
SU Remake 19A

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(OP: Reach for the Stars)

Sonic Underground Remake Ep 19: Haircraft from Space

Aleena: (narrating) Sometimes, the struggle of the Freedom Fighter wears on the spirit, but as Sonia, Nic, and Antoine would soon learn, relaxing one's guard for even a second leaves room for unscrubelous attack.

Somewhere at a beauty salon, a robotic lynx woman went to the phone as it rang.

Robot Lynx: Perminator Salon, where our slogan is "Hairsta la vista, baby!" Robecca speaking.

She paused for a few moments.

Robecca: Oh dear, now that is an emergency. Well, you just get frizzy little self down here.

She then hung the phone up. The robotic lynx walked up to the female ferret, fixing her hair.

Robecca: Well, Lady Meryl, guess who tried to do her own hair again, dried it, and fried it?

As she spoke next, two familiar canines glanced at where Lady Meryl was talking.

Meryl: Oh, that's so typical. It's not like with Nicolette. She knows better. I told Miss Swallow not to trust anyone, but you.

Robecca: Oh really?

Then, her eyes started spinning as she continued with a robotic tone.

Robecca: What else did you tell her?

Then, she looked dazed as she spoke.

Meryl: That I think Eggman is a ridiculous conceited buffoon.

Robecca: You don't say...

Then her eyes became normal as she finished.

Robecca: Okay, sweetie, that's it. You're done.

Meryl: Oh, perfect as usual! No wonder you're the hottest hair dresser in Robotropolis.

With that, she left her seat. Then, Robecca headed into the closet. At that moment, both Sleet and Dingo entered. Then, as she gathered the items, she gasped, noticing the two.

Robecca: Oh, I didn't see you there.

The two only walked closer to her as she gasped in fear.

Robecca: Oh, sorry, but-but this area isn't for customers.

She gasped in fear as Dingo grabbed her.


Then, the off button on her back was shut off as she shut down briefly.

Sleet: Finally...

She was placed down before her breasts opened up, revealing a locked tape inside. Sleet took out a key, unlocking the lock before taking out the tape inside.

Computer: Security system deactivated.

Sleet: Give me a blank tape.

The dingo gave him the blank tape, placing it in before Sleet activated the security and closing the opened compartment.

Sleet: Seriously...whoever designed her to open up the compartment by her breasts was a real sick pervert even more so than the Boss himself.

He then placed her near the shelves, pressing the on button before looking at Dingo.

Sleet: There...let's get out of here.

As soon as the two were gone, Robecca awoke before the robot lynx grinned, not aware of what happened.

Robecca: Who's next?

With that, she was off. At Knothole, Manic was practicing with his drumsticks.

Manic: Oh man! That was the coolest last night. Oh, the prince of dorkness has sure gotten his, didn't he?

Sonic: Yeah, he's gonna have to find someplace else to build his 'bots now.

Mina: Let's hope so.

Sonia, meanwhile, rolled some curlers on her hair as did Antoine to his own set.

Sonia: I cannot believe how primitive my life has become.

Antoine: I of ze Freedom Fighter is no easy matter.

Then, Antoine heard can crashing as he frowned.

Antoine: Oh, Manic, would you keep it down? We're trying to do our perms here!

Manic: Sure.

He then tapped on the TV, annoying the two.

Sonia: Oooooh!

Antoine: Not what I meant, fuel!

The two only frowned, taking the fashion magazine before heading to their separate rooms.

Manic: Man, everybody's a critic.

Just then, Sonia came to the room where Sonic was tossing empty cans before Sonic turned, noticing a leaky can on Sonia's curl as the pink hedgehog.

Sonic: Hey, nice do sis. You look like a recycle bin.

Sonia: Sonic the Hedgehog, you left an open can of soda in the living room!

She then took off the can in her hair before Sonic snatched it.

Sonic: Thanks, sis. So that's where I left it.

Sonia: (anger mark) Thanks, sis!? I just poured it all over my head! Now I have to shampoo my hair again!

Sonic: Hey, take a chill pill, sis. You used up all my soda and I'm not mad.

Sonia: AAAAGH!

She stomped away from the blue hedgehog as Knuckles, noticing, frowned to Sonic.

Sonic: What? What did I do?

At one of the rooms, Antoine looked around as Bunnie, Mina, Antoine, and Rotor heard a noise.

Antoine: Excuse me, Rotor, have you seen my hair dryer?

Mina: Huh?

Rotor: We can't hear you over that hair dryer.

Antoine: Oh crap...they didn't...

He dashed off while in the kitchen, part of the hair dryer was used on the hot dog and chili as both he and Sonia, arriving to the room, noticed. Antoine and Sonia both glared at where Sonic was, waiting near it.

Sonic: Want a chili dog?

Both: (angrily) SONIC!

Sonic: Yeah, I know. It's taking too long.

As he spoke next, he headed to the dryer mechanism while the echidnas entered.

Sonic: I'll turn it up to high.

Julie-su: He's gonna do what!?


It was too late as Sonic turned it up high. Then, the group watched in horror before it exploded, splattering chili all over and knocking them to the ground.

Sonic: Well, I guess I'm not hungry after all. He-he-he.

Antoine: OOoooh, you are so insensitive!

Sonia: Sonic the Hedgehog, you are so in trouble!

However, before the glaring ones could do anything, the others came as Cream looked concerned.

Cream: What's going on?

Sonic only shrugged nervously.

Cyrus: Uh oh.

Manic: Royal mad at 6 o'clock!

The two angrily glared at them. However, the two noticed something before Sonia took it. The two grinned at the picture of the magazine.

Sonia: Oh, I deserve this.

Antoine: We both soooo do deserve this really badly.

Later, at the salon, both Antoine and Sonia in disguises quickly headed to the salon. However, the two stopped as they noticed Bartleby coming out, turning away. The confused mink looked at them.

Bartleby: Hmmm...nah.

The two sighed as Bartleby was gone. Inside, the two removed their disguises as Nic noticed.

Nic: Sonia! Antoine! What are you two doing here?

Sonia: Trust me, Nic. You don't want to know what we've been through.

Nic: Lucky I just started. My stupid fiance got my head dunked into mud and ink and I had to come here today.

Then, Robecca gasped as she grinned lovingly to Antoine. She only shrugged it off before going to Sonia first, massaging her hair.

Robecca: Isn't that the new Tex Mex move? Oh, a little sticky, huh?

Sonia: You wouldn't believe it if both Antoine and I told you.

The three were placed with cucumbers on their eyes.

Robecca: Don't you worry, honey. A little aroma therapy will take care of your worries. You guys want an aura massage?

Nic: Since I'm here...give these two the works like you did earlier.

The pink hedgehog was sprayed with shampoo before she was massaged.

Sonia: Thanks, Nic. You really know how to negotiate with these situations.

Robecca: Oh, sweetie. You people are stressed. Why don't you tell Robecca all about it.

The cucumbers were removed as he spoke.

Antoine: Oh, my lady. I can tell you all about it. Nothing could harm us in such a way.

Robecca then looked at Sonia before she hypnotized her eyes.

Robecca: Just tell me all about it.

Sonia: (dazed) Well, our last mission was just really hard and the new rebel base is so prempt and dirty.

Antoine: Oui, I can tell. I just moved it somewhere close to where Robotnik's HQ is at and all and-

Nic: Whoa, near Eggman's!? That's suicide!

Robecca: Rebel Base?

Sonia: Yeah...and the command center is located right under Robotnik's backyard.

Nic: Damn, that must be tough for Eggman not to figure that out.

At the HQ, Robotnik listened to the message with the others.

Voice: Everytime I hear Robotnik say "Excellent", I can hardly keep from laughing. I think it's fairly secret if he knows.

He heard laughing before he turned it off.

Robotnik: Well, it's a good thing I made that do-bot to keep tabs on my "allies". Anyone who speaks against me will be immediately roboticised! Next tape.

The robots placed the next tape in as they heard Nic's voice.

Nic's Voice: Look, I only barely knew's just that...well...I'm more interested in Sleet.

He looked stunned, hearing her voice.

Nic's Voice: He's cool, awesome, can be protectful when needed...heck, I think I may be able to say much I fell in love with the guy.

The tape was turned off as Robotnik laughed cruelly.

Robotnik: Ooooh, that is precious. Nicolette, in love with a bounty hunter?

Decoe: That's so hilarious!

Bocoe: Yes! And thrilling too! How can she hang out with some rogue mutt like him?

The three only laughed as Sleet glared angrily, trying to hide his embarassing blushes.


Dingo: Sleet...I don't think it's funny either.

Robotnik: Just pick up the next tape from the do-bot.

Bocoe: It'll be a pleasure, sir.

Robotnik: Excel-uh...ahem. Um, good.

With that, he left as Sleet frowned to the robots.

Sleet: (to himself) But love with me?

Later, at the salon, Sonia, Antoine, and Nic smiled at the fixed hair.

Antoine: Oh la-la. Merci.

Sonia: It's exquisite.

Nic: Damn, you really are a lifesaver. A real lifesaver.

Just then, the door opened up as four familiar faces arrived, much to the four's shock. The other customers screamed as they ran out of the area.

Nic: Sleet and Dingo? What are they doing here? And with those dumb bots?

Sleet: (notices) Hedgehog and Coyote!

The three looked concerned as Robecca hid behind the chair with Nic on it.

Sleet: (points to Sonia) Get those two!

Quickly, the two ran for their lives. The Swatbots chased her as Dingo eyed to her.

Dingo: Sonia...

Bocoe: Don't go lovesick now!

Decoe: Just get the do-bot lynx behind the weasel girlfriend of Sleet's.

Sleet: Cut that out!

Nic: Girlfriend of what!?

Dingo growled, charging to the two. All while the two ran to the door. Just then, the door was hit, blocking the two.

Antoine: No! No!

The two looked worried while Dingo tried grabbing Robecca. The two frowned, with Antoine helping Sonia flipping near the shelf. She and Antoine quickly pushed the shelf together, knocking down the Swatbot after them.

Antoine: Hurry, Sonia!

Sonia twirled toward the remaining Swatbot, jumping over it and toward Dingo, knocking him down as he groaned. The two looked at the unconscious one before Robecca pressed the lever, sending Dingo upward.

Dingo: WHOA!

He crashed to the roof, getting stuck.

Nic: What do they want with you?

Robecca: I have no idea, sweeties. Emergency facial perhaps?

Antoine: Hmph, doubt it.

They yelped, dodging the laser. The non-metallic ones jumped away, with Nic being grabbed while the Swatbot fired toward them.

Sleet: Hey, don't harm Nic!

They dodged while the laser continued nearly hitting them. Quickly, Antoine noticed the sprinkler attached to the sink before spraying it on the robot, short circuiting it.

Robots: Ahhh! Our Swatbots!

It then exploded, destroying it.

Nic: Good work.

Quickly, they headed off, but Sleet stopped the three.

Sleet: Not so fast, you three.

Decoe: We don't care if you are in love with Sleet!

Bocoe: Because you're paying!

Nic looked shocked and worried as she turned to Sleet.

Nic: Sleet...tell the hell did you...

The wolf only looked down toward Nic before looking sternly toward Sonia and Antoine.

(Flip Card: Robecca)
A salon robot is hypnotizing people that go to her salon into revealing deep secrets. When Sonia, Nic, and Antoine go, the two Freedom Fighters spill the location of their new bases and Nic her confession about Sleet! Can she and the Sonic Heroes keep Robotnik from getting the information to the base? And what is with Robecca's crush on Antoine? Hints of SleetxNic
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JusSonic's avatar
Hoo boy, secrets got out thanks to the robot. Now things are going to happen! Continue!