
KNS: Terror Tales of the Park 2: KNS Style 3

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Literature Text

(Act 3)

A bit later, as a tow truck pulled Skips' van out of the tree, the group (all whom survived) looked upset.

Benson: I hope you two are proud of yourselves. Look where your "scary stories" got us now!

Sakaki: Benson, calm down!

Osaka: She's right. It wasn't stories that got us into the mess. (points) It was Rigby and Bowser.

Rigby: Hey! Skips should've watched where he was going! Besides, Bowser started it.

Bowser: (to Benson) Hey, it wouldn't have happened if YOU, Benson, didn't ban story telling, asshole!

Benson: (furiously) JUST GET IN THE TOW TRUCK!

Rigby: Okay! Okay!

Bowser: Fine, asshole!!

They departed to the tow truck with Benson looking at the tow truck guy.

Benson: Listen, there's a party we need to get to, do you mind dropping us off?

Tow Truck Guy: No problem, chief.

A bit later, the truck headed down the road with the van being towed. After a few moments, the truck stopped, being stuck in a long line of traffic.

Rigby: This is going to take forever!

Tomo: Yeah, what the crap?!

Osaka: I'll be honest, even if we DIDN'T get lost, we woulda been late anyhow due to the traffic here.

Benson: (sighs) I KNEW I should've asked to check the road before we left.

Mr. Nervous: Um...I have an idea: Anyone got another story...but only IF it's a not-so-scary one?

Chiyo: Yeah-ah! A not-so-scary one is a good idea.

Benson: (frowns) Are you kidding me? We just got in an accident, Pops is scared half to death, and you want to tell more stories?!

Mr. Nervous: (yelps) I said "Not-so-scary"! The others were terrifying and I'm trying to find a positive side to all of this, okay?!

Pops: Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing one more tale.

Muscle Man: Yeah, they've been pretty good.

Thomas: I'm down.

Skips: It would be nice to hear one while I'm not driving.

Rigby: See, Benson, even Skips wants to hear one!

All (but Benson): (randomly) Come on! Please! I want one! Let's hear one! I'm so desperate! Stories! Stories!

Benson: (frowns) Ugh! Okay! Okay! Okay! Fine! You all just have to hear one more story? Fine!

Miss Scary: I got an idea suggestion for you, Mr. Nervous: Frankenstein!

Mr. Nervous: (panics) AHHH! Now I don't feel like it!

Benson: I wasn't finished, Miss Scary. I said we'll hear one more, but this time I'm telling the story!

Rigby: Aw, what?

Mr. Nervous: Good idea! I don't feel like telling one anymore!!

Benson: Anyway...

Rigby: Wait, does it involve monkeys?

Benson: (turning red) NO!

Rigby: Okay, go on!

Some: (annoyed) Fine.

Benson: Now pay attention, you just might learn something.

Peter: (to the camera) Everyone, brace yourselves. This is probably one of Benson's character bashing stories getting involved.

Benson: (annoyed) Who are you talking to? Weirdo.

(Segment 3: Wallpaper Man)

At the familiar park house, the room to Mordecai and Rigby's opened with the duo and friends laughing.

Rigby: Pickles. He-he-he.

Hotaru: Yeah, that's funny.

Just then, Benson arrived, tossing wallpaper equipment to the group, almost hitting them.

Jack: Whoa, watch it!

Mordecai: What's all this?!

Benson: You guys are re-wallpapering the house today.

Mordecai: Aw, what?!

Rigby: Why?!

Benson: (points) Because of that!

He pointed to where the drawing of Rigby said "This job is like prison!" and a drawing of Mordecai was saying "I found a way out!" before a hole from the wallpaper was shown before chuckling was heard.

Rigby: Wait, how do you know it was us?! It could've been Puppetmon or Jack's doing.

Both: (frowns) What?!

MetalSeadramon: Well you two DO like to get in trouble too.

Mordecai: Come on. It could've been anyone else!

Benson frowns as he points to a drawing of the two showing their butts saying 'Benson Sucks Ass'.

Mordecai: (sweatdrop) Oh.

Benson groaned in annoyance.

Mordecai: Okay, okay, fine, we'll just patch up that one spot!

Hotaru: Won't it look very bad?

Jack: It's no problem...the lines are horizontal, right?

Some: Vertical.

Jack: Damn!

Benson: Besides, no, you can't, because that wallpaper is discontinued, so you gotta do the whole house with this new stuff so it all matches!

Rigby: But we don't even know how to wallpaper walls!

Hotaru: And besides, we don't even KNOW what kind of wallpaper you got us.

Benson angrily tossed the instructions to the eight.

Benson: Just follow the instructions, and make it nice or you're doing it over again.

Rigby: You didn't have to throw the equipment at us!

Benson: (departing) Yes, I did!

Hotaru: And me too?

Benson: (snaps) ESPECIALLY you!!

Finally, he was gone as Jack groaned.

Jack: Yeesh, what an ass!

Benson's Voice: I heard that!

Jack yelped, clutching to the annoyed Piedmon. A bit later, Rigby was reading the instructions before looking at the gang, whom were truggling with the wallpaper, which was falling off the wall while it looked badly.

Rigby: No, no, no! Step 5A: Smooth the glue paste BEFORE applying the paper, 5B: Smooth the paper and apply the glue paste.

Mordecai: Wait, what?

Rigby: Gah! I don't know, man! These don't make any sense.

Mordecai: Agh! I hate wallpapering!

Jack: Yeah, what the crap is the point?! It's like Mr. Fussy forcing us to do chores all over again!

Mordecai: Except we just tolerate Fussy. Benson is another story!

MetalSeadramon: Well this sucks! I just wish we could get someone else to do it.

To their notice, they saw the TV in the hallway turning on, showing an ad for anti-wallpapering.

Man: Do you hate wallpapering, trying to do it yourself, but the instructions just don't make sense?

Mordecai: (shocked) Did you turn on the TV?

Rigby: No.

Hotaru: Who brought the TV here?

Puppetmon: Not me this time!

They saw a man in overalls waving while in a nice living room.

Man: Hi. I'm Jan, the Wallpaper Man. I'm here to do away with all your wallpaper problems, and believe me, I've been there.

He was then shown holding wallpapers before dropping them to the ground.

Jan: Nobody likes wallpapering, not even me! I've just been doing it for over 40 years and have gotten pretty darn good at it, so let me deal with all the headaches for you.

Rigby: (dryly) Yeah if only we had a million bucks!

Jan: Now you're probably thinking "Yeah, if only we had a million bucks!" And normally, you'd be right!

They looked a bit stunned.

Jan: (grins) But with Jan the Wallpaper Man, the first job's free!!

All: Wwwhhhaatttt???

Jan: That's right. I'll wallpaper your whole house for free, but in return I only ask that for your next wallpaper job, you call old Jan here first.

All: Wow.

Jan: A free job for first dibs on your second job, now that sounds like a good deal, right!?

The phone number appeared below himself.

Jan: So call 555-01WALLPAPERMAN and I'll wallpaper your house, I really will!

Finally, the TV shut itself off just as Muscle Man arrived.

Muscle Man: Why is the TV in the hallway?

Machinedramon: I don't have a clue to even HOW it got from the living room to here!!

Rigby: Gah! The TV's possessed!

Mordecai: Hey Muscle Man, do you ever order stuff off the TV?

Muscle Man: Oh for sure! Especially if it's a local business. I once bought some sweet old-replica hand grenades from this old army dude off the TV, and it turns out they were the real deal!

Mordecai: What? No way!

Muscle Man: Remember when the shed exploded last week and I told you it was lightning?

Rigby: Yeah it wasn't even raining.

Muscle Man: Exactly. I'm getting a second shipment today. I'm telling you, local TV dudes always come through for you.

He walked backward from the group.

Hotaru: (pauses) Should we call him?

Mordecai: Maybe. I know Benson's credit card number!

Rigby: What? What was his credit number?

Mordecai: 12345!

Rigby: 12345? (frowns) That's the stupidest combination I've heard in my life! It sounds like something some idiot would put on his luggage!

Jack: (sweatdrops) Yeeeah.

Hotaru: But he said the first one's free.

Mordecai: It's just in case we want it redone.

Later, at the front of the house, the doorbell rang before the door opened with a familiar man waving.

Jan: Hi there. Jan the Wallpaper Man.

Mordecai: Oh great. Come in, Come in.

Jan: (entering) Well okay.

Mordecai: (limping oddly) Walk this way.

Jan: If I could walk that way, I wouldn't be in the wallpaper business.

Some: Augh.

After he entered, the man glanced at the area.

Piedmon: So this is it, you'll do the whole house, right?

Rigby: For free, right?

Jan: Yes, yes, the whole house for free.

Rigby: We don't even have to tip you?

He turned back, smiling a bit.

Jan: Nope, nope, nothing like that. I promise.

Mordecai: Ha ha, great.

Jan: And it's just you two here?

Hotaru: Ah, no, there bunch of people out of this place. Should we clear everyone out?

Jan: Oh, no, no, that's fine. I'll deal with them if I see them.

Mordecai: Well, we got some important video games to play. So we'll leave you to it.

Jack: Come on, I got the Smash Bros. game and Wii U upstairs!

Puppetmon: 8 Player Mode, here I come!

Quickly, the eight headed upstairs.

Jan: Okay, thank you, sirs and ma'am!

He then squinted his eyes suspiciously with a cruel grin.

Jan: (darkly) I'll be done in no time.

French Narrator: 3 Hours Later...

A bit later, the eight playing the game saw the Game Over screen.

Rigby: Augh!

Mordecai: Let's take a break.

Rigby: (wincing) I can't feel my thumbs.

Mordecai: (glares) That's because you're playing with your feet.

Rigby is shown playing with his feet.

Rigby: Hey, I find that I can play better this way.

Jack: I can't feel either of my body parts.

Hotaru: (sighs) Let's go check and see that wallpaper guy's done.

The group went outside the room, noticing the entire hallway with peculiar red striped with deep purple color.

Eight: Whoa!

Machinedramon: Nice!

Rigby: (touches the wallpaper) Check out this new wall shine.

Mordecai: (grins) Dude, this is the best idea we've ever had.

Rigby: Let's check out the rest of our house.

Jack nods as he opens a door, yelping as a bunch of junk fell on him.

Jack: Gah! Broom closet!

Jack pushes the stuff aside before closing the door.

Jack: (shrugs) Can't be right all the time.

Just then, they heard three familiar screams, being shocked.

Mordecai & Rigby: POPS!

Jack: Rika!

Hotaru: Renamon, too!

Quickly, they rushed to the staircase, which like almost everything else was covered by the same wallpaper then gasped, noticing the three mentioned being put underneath the wallpaper by Jan.

Pops: (panics) BAD SHOW! BAD SHOW! BAD SHOW!!

Rika: AGH!

Renamon: Stop this!!

Mordecai: (glares) Stop!

Jack: What the hell are you doing?

Jan turned toward them, hissing with his now sharp teeth and cat-like eyes, hopping to the wall and climbing around like a spider, exiting the room. Quickly, the eight hurried to the three stuck in wallpaper.

Mordecai: Are you okay?

Hotaru: (worried) What happened?

Jack: Piedmon, the sword!

The Digimon nodded, giving it to Jack before he sliced the paper, freeing the three trapped.

Pops: I don't know! I was just heading to the kitchen for an ice lolly when that man fell upon me.

Rika: We just got in and got jumped by that jerk!

They walked around the place, looking at everything with the same color of the wallpaper.

Rigby: This guy must be nuts!

Hotaru: I KNEW that ad was a bad sign!

Rigby: Yeah. "First one free?!" What does that even mean?!

Renamon: We gotta get him outta here before Benson sees-

Just then, the gang gasped, hearing Benson's scream.

Most: (shocked) Benson!!!

The gang quickly went down the hall, then gasped, noticing the entire area covered in wallpaper, which seem to lead off into the darkness, confusing a few of them.

Some: Huh?

Rigby: What did that guy do?

Renamon: What do you think, idiot?

Benson's Voice: HELP!!

Mordecai: Come on.

Quickly, the gang hurried down the hallway together.

Most: Benson!!!

They turned different corners before noticing the hallway splitting up to different directions.

Rika: Come on.

The group went down to one of the paths, though they stopped at a dead end.

Mordecai: Aaagh! We gotta go back. Go back!

They went back before heading to another direction, leading to another path. Afterward, they stopped, panting as they saw the path splitting in two with Mordecai looking at both directions. When he looked at one direction, he saw Jan scurrying past and laughing wickedly.

Mordecai: HEY!

They began heading down the path before hearing Benson's voice at the other direction.

Benson's Voice: Help!

Pops: Benson!!!

Hotaru: What do we do?

Mordecai: (to Rigby) Okay, you and Pops with Rika and Hotaru go find Benson. Jack and I'm going after the wallpaper man.

They darted off while Rigby's group headed to another direction.

Rigby: Come on, Pops.

With Mordecai's group, the six were in pursuit after the man crawling along the ceiling.

Mordecai: HEY! STOP!

Jack: Get back here, asshole!

With Rigby's group, they looked around the area in the hall.

Rigby: Benson?

Hotaru: Hello?

Pops: (worried) Oh, I don't like this at all.

Rika: (notices) Shh. Quiet, Pops.

They listened while looking at both directions.

Benson's Voice: Help!

Rigby: (shouts) Benson, we're coming!

They hurried down the hall. All while Mordecai's group kept chasing Jan. He finally stopped, hopping to the ground before all of a sudden, the walls opened up with him going through it. The wall closed and curved to the left.

Six: (shocked) Whoa...

They continued down the curved hall. All while Rigby's group kept running.

Rigby: We must be getting close.

Pops: Benson!!!

Just then, the group collided to one another.

Mordecai: What the...

Rigby: Aaagh! We're getting nowhere!

Jack: Yeah, it's like the Matrix and the Labyrinth combined without any musicals!

Pops: (gasps) Look!

He pointed to the wall which opened up to reveal another passageway while the other walls boxed the group at the sides.

Mordecai: I think it wants us to go this way. Come on.

After a few moments, they, with the girls reluctant, walked down the hall, though they noticed something wrong.

Pops: I think we're growing.

Mordecai: No. The hall's getting smaller.

Rigby then quickly grabs Rika and shakes her.

Rigby: And Rika's getting laaaaaaaarger!

Rika: (slaps him) Cut it out!

However, Piedmon felt the wall.

Piedmon: What the...? (frowns) It's an optical illusion. That's MY trick he's stealing!

MetalSeadramon: Go back.

However, when the group turned, they gasped, noticing the wall blocked with the panicked raccoon trying to find a way out.

Rigby: What? No, no, no! I can't stand small spaces!

Mordecai: Okay, just calm down.

Rigby: (panics) I need air! I can't breathe!

Rika: You can breathe. Don't panic!


The raccoon kept screaming, shoving everyone else.

Mordecai: Aw, stop!

Hotaru: Rigby!!!

The raccoon scratched the walls frantically before he ripped one of them right through the wallpaper house, falling to the ground and panting.

Mordecai: Whoa...

Benson's Voice: Help!

Mordecai: Hold on, Benson!

Renamon: (to the group) Come on, let's go.

Jack: Right, start tearing it up!

They started using their hands, tails, and weapons, breaking off pieces of wallpaper, going through each hall before finally breaking off the last one, showing a cavern of a sort.

Rigby: Are we still in the house?

Just then, they saw Benson, Skips, a delivery man, and what appeared to be Muscle Man tied up by wallpaper hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Benson: (snaps) Hey! Help!

Rigby: Whoa...

Jack: They've been cocooned!!

Rigby: (confused) Steve Guttenberg is in this?!

Rika: Are you guys okay?

Benson: (frowns) Do we LOOK okay? Hurry up and get us down from here.

Rigby: (notices) Who's that guy?

Delivery Guy: (worried) I was just trying to deliver a package to Mitch Sorrenstein. (crying) I don't wanna die!

He began sobbing.

MetalSeadramon: (scoffs) Whiner.

Mordecai: Don't worry! we'll get-

Just then, Jan jumped and appeared in front of the group, hissing menacingly.

Renamon: (glares) Let our friends go, and then get out of their house!!!

Machinedramon: Do it or we'll use the power of our acquaintaces' crest on you! THEN you'll be sorry!!

Just then, to their horror, a spideleg popped out of Jan, making them gasp. They looked horrified, noticing the clothing torn off, showing a spider body with the head instantly transforming into a spider's head with many eyes.

Most: AHHHH!!


Puppetmon: Oh great! And the spider haters ain't here to save us or help us whack that stupid thing!

The group gasped while Pops screeched with fear, being snatched by the spider before he was sprayed by the wallpaper, which was also silk, before he was hung on the ceiling as well.

Renamon: Quick, Rika, you have to-

Just then, the two owners were hit by the silk, wrapped up by the silk as well before being hung up.

Puppetmon: (sweatdrops) A little late for that.

Piedmon: That's it! (to the animals & Hotaru) Just throw everything you have at that thing! We'll fight 'til we drop!

The three non-powered ones nodded, chucking rocks at the spider, whom roared while it bounced and hit the spider. At that moment, one rock hit Benson.

Benson: (snaps) Watch it!

Hotaru: (worried) Sorry, Benson!

Renamon: Our turn! DIAMOND STAR!!

The diamond stars headed to Jan, whom used the silk, which blocked the attack.

Renamon: What?!

MetalSeadramon: This requires more power, like us, so stand back! RIVER OF-

Puppetmon: PUPPET-

Machinedramon: GIGA-

Piedmon: TRUMPH-

Just then, the five Digimon were wrapped around the silk before being flung to the ceiling.

Hotaru: NOOOO!!

The spider fired at the remaining three, whom dodged quickly. Mordecai tossed another rock at the bug, whom ducked. However, it hit the wrapped up Muscle Man, whom fell to the ground, then got up, freeing himself.

Muscle Man: Eeeyuh! I'm free. Eat on that, you eight-legged-

Just then, the spider leg pierced Muscle Man by the stomach as the bug roared at him with some bits of blood shown.

Muscle Man: (scoffs) Whatever. That didn't even hurt. If your job was to kill people, you'd probably get fired. Heh heh.

Just then, Muscle Man was lifted up as he noticed.

Muscle Man: Huh? Wha...? (glares) Hey! Don't even think about eating me, bro!

He screamed before Muscle Man was swallowed in one gulp.

Three: (gasps) Muscle Man!!!

Hotaru: (frightened) No...

Benson: Help us! What are you waiting for?

Hotaru: We're trying to find an opening AND its weakness!

They kept throwing rocks at it.

Hotaru: It's hard, Benson and we're at least TRYING!!

Then, one of the rocks hit where Skips was, freeing the yeti whom landed safely on the ground, though cracks were heard on his ankles, wincing.

Skips: My ankles!

Another rock hit where Pops was, freeing him, though he crashed to the ground.

Pops: Uhh...My arm...

Finally, Jack and Rika crashed to the ground, being free with more cracks heard.

Rika: ribs.

Jack: neck!

Benson: (dryly) Great rescue.

She frowned while another rock hit Benson's wrappings. However, the gumball man landed safely and unharmed.

Benson: You're gonna kill us before that spider gets the chance.

Hotaru: (glares) At least we WERE aiming at him!

Just then, the delivery guy was freed, landing in Benson's arms before the Digimon were also freed, landing as well.

Mordecai: Come on, let's go! We gotta get outta here!

Most began departing before Benson stopped, glaring at Mordecai and Rigby.

Benson: No, you don't! You two are staying here!

Mordecai & Rigby: What??

Benson: You hired that thing. You fire it.

Rigby: But we don't got anything flammable to use!

The spider behind them growled.

Rigby: Besides, without it, that spider's gonna kill us!

Benson: Not my problem!

Both: AUGH!!

Rika: What the hell's wrong with you, Benson?

Benson carried the injured four out of the building.

Benson: Sorry, can't hear you, Rika!! Am carrying injured and getting the crap OUTTA HERE!!

She frowned in annoyance.

Renamon: (snaps) You get back here!

As all, but Jack, Rika, Mordecai, and Rigby left, the two turned to where the spider was.

Rigby: Okay! Listen up, Jan!

Jan crawled toward them.

Rigby: You're fired!

However, the spider tried stomping on the yelping Rigby.

Rigby: Okay! You're lay-off!

The spider tries to stomp on him again.

Rigby: Err, on vacation?

The spiider tries to stomp on him.

Rigby: Damn it! Give me something to use!

Mordecai: Dude, that was a metaphor! We need to stay and destroy him!

Rigby: (shocked) What? Really?

Jack: (horrified) We have to die?!

The spider roared, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling while the boulders fell, blocking the exit.

Rigby: Now what?

Mordecai: Dude, Muscle Man's package!

Rigby: What? Muscle Man's package?

Jack: Yeah! He was expecting a package of grenades! It's in the box that was left behind!

He pointed to the box.

Mordecai: Just go get the box. We'll cover you.

Jack: You DO know I have a whiplash.

Rika: Just toss rocks, dummy!

The three, with the two still in pain, quickly threw the rocks while the spider glanced at Rigby. It was hit by the rocks before glaring at the three. Finally, Rigby slid to the box, heading back to the three dodging.

Rigby: Got it!

Mordecai: Open it! Open it!

Rigby struggled, trying to open the box.

Rigby: I can't...this stupid tape...

It finally tore off, showing the package opened.

Rigby: There.

Just then, the four screamed, being grabbed/stabbed by the beast.

Four: AHHHHH!!

It prepared to swallow the four whole.

Rigby: Great! So, what's the plan now?

Rika: (looks inside/coughs blood)) And aren't these just replica grenades?

Mordecai: No, Muscle Man said they were the real deal, remember?

Rigby: Oh, yeah!

Jack: (weakly/coughs blood) Quick, pull out all the pins!

Some of the pins were pulled from the grenades before Jan moved them closer to his mouth.

Mordecai & Rika: Special delivery.

Rigby & Jack: Time to redecorate.

Mordecai: (confused) Wait, what?

Rigby: Time to redecorate. Because of all the wall—

Jack: (groans) AUGH, just throw it.

The beast ate the package with activated grenades.

Mordecai & Rigby: Whooooooooa!

Mordecai: Boom!

Rigby: Eat it, Jan!

Four: Ha ha! (hi-fiving) Yea-uh!

Rika: (realizes) Hey, hold on. I just remembered: How far away are we supposed to be before these things go off?

Mordecai: Wait, what?

Rigby: Usually, pretty far, which we can't because we're dying AND trapped inside.

Jack: What?! Benson, you stupid f-

Back outside, the house exploded with Benson's group all flying away from the house and landing on the ground. They groaned with Benson looking back at where the house was burning.

(End of Segment 3)

Narrator: Ending 1...

Benson: (smugly) The end.

Most had their mouths wide open with Mr. Nervous, Pops, and Chiyo all shivering in fear before the nervous Mr. Man fainted.

Mordecai: Dude, that story was lame!

Rigby: Yeah, Benson, we're not even THAT dumb!

Benson: (frowns) It's my story! I'll tell it how I want it!

Peter: (frowns) That wasn't scary, that was character bashing, just like you were bashing us when you ate all those best burgers in the world we were gonna enjoy that we worked hard for, ya ungrateful bastard.

Benson: (snaps) WILL YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THAT?! None of you were doing your job and-

Peter: Fine, if that's the case, then you don't mind if I do this: (to the gang) Listen up, everyone. I got a story about Benson.

Benson: No, you don't! No more stories, Peter. No more stories from anyone!

Most: (glares) Same with you, Basher!

Benson: IT'S BENSON!!

Tow Truck Guy: (points) Party is just up ahead, chief.

All: (randomly) YEAH! Whoo! Woo-hoo! Awesome!

Benson: (grins) Ha! See? Great. We're almost there.

Rigby: (dryly) Yeah, totally great.

Stewie: Okay. That means there's enough for me to tell the story to chose how dumb Benson is! AND how dumb Brian is.

Benson: No, there isn't! Story time is over, Stewie!

Brian: He's right, don't do it, Stewie.

Stewie: Once upon a time, Benson's so dumb!

Benson: No stories!

Peter: Well it was your OWN fault for getting us lost in the first place. Besides, your family tree sucks ass!

He gasped in shock.

Most: (realizes) Uh oh...

In anger, Benson clenched his fist before grabbing Peter in fury.

Benson: You...SON OF A BITCH!!

After Benson punched Peter, the man began punching Benson. As they kept punching, the others shouted with a few chanting "fight" over and over. Brian, having enough, prepared to go near the two.

Brian: Both of you, enough!!

He was knocked away by Benson, hitting the tow truck guy whom yelped and screamed as they headed to the tree in front of the house they were heading.

All: AHHHH!!

Inside the party, as everyone else was having a good time, they heard a crash noise, yelping a bit.

Lois: What the hell was that?

Quickly, everyone in the house came outside, looking at the sight with Margaret looking worried.

Margaret: Are you okay?

The blu jay peeked a bit, coughing a bit.

Mordecai: (coughing) Huh?

Finally, out came the group with all of them ghosts like Hi-Fives.

Mordecai: Yeah, we're fine. (notices) Huh?

Brian: What the-!?

Mordecai: Aw, what?! We didn't survive the crash?!

Rigby: I guess not.


Rigby: (slams Benson's hand) You can't fire me, I'm dead!

Peter: Yeah, it was your own fault you didn't control your anger when I mocked your loser whore family.

Brian: Peter, Benson, everyone, stop it! Your anger and bashing one another is what caused all of this in the first place!

Peter: Hey, I can't help it! I didn't get a beer all night!

Lois: Look, everyone, enough! Now, I know you had a rough night, but this is a party where we need to be together, where we have to stay together and just have a good time, like in those stories, despite them scary, but hey, we ALL need to be a little scared sometimes, right Pops?

Pops: fact, it made me feel better about being brave, despite me being scared.

Lois: And despite you all dead, at least you're here. And at any rate, what matters is you're all here.

Peter: Hey, maybe if we're lucky, we jumped out of our bodies!

Stewie: Oh God. Don't tell me you saw "Ghost Dad"!

Lois: So come on, join the fun.

Chris: (grins) Yeah, you heard mom! This party's just getting started!

Rigby: WHOOO!! (whooping) PARTY!

Everyone else cheered before entering the house with Benson still outside, sighing.

Benson: Ugh. Why do I even bother?

Skips You're coming in?

Yomi: They got cake in there.

Benson: (sighs) Yeah, I guess.

Tow Truck Guy: Yeah, luckily I hit a monster while we were dying. No one else is going to die tonight.

Finally, he entered the house while the party inside commenced. All while from the front of the truck, out came a frowning ghost Meg, whom groaned while floating toward the house.

Narrator: Ending 2...aka the What If...

Benson: (smugly) The end.

Most had their mouths wide open with Mr. Nervous, Pops, and Chiyo all shivering in fear.

Muscle Man: Whoa...harsh, bro.

Mordecai: Yeah, I think we're a little smarter than that, Benson.

Rigby: Yeah, plus there's no way you could lift Pops, Skips, AND that delivery guy, let alone Jack or Rika who YOU purposely killed.

Rika: Yeah, I'm insulted. Why did you kill some of your GOOD friends off?

Benson: (frowns) It's my story! I'll tell it how I want it!

After a few moments, the cars started moving more freely with the tow truck following.

Ryan: Ugh, finally!

Jessie: I thought this traffic would never clear out!

Muscle Man: (fist pumps) Party's on!!

Finally, the gang noticed a few ambulance vehicles and police cars around where police tape was.

Sakaki: (notices) Whoa...looks like there was an accident.

Tomo: (shocked) No way! (shoves the others) I wanna see!

Rigby: Me too!

They tried pushing away.

Mordecai: (grunts) Hey, dude! That's called rubber necking. (glares) That is not cool.

Rigby: (glares) You're a rubber neck!

Tomo: You're not cool, you rubber neck!

Rigby: (grunts) Move over! I wanna see!

He looked at the side of the window while the driver, now with eyes covered by his hat, glancing.

Tow Truck Driver: Don't worry, I'll drive by nice and slow for ya so you can get a good look.

He relieved the foot on the pedal as the truck slowed down. Everyone looked, noticing themselves getting close to the incident with Rigby's face pressed against the glass. Just then, his smile faded as he started looking horrified.

Rigby: (frightened) Uh...guys?

Everyone else looked, noticing what appeared to be a familiar van crashed to the tree, looking stunned

Skips: Hey, that looks just like my van.

Mordecai: What's going ooooon?

They looked at where the officers were looking at the crime scene with Mr. Nervous turning pale at the paramedics surrounding the covered tarps with the bodies of many people covered up along with three familiarish figures.

Mr. Nervous: Uh...guys?

He pointed to what looked like Mordecai, Rigby, and even Brian's corpses, all battered, bruised, and with blood on the ground before the tarp covered up the bodies.

Stewie: (gasps) Oh no...Brian!'re-

Brian: What the-?! Is

The figure covered the last of the bodies before it turned, showing a skull face with everyone screaming in fear.


Miss Scary: Ha-ha-ha-ha! WHOA! What a shocker!

Mr. Nervous: (points) Then who the heck is-?

He pointed to the driver, who's face was revealed to be a skull, glaring as the others screamed.

Most: AHHHH!!

Benson quickly tried opening the door, though without success.

Benson: The door's locked!

The truck turned away from the main road, heading down the dark, eerie road with the truck starting to speed up.

Just then, a vortex opened up in the ground with flames bursting from the opening. The truck headed closer and closer toward the flaming ground.

Peter: It's official: We really ARE going to hell!

Mordecai: This can't be happening! This can't be happening!

Ryan: What?! But some of us aren't evil OR atheists!

Brian: Um...(worried) I am.

Rigby: Is Hell the office place? It sucks!

Stewie: (shocked) Brian, please! I don't want to see you go to hell! Not like this! Not like this!!

Rigby: All I wanted was to go to the partyyyyyy!!

Chiyo: But I'm too young to go to the other place!!

Tow Truck Driver: (grins) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't you fellas worry, there's plenty of parties where WE'RE goin'!

Peter: Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. We probably get resurrected into bugs, cows or something.

Tow Truck Driver: (annoyed) You're ruining the moment!

Peter: Oh yeah, what are you gonna do? Frantilize me?

Tow Truck Driver: Oh something horrifying and hideous to you!

Peter: (gasps) NOOOO! Anything but the Giant Chicken tortures!

He slammed the gas pedal really hard with the truck zooming toward the flames, then it flew up with everyone inside screaming and Miss Scary laughing wickedly before the truck dove into the fiery opening. The screams continued before a blast of fire was heard while ghostly howls were heard with spirits swirling from the flames. Afterward, cackling was heard before it panned to show the head of a jack-o-lantern laughing with the flames still bursting inside it.

Jack-o-lantern: Happy Halloween!!

Narrator: End of both endings...

Finally, a familiar figure was seen awakening, then he picked up what appeared to be a wallpaper piece, a toy bus, a bowling ball set, and a toy jack-o-lantern nearby where his bed was.

Phage: (groans) Hell's Bells, this is the last time I ask CF to sleep with these ridiculous tools he uses.

He tossed them in the garbage before finally going to sleep.

(ED: To Be Yourself by Reina Yazawa)
Segment 3: Mordecai, Rigby, and friends hire a wallpaper man to fix up the house with new wallpaper. However, this guy may have something sinister going on once the true motives commence. Includes two endings to the main tale.
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Xking14's avatar
Peter you're such a ass!