
Nack and Psycho's AniToon Wars 6

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Literature Text

(Act 6)

Meanwhile, nearby a post, two men named Axel and Saix listened while a few voices spoke.

Youngish Voice: Okay, that was "Toki Ni Ai Wa" on the Midnight Shift. We're all right now.

Other Voice: If anyone has any requests, please call in.

Teen Voice: And not because it's about anything else or Bloo sleeping on the job again.

At that moment, Nic's group, minus the koopas, Sonic, and Tails arrived.

Nic: (salutes) TK-90210 reporting for duty, sir!

Axel: (snorts) Ha ha ha! You said "duty".

Saix: (roll eyes) Grow up, Axel.

Sleet: What are your-

Saix: (motions) Just a minute.

Southern Voice: We's got 'nother caller on 'de line. How is yew?

Axel: Oh, tell him I'm doing great. And tell him thanks for the advice.

He angrily slapped Axel.

Saix: We're sending a squad in.

Axel: Why?

Saix: We don't have any Southern hick working in that part of the DIP star!!

He turned on the com link.

Saix: Look, we're going to send people in and Bloo BETTER not have ditched his post to play paddle ball again.

Other Voice: Uh, no! No, no.

Teen Voice: Bloo says we have a reactor leak here, now.

Youngish Voice: So negative on your part.

Southern Voice: Uh, give us a few minutes 'ta lock it down. Uh, large leak. Very dangerous.

Saix: Who is this? What's your operating number? And why are you acting like this is a pirate radio station when it isn't a-

Just then, a blast was heard before the circuits were shorted.

Axel: (disappointed) Aw, I was just getting into that conversation!

Saix: Idiot! That means someone's trying to rescue the freak girl!

Axel: (snaps) Why didn't you say so?!

Saix: Ungh. All of you, directly go to Level Five, Detention Block AA-23!

The troopers with Axel darted off as did Dingo and Igor.

Dingo: Yeah!! Get them!

Igor: Dingo, wait! Wait for Igor!

Br'er Bear: I is gonna knock their heads clean off!!

Nic: Finally, some real action!

Most departed, leaving Nic, Sleet, Scalawag, Br'er Fox, Mina, and Nyx behind before Saix halted them.

Saix: Ah-dadadadadda! I need you to stay here and guard this post!

Nic: But but but...

Saix: That's an order!

Br'er Fox: Augh! Bantha droppings!

Scalawag: Something tells me we were better off NOT joining them.

Mina: Well, better than Bubsy appearing, right?

With Nack's group, the twelve arrived to the level.

Nack: ...and no matter what, we always did everything together.

Rouge: (frowns) Are you done?

Nack: Yep.

Rouge: Good. (cocks her gun) Then let's get going!

With Nic, she boredly watched Mina playing with her helmet.

Mina: Come on. This could probably cheer you up. Serious trooper.

She showed her serious face, placing it back on.

Mina: Happy trooper!

She removed it, showing her grinning before putting it back on.

Mina: Enigmatic trooper.

She looked enigmatic before continuing.

Mina: Sad trooper...

She showed her sad face.

Nic: It's not making me better.

Nack: (arriving) It's down here around this corner, and...

They stopped, yelping as they saw Nic's group.

Wander: Uh-oh!

Sylvia: You?!

Nyx: Hey, you're the ones with the stolen Death Star plans!

Apple Bloom: An' yur the ones who tried 'ta harm us!

Wander: And you're the ones who we don't know who you are!

Sarah: FIRE! (panics) FIRE!!

Rouge fired, hitting only the post as the six ducked.

Marine: Run!

Scalawag: Hey, that's coming out of my salary!

They chased the group with Mr. Bump and Swiper arriving, dodging Bowser Jr. and Hater trying to hit them.

Hater: COME BACK! I just wanna destroy you!!

Wander: (gasps) Hater!? Is that you? I didn't know you were on a trip to the DIP Star too.

Hater: (glares) You!! This gives me a chance to destroy Wander and Sylvia! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Wander: (pauses) Okay! Good luck with that!

Sylvia: Oh crud! Why here, out of all places?!

Peepers: (to the intercom) Commander Peepers to Watchdogs, Wander and Sylvia are in the building! Commence pursuit!

More cyclops soldiers arrived as they began chasing, firing at the good guys.

Wander: Oh look! They're giving us a greeting.

Sylvia: Those guys are trying to shoot us!

Wander: (blinks) Come on. Lord Hater wouldn't want to kill us, would he?

Meanwhile, in the trash compartment, as a voice shouted, a creature with a tentacle for a body and one eye called Pleakley looked around the trash area, picking up a few pieces before looking at a whole pizza nearby.

Southern Voice: (sarcastically) Great idea, Princess! Diving into a pile of garbage! Hey, maybe when we get out of here, you can show us around your home planet of Vegeta. Ohhhhhhhhh, too soon?

Down below, Eggman in scuba gear arrived to where Pleakley was.

Eggman: Come here, boy, come here, that's it. Come on.

Pleakley swam up to him.

Eggman: That's it. Now, now, whatta ya got for me there?

Pleakley: Well...

Eggman: Hey! You aren't supposed to talk. Just show me!

He showed an inhaler to the fat man.

Eggman: (grins) Ooh, is that PJ's inhaler? Nice! Now we're talkin'!

The inhaler was placed in the bag before a wet sandwich was shown.

Eggman: And what's this? This looks like a perferctly good bantha-cheese hoagie. Well, it's not good anymore. It's been underwater.

He scanned it, then gasped a bit.

Eggman: (amazed) Wow! According to this, it's reeking with Dark Force! PJ must've touched it. Put it in here.

It was placed in the bag.

Eggman: Anything else?

Pleakley holds up a box of pizza, making him frown.

Eggman: Really? Who throws away a good perfectly good pizza? That's stupid than Lex Luthor throwing his couch away!

He was given some of it.

Eggman: Just give me the Dark Force half. What else have you got for me?

Pleakley pulled down six people named Danny, June, Delete, Betty, Aurora, and Sora, whom were holding their breaths, choking a bit.

Eggman: (frowns) That's not trash, dummy, those are people! The people who keep trading pairings for little to no reason! Just put them back, I've got enough.

Pleakley: What, they are...

Eggman: Hey, hey! I said put them back and no talking! Honestly!

As Pleakley placed the choking six back to the surface, Eggman swam back.

Eggman: (looks bakc) Yeesh, you can lead a weirdo to garbage but you can't make him think.

Finally, the door behind him closed. After a moment, the door to the other side opened, spilling water before Eggman came out of the door, closing and locking it, preparing to leave before stopping.

Eggman: Uh-uh-uh! Don't forget to flush!

He pressed a button before the walls were heard moving with voices screaming.

Cowardly Voice: AHHHHHHHH!!

Delete's Voice: Yipes!

Snake's Voice: The wallsss are closing!

Vultureman's Voice: It's times like this I should have stayed home today!

Danny's Voice: Worse thing is, it's ghost proof!

June's Voice: And magic proof!

Sora's Voice: And keyblade proof!

Vultureman's Voice: Don't you think we get it by now!? It's for parody's sake! I get it, okay?!

Julayla's Voice: Don't just stand there! Try and brace it with something!

Eggman: Man, someone needs to oil that thing.

Courage's Voice: OOOOOOOOHHHH!!

Finally, Eggman placed the garbage into the trash can.

Eggman: Okay, come on, you two, let's go make some Sith happen.

Back with the trapped six, the eyes noticed the parts of the carbonite board shorting a bit. Quickly, the ponies and animals closed their eyes before the beeps were heard. Afterward, they were heated up before dethawing from the carbonite prison. After a few moments, Eggman arrived with the robots.

Eggman: Oh, hey, they fixed the door! Must've been a cancellation somewhere. I'm gonna go check on the Sith-inator. You go see if Sonic's evil yet.

Orbot: I hope he doesn't turn into something out of a nightmare.

Cubot: Yeah. I mean, "Sonic.exe." Brrrr!

However, they noticed nothing around.

Orbot: Where did we leave them? Behind this box?

Cubot: Maybe-

Just then, Pinkie Pie came out with a cannon, blasting the two as they screamed like R2D2, standing still before Eggman arrived.

Eggman: Idiots, what the heck are you standing around for? I thought I told you-

Just then, the robots began falling.

Eggman: (panics) Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!

Then, the robots crashed on to Eggman.

Eggman: (groans) Ooooh, dumb bots!

Rainbow: Hurry, while Eggman's down!

Quickly, they darted to the Sithinator, going to the controls before opening the compartment.

Carol: Come on, let's take care of this thing!

Lilac: Allow me.

She tapped the controls quickly while Eggman, groaning, got up as he noticed.

Eggman: Hey, get away from that! (darts to them) Spike, girls, you stay away from my machine! Don't make me—

He yelped as he was pulled by the mustache, making him yelp before being tossed through the doorway.

Eggman: No wait! Wait wait!

Then, he was kicked and hit by the animals before being pounced on, departing the room.

Eggman: Whooo!!!

At the Imperial Credit Union, as many people waited in line with one departing with the credits, two officers named Randall and Larxene waited before the female spoke to the reptile.

Larxene: You know, I'm thinking about getting a saxophone.

Randall: Huh, good for you.

Larxene: And you think Axel is getting distant from me?

Randall: I thought you were distant from HIM.

Just then, they heard crashing noises before noticing Eggman crashing through the wall, tumbling to near the line as they noticed him getting up.

Eggman: Grrr! (to the six) I'd like to see you try that again!

Spike: Right!

They kicked Eggman's face, causing them to break another wall.

Larxene: Uh, should we report that?

Randall: No! I'm not losing my place in line.

Larxene: So about me and Axel...

Randall: (annoyed) Look, keep me out of your love problems, okay?!

Back in the halls, the good guys ran through while dodging bolts and rifle fires.

Br'er Fox: Hey, git back here, y'all!

Lord Hater: Come back! I just wanna destroy you!

Just then, they all slipped on the disposal liquid with Hater, Peepers, & the Watchdogs being knocked out while Nic, Sleet, Scalawag, & Br'er Fox were all sliding to the opened door, screaming as they neared the ledge, quickly grabbing on.

Nic: AGH!

Sleet: Don't let go!!

Nyx: (notices) Oh no! They're in trouble! What do we do?

Applejack: (arriving) What in tarnation's goin' on 'ere?

As they struggled, none of them noticed Snake swinging on a ledge with Julayla hanging on while the troopers fired at the two swinging.

Br'er Fox: Help! Help!

Scalawag: Someone do something!!

Sleet: Get us up!

Nic: We're slipping!

Mina: Oh no!

The blond pony with mongoose hurried over, though slipped as they yelped. Quickly, they grabbed the raccoon and fox tail dangling.

Both: AGH!

Applejack: (muffles) Okay, not one o' our bettah plans.

Bowser Jr.: (peeks) Well, well, looks like they're dead. And I ain't falling. Which is good fo-

Just then, the koopa kid yelped, tripping before hanging on one of the sides, groaning.

Bowser Jr.: Darn it!!

Nyx: What do I do? What do I do? (gasps) Wait, maybe I can get some help from Eggman.

She darted off, leaving the others behind. Inside where the Sithinator was, Nyx looked inside.

Nyx: Eggman, anyone, can you help us? We got a situation and we need-

Just then, a familiar light hit the female pony girl, making her scream before falling to the ground. After a moment, something from the shadows pulled her away. Back with the good guys, they, minus the foes, recovered, noticing the situation.

Apple Bloom: Oh my gosh! They's in trouble!

Swiper: That's not good.

Marine: And they're slipping.

Mr. Bump: (gasps) Junior's in trouble!

Miss Calamity: (confused) Junior?

Nack: Bump's right, we gotta help 'em!

Twilight: Nack's right. It wouldn't be right to leave them like this. If we did, we'd be no better than the Empire.

They darted to the ones slipping.

Rouge: Don't be a bunch of fools!

Sarah: You guys do that. I have to find Psycho.

She darted off with Rouge groaning.

Rouge: Am I the only sane person left here?!

Sarah: (shouting/departing) Nope! Just the opposite!

Mr. Bump: It's Opposite Day! Hooray!

The female weasel and wolf struggled with the ones clinging to their tails, whimpering as they almost slipped with Nic screaming a bit. Finally, the group screamed before being held.

Marine: Gotcha, blokes!

Wander: Hey, are you okay?

Bowser Jr.: (annoyed) Oh great, saved by my enemies: a new low.

Miss Calamity: You know, Bump and I COULD drop you and-

Bowser Jr.: (quickly) Being rescued's fine.

Mr. Bump: Besides, you ain't really bad! You are just on the wrong side!

Finally, they were safely pulled up, landing on the platform, sighing a bit.

Scalawag: What? Why did...?

Br'er Fox: How in 'de...?

Mina: Fox Boy? You...

Swiper and Mina both looked at one another, both starting to blush a bit while Nack and Nic looked as did the others that were rescued.

Applejack: Wow...'tank y'all.

Apple Bloom: (smiles) It was nothing, miss.

Scalawag: Why would you save us, let alone me?

Sleet: You're a bunch of Rebels.

Nack: You were in trouble. And we couldn't just leave ya hanging...literally.

Wander: Plus I help those in need when I have to, ESPECIALLY to people who aren't right in the head.

Mr. Bump: That and you are on the wrong side.

Marine: Tell me...who are you? And why are you familiarish to-

Just then, a blaster went off, making everyone yelp and duck.

All: WHOA!!

Fluttershy: AHHH! We're under attack!

As the rebels departed, Sleet glared at where Dingo's group was, up above them.

Sleet: Darn it, Dingo! Watch where you're shooting that thing!

Dingo: Seriously! Why don't they put safeties on these blasters?

Just then, he accidentally fired once more, hitting someone named Syndrome (wearing his trooper helmet) as he screamed, falling to his death.

Dingo: Sorry, my bad!

Syndrome: Hey, don't worry about it! I'm planning on hitting the wall and sliding down until I catch onto a radio antenna! (panics) Oh no! Wait, that's Cloud City I'm thinking of!

Outside of space, Syndrome crashed through the walls, flying into space.

Syndrome: Oh, crud!

Back in the DIP Star, the others frowned to Dingo.

Sleet: (slaps his forehead) Idiot!

Dingo: What? No one likes him anyway!

Finally, Nic and the others looked at where the good guys once were.

Br'er Fox: But why would 'dey save us?

With the good guys, they ran through the halls with Rouge frowning.

Rouge: You're either really brave or really stupid!

They arrived to a vent chute with Scootaloo smirking.

Scootaloo: Well, guys, looks like your luck hasn't run out yet.

They looked, noticing the familiar faces heading to where the Cursed Beast was.

Nack: There's the Beast and that cyber turkey!

Miss Calamity: And why is one of them dragging a couch from the garbage to the ship?

Mr. Bump: I don't know but I want one!

Swiftly, the gang darted to the stairs while down below, the troopers fired at the Cursed Beast flying away with a figure holding the couch steady outside the ship.

Southern Figure: Easy!

As soon as it was gone, the group looked stunned.

Sylvia: (frowns) Oh that's just great! We missed it again!

Marine: It's getting away! But we've gotta get the disc to...

Rouge: Quick! Back to my ship!

However, Nack stopped her.

Nack: Wait. What about Rarity, Rocket, Harvey, and Psy?

Twilight: And that Nyx girl and Sarah?

Fluttershy: We can't leave without them.

Rouge: If we don't leave now, we'll lose the Beast.

Mr. Bump: But Prince Adam isn't in this movie!

Rouge: Wrong Beast, idiot!

Nack: But I can't leave my brother and friends.

Rouge: (indignantly) Tick-tock, tick-tock!

Wander: Oooh! What's the right thing to do? Deliver some silly disc or find our friends who are in need of help?

Twilight: I think we know the obvious choice.

Sweetie: What is it?

Twilight: Sweetie, you go with Rouge, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

The disc was given to the four.

Swiper: Right, you've gotta take the disc back to Didge. We'll go find our friends.

Marine: My relative too, ya know.

Rouge: If I leave, I am not coming back!

Nack: Fine. Just make sure you deliver the disc to the cyber turkey.

Rouge: Fine...and don't expect any more favors from me, weasel boy.

Nack: Come on, Rouge. Just do it.

Rouge: How do you know I won't just go back to Shiitake?

As they departed from the four, Nack shouted.

Nack: I trust you!

Rouge: Remember that "brave or stupid" thing? I know which one it is!

Finally, she ran off with the CMC following. As they did, Apple Bloom and Sweetie looked concerned.

Scootaloo: Don't worry, they'll be fine.

Sweetie: I know. I'm just worried about my sister.

With Nack's group, the good guys ran through the halls before screeching to a halt by the glowing red door.

Twilight: Wait a second...

They slowly walked inside with Wander gasping.

Wander: Gosh, they must really want to have a big camera room.

Sylvia: I don't know, Wander. This place seems to give me the heebie jeebies.

Twilight: One of these must be...

Twilight turns on a monitor which shows Katz in the shower singing badly.

Katz: (singing badly) La la la la! Sith lords! La la la! I am cool!

Most: AHHHH!!


The monitor was quickly turned off.

Marine: (shivers) Jibblie, jibblie, jibblie!

Nack: Man, that thing was creepy!

Twilight: (sweatdrop) Who said he could sing?

Miss Calamity: (points) I think we got bigger problems right now.

They gasped, noticing the Sithinator device now with many lasers shown.

Nack: What is that?

Swiper It looks like it was built by...someone we know.

Then, to their notice, they saw Nyx stomping over as she had her eyes closed.

Nyx: (sounding mature) Stay where you are.

Mr. Bump: Hey, that cute little pony girl. Uh...(gulps) why do you sound older?

Nack: And why do you look cute? But don't tell Psy I call you that. He freaks out by stuff cuter than him.

Nyx: Oh I will show you. My partners and I have made a grandest of all schemes once hit by this machine...and now you shall deal with the wrath of the Sith Clan and one of the partners...(glowing) NIGHTMARE MOON!!

Her horn shot out a bolt as darkness engulfed the area. The group winced while it showed black wings becoming bigger bat-like wings with her gaining some blue armor garments, and her eyesglowing before showing a bluish slit eye with her mane and tail wavey. The foe now known as Nightmare Moon slammed to the ground, showing some familiar faces (most hidden) with Psycho wearing a dark straitjacket with Darth Maul-like paint on his face, eyes glowing as well.

Most: (shocked) Whoa.

Mr. Bump: (pauses) Cool face paint!

(End of Act 6)
The chase commences with Nic's group being saved by Nack's group, Nyx alongside Sarah go missing, Rouge with the Cutie Mark Crusaders split from them, Rainbow and friends freeing themselves, and the results of them seeing what the Sithinator did to Nack's friends, including Psycho!
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JusSonic's avatar
Oh great! Things are turning bed now! Good work though.