then showed the mortgage to her.

Young Batula: I'm foreclosing ze mortgage!

Then, she looked horrified before the young woman began crying, walking out of the house.

Mushu: Now to the point: you love that gold more than that woman who gave up everything for you! And what's worst, since you only care for loot, you lost her forever!

The female squirrel glanced at where the young Batula was.

Young Batula: 997-

Just then, the door slammed as all the coins crashed down before the younger Batula sighed.

Young Batula: -3...

He tossed the last coin away while the older one looked at Umana leaving.

Batula: But after years later, I tried to find her, though vhen she fell for zis man, I fear she vas murdered. Backstabbed.

Mushu: If you didn't fall for the gold, you'd still have her, and alive!

Batula: (sadly) Please, Mushu! Don't talk to me about my dead love! My heart can't take much more zan it already has from zese painful memories.

Cri-Kee nodded a bit, chirping sadly.

Mushu: All right, but just got no one else to blame, but yourself...

The last word echoe through the night as they all vanished within darkness and everything became black.

(End of Chapter 3)
The first spirit (along with his sidekick in training) arrive to show Batula his past on what he use to be and who the former love of his life was.
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Sonic-fan17's avatar
wow great job! :clap: