
NAP: Nack and Psycho Save Christmas 2

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Julayla-64's avatar

Literature Text

(Act 2)

Back in the Marvelous Queen, as the gang continued through the ride, Eduardo began laughing with glee, smiling to Ansem whom was covering his eyes.

Mac: Sun gettin' to you?

Ansem: (nods) Yes, it's not as bright at night. I'm usually here at night.

Grounder opened his compartment, taking out red/blue 3D glasses.

Grounder: (grins) Here you go. I always keep an extra pair.

Ansem: Oh, thank you, Mr. Robot.

Grounder: That's not how the song goes! It's "Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto".

Coconuts: (annoyed) Did you listen to that stupid song 20 times again?

Grounder: You just jealous because I can dance!

Psycho: You know, I don't want to insult you or nothin', being that we just met and all that, but do you know who you remind me of?

The man glanced at the plastic toy he tried on before looking at him.

Ansem: Santa Claus?

Psycho: I guess you hear that a lot.

Ansem: Oh, yes. But then, it's to be expected.

Bloo: What? Because you look like him?

Ansem: Because I AM him.

Bloo: Oh brother. (mockingly) Because you "am" him. (frowns) What a load of-

Psycho: (gasps) Oh my gosh!!

Eduardo: Holy tamales! I is so happy!! It IS him!! Hooray!!

Dingo: Huh. Well, how about that?

Grounder: Funny, I thought he would be younger.

Nack: Yeah, Psy and I used to dream of some guy knocking Santa off the roof...and before that, he was battling an evil toymaker while being prophized to give toys out to kids while having none of his own.

Ansem: Yes, it's probably time travelling that has something to do with it.


Nack: Okay, okay, I can see how we would remember the different things, so maybe there are 3 different origins of Sora Claus. Can you blame us for remembering differently?


Bloo: (frowns) What?! That's not Santa! If he was, I demand to see some proof! Where's that present I want?

Mac: (annoyed) Bloo, knock it off. It's bad enough we got chased out of the airport, we don't need you making a mess of things.

Wilt: Yeah, sorry, but I gotta agree. It's sort of hard to prove who he is while we're all in a moving vehicle.

Frankie: Look, let's just take him the museum, THEN see the proof, okay?

Eduardo: (frowns) Azul's only saying he don't believe because he KNOWS he is naughty.

Back at the airport, Muscle Man driving the loading cart with crates hummed a bit. As he continued, unknown to him, Hi-Fives, still stuck on one of the crates, groaned.

Hi-Fives Ghost: Ooooh.

Back on the road, the gang noticed a truck with trees passing by before Nic smelled the pine needles.

Nic: (grins) Ahhh. Smell those Christmas trees.

As they continued, the gang began driving behind the tree truck.

Psycho: You can keep your "Channel” Number 5. Just give me a whiff of the old lonesome pine: that symbol of brotherly love, that centerpiece that all mankind gathers around to share the cranberry sauce shaped like a can.

Batula: (sweatdrops) Your metaphors are confusing sometimes, Psycho.

Psycho: My what now?

Just then, the top tree fell on the street as they noticed.

Most: Ahhh!

Nack: Whoa, little tree!

He quickly screeched to the grass side of the road.

Nack: Stay calm, Tannenbaum, I'll get you out of this.

He quickly slammed the breaks, causing Psycho, Bloo, and the dumb bots to be flung to the front and hit the windshield.

Nack: This is what happens when you guys don't buckle up.

Psycho: Ah they cost lives than they save.

Then, the Marvelous Queen began backing up a bit.

Nack: (glancing back) Even in emergency situations, always follow safe driving rules.

The cars honked as they quickly moved away.

Nack: You'll notice that I am using my emergency signal indicators, when in reverse.

A few cars moved, though crashing in the proccess, making Dingo chuckle and the others wince a bit.

Frankie: (frowns) Why are we going back for a tree?

Eduardo: But it is little Christmas Tree that got lost.

Psycho: That and finders keepers.

As a few more were crashing, the duo weasels got out as they gasped, noticing the car ahead screeching and trying to turn and stop before it was inches from the fallen tree.

Psycho: Holy crap!!

Quickly, the two snatched up the tree.

Eduardo: (sighs) The tree is okay, amigos!!

Bloo: (dryly) Lucky us.

Psycho: Open up!

The vehicle opened up a bit.

Nack: Here, hold this for a minute.

They shoved the tree, though it caused part of the vehicle to break with Bloo squished.

Bloo: Gah!

Nack: Watch your head.

The angered drivers honked as they glared at the two hopping in.

Psycho: They really bunch up at this exit. Know what I mean?

Finally, the Queen zoomed off with the passangers groaning with Ansem's group stuck with the tree.

Frankie: (shivers) Something tells me we're gonna get sued for this.

Ansem: (pauses) I take it you really needed a tree?

Nack: (scoffs) No, I've already got one, but I've got a friend who could use it.

Psycho: Yeah, some friend he is. Actually, it's a friend of Bowser's. Actually, he's not a friend at all, just a Koopa Racist rhino.

Ansem: Hmmm, in other words, someone who should be on the naughty list.

Psycho: AND is a liar.

Hiram: (frowns) You are aware that you don't know how to change subjects right, don't you?

Psycho: Change what now?

Eduardo: Besides, it'd be a shame for it to be alone on Christmas. No tree wants to be lonely. It needs a family to call on their own like a perito.

Bloo: What do Burritos have to do with this?

Ansem: Huh. It's nice to find somebody with such devotion to Christmas.

Nack: Yeah! As long as it isn't Christmas everyday. I mean, a wish like that can be a pain!

Psycho: You know, I have to be honest: I don't tell many people this, but Christmas is just about my favorite time. Ever since I was a little kid, I always felt like it was my own personal holiday. (motioning) I'm at one with the yuletide. Know what I mean?

Ansem: (chuckles) I know exactly what you mean.

Psycho: I even memorized the names of all the reindeer, like "Donder" and "Blister".

Batula: (frowns) Zat's "Blitzen".

Psycho: Who?

Back at the airport, both Muscle Man and Hi-Fives tilted themselves with Muscle Man looking at the label.

Muscle Man: It says, "Hold for pickup by..." (glances) What is that? An "M"?

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: (points) No. Right here. That's an "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: "M."

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

He squealed in anger before ripping the paper, then showed it to Hi-Fives.

Muscle Man: (points) That is an "M." It says, "Hold for Helper Elmes." (pauses) You know what? This is probably Amish. It could even be Quaker. Only thing I know is that it's French.

The ghost glanced at the letter.

Hi-Fives Ghost: "V."

Muscle Man: That's why I'm in charge and you ain't.

Hi-Fives Ghost: But what if it's actually "Elves"?

Muscle Man: Oh that's it, Hi-Fives! I need you to go on back to work. (pushes him) Get going. See you. Smell you later.

He pushed the ghost away before glancing back at the letter. Just then, something in the box wobbled a bit, making him turn and look confused before his eyes shook a bit. Meanwhile, inside the city itself, the familiar figures at the stop were fixing up the tree correctly.

Batula: should hold better now.

Frankie: (relieved) That's good because I was spitting some loose pine needles earlier.

Mac: (concerned) Still...why was that sack shaking earlier?

Ansem: (to the group) Did you ever hear of a person named Sora?

Psycho: Which Sora? We got lots of Soras?

Ansem: I believe it is a male named Sora.

Nack: (pauses) Okay, that makes more sense. Uh...nope. It don't ring a bell.

Psycho: Should I have?

Ansem: Hmmm, how about Sora the Keyblade Holder?

Hiram: (ponders) Let's see...Sora...Keyblade Holder...

Coconuts: I think he meant  the guy who does "Cousin Sora’s Tree House".

Most gasp in shock.

Bloo: Wait, THAT Sora?! Are you kidding?!

Psycho: We remember that!

Dingo: (singing) They never get old
They always stay new
Those 3 little words
"please" and "thank you"

He then pointed with a smirk.

Dingo: (ala Fonz) 'ey!

Sleet: (hits Dingo) Don't do that again!

Dingo: The singing or the Fonz!

Sleet: Either and/or both!

Psycho: I haven't seen that show in years.

Mac: (grins) Is he still on the air?

Ansem: Well, he was until 3 weeks ago, and then it was canceled.

Nack: Yeah, some good shows end too soon.

Psycho: And some ended without a conclusion. (frowns) Did Tony Soprano live or die at the end of the series?!

Nic: The world may never know.

Eduardo: I guess he don't got to worry.

Nic: (nods) Well, by now he must be rolling in mucho dinero.

Ansem: Well, you don't get rich by doing a once-a-week children's program on local TV. You've got to do it for other reasons. (grins) And that's why I'm here.

Dingo: To get a TV show of your own???

Tron's Voice: Meanwhile, as this was going on and when Bowser was stealing wallet money, I was having troubles of my own.

Bowser's Voice: We never established who stole what!

At a restaurant, as Bowser was holding Junior with Mr. Bump tied on a fishing stick, leaning near an unsuspecting person, the familiar little girl came out of the restaurant as the waiter began going after her.

Waiter: Hey, hey! (grabs her) Hey, hold it! Hold it.

She yelped a bit when she was grabbed, neither of them noticing Mr. Bump trying to get some money from the person's wallet.

Waiter: (shows the bill) You forgot something.

Tron: Take it easy, mister. Uh, it's not me, you know. It's my brother. He does this to me all the time. I swear, we go out, right? And he says he has the money, and then we eat. Then he says he has to go to the bathroom and sneaks out.

As she continued, the waiter sighed a bit.

Tron: And just when the check comes, I'm left with no money and this stupid look on my face.

Mr. Bump: (quietly) Psst. Junior, what's she talking about? She was alone and stealing other people's food.

Bowser Jr.: (quietly) SHHH! She ain't our problem. Just do what Warren and Argit's doing and fish for charity money. (to himself) Good thing they're fishing for Calamity's money.

Mr. Bump: (quietly) You sure this is the right way to donate?

Bowser: Shhh!

Tron: (fake tears) And I swear, it won't happen again. Please, mister, just let me go this time. Okay?

Waiter: (frowns) You expect me to believe that?

Tron: No, I swear it's true. (points) Look! There's my brother now. There he is!

He frowned a bit.

Tron: Hey (waves) Mattie!

As he turned to where Junior's group was, the blond named Matt looked confused.

Matt: What? Who are you?

Waiter: (snaps) Hey! What are you doing?!

Bowser: (sweatdrops) Oh crap!!

The two jumped as Mr. Bump was dropped.

Matt: What the hell are you guys-?

Bowser Jr.: (panics) CHEESE IT!! THE FUZZ!!

As they did, Tron quickly ran, going passed Warren and Argit, whom were both noticed by Miss Calamity.

Miss Calamity: Hey, that's my money for Decemberween!!

Argit: Oh crap!!

Quickly, the six screamed as they darted off.

Six: AHHHH!!

Waiter: (shouts) Hey!

Miss Calamity: Boys, get back here!! You took my credit cards!!

Argit: Run run!

Miss Calamity: (darts off) Get back here!!

She followed as well.

Other Waiter: (notices) Hey, you didn't pay for yours!!

As that was happening, the Queen rode down the streets while the familiar six darted down the streets with a bored Mall Santa ringing the bell. As that happened, Miss Calamity hoppd over a man with gifts before the waiters crashed.

Most: Ungh!!

As that was happening, Junior noticed some gum rolls in the box, tossing it down as the chasers tried recovering, though slipped. Just then, the ones in the Marvelous Queen noticed Tron's group, screaming as Nack slammed on the breaks. Bowser yelped as he was hit while Bloo, once more, crashed to the window.

Bowser & Bloo: Ow.

Voice: (points to Tron) Is she all right?

Tron: (looks back) Crud!

Bowser Jr.: (notices) Hey, it's those guys we know! Get in!!

The six jumped into the Marvelous Queen as Tron pleaded.

Tron: (worried) Please, mister, go, go, go!

Mr. Bump: But what about my goil who-

However, Argit slammed the gas as most yelped with Miss Calamity arriving, then noticing the rope on the ground tied to her foot.

Miss Calamity: (sweatdrops) What a calamity.

She screamed, being dragged as the Marvelous Queen took off with screaming heard inside. As that happened, the waiters glared, looking at where Tron's group had departed. The watiers frowned, looking at the Mall Santa before growling.

Waiter: Ding!

Other Waiter: Dammit!!

Inside the Marvelous Queen, Bowser, Argit, Warren, and Junior laughed as they each hi-fived one other.

Bowser: Another great escape for the ultra koopa. He-he-he-he.

Warren: (shows the cash) And we didn't go empty handed either.

Argit: (shows the cards) I managed to get Calamity's credit cards while taking the "charity" we needed.

Hiram: (snaps) What the hell were you guys thinking?! Stealing on Christmas!?

Bowser Jr.: It's called "getting charity".

Tron: By the way, those guys. Those were my mean uncles. They make me work in that restaurant like a slave. They keep me locked up in the basement with rats and filth, and I just escaped.

Hiram: (snaps) RAT?!

Tron: (quickly) One which is not him!

Mr. Bump: But didn't I see you steal money from people while you ate the free stuff and stole other people's foods?

Tron: (annoyed) You're not helping. (to the others) Please don't let them get me, okay?

Bowser Jr.: Are you really saying that or are you just like me and my King Dad who are criminals and make stuff up just to steal another day?

Tron: (shocked) You're criminals too!?

Bowser: Only when we're working. (pause) The thieving was a hobby.

Mr. Bump: Yeah, I know most of us have thieving as a hobby like you do. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Plus I saw (points) Grounder steal blood one time.

Grounder: Yeah and I had to keep the blood on for a while. Ha-ha-ha. What a week.

Nic: (sighs) Kid, riddle me this: Was the restaurant too expensive?

Tron: Yeah, it's 50 dollars for a meal.

Most: Yeesh!!

Argit: (frowns) No way in hell am I paying that. It's robbery.

Bowser Jr.: Yeah! I only let Moe robbed me when it comes to rip off restaurants!

Psycho: And let me just say this: (as John Wayne) Well, not to worry, little lady. You're safe with us, pilgrim.

Batula: Fine...but only until ve return you to your family, whoever you are.

Tron: (sighs) Thanks. The name's Meg Griffin. Remember that name, because I'll be famous someday.

Bowser Jr.: (frowns) Shut up, Meg.

Tron: (to herself/sweatdrops) Okay, I think I chose a wrong name that time.

Bowser Jr.: We will call you Roll, because you sure look like one.

Mr. Bump: Yeah, Roll fits you better 'til we learn your real name.

Eduardo: Hola Roll. Mes nombre es Eduardo.

Wilt: (grins) Hi, I'm Wilt. (points) This is Coco. She doesn't say much.

Coco: Co co co co.

Mac: I'm Mac, this is Frankie, and that guy is my Imaginary Friend, Bloo.

Bloo: (smirks) What up?

Nack: I'm Nack, (points) he's Psycho. We're Bounty Hunters.

Psycho: And proud of it. (points) The others are Nack's sister Nic, Sleet the Wolf, Dingo, Bat Squirrel, Bowser, his son Junior, Mr. Bump, Hiram the King of Mice, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Warren T., and Argit

Ansem: And I'm Santa Claus.

She looked a bit stunned a bit.

Tron: Uh...

Dingo: Surprised?

Tron: No, no. No-Not really.

Mr. Bump: (realizes) And oh yeah...(points outside) the girl clinging to life on the rope that's on the tree is my goil, Miss Calamity.

Bowser Jr.: (dryly) What?

Tron: She's STILL here?!

They looked outside as a few gasped, noticing Miss Calamity clinging to life as the rope was pulling her around.

Miss Calamity: AHHHH!! GET ME INSIDE!!

Argit: (shouts) Only if you don't kill us!!

Miss Calamity: (groans) I KNOW I'm not gonna enjoy this.

(End of Act 2)
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JusSonic's avatar
That looks great. Good work.