
KNS: Kouja no Senshi's Christmas Tales 1

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A/N: Takes place after It's Christmastime Again, Sailor Moon.

(OP: Asterisk by Orange Range)

Kouja no Senshi: The Side Stories
Between Mov 4 & Christmas Special 4
Kouja no Senshi's Christmas Tales

(Part 1: Happy Holidays from Tigger)

At the frozen lake, Tigger was skating while Vicky skated on the ice gracefully.

Vicky: We're having a Christmas show at our skating club this year. I'll bet I can be in it if I had someone to skate with.

She posed a bit before realizing.

Vicky: But I need a partner who's handsome and graceful.

Then, up came the grinning Tigger, whom skated around her and gestured his mitt hand.

Vicky: (snaps) Get away from me, you stupid Tigger!

At that moment, she noticed Justin Lawson with hockey gear passing by. She grinned, skating near him.

vicky: (sing-songy) Justiiiin. How would you like to be my partner in the skating shoooow?

Justin: Ick, forget it. (glares) We hockey players wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of those tippy-toe skates.

He skated passed her.

Vicky: (snaps) And a Merry Christmas to you too, jerk!

She then noticed the grinning Tigger skatting near her, twirling before posing. When he twirled too fast, he collided with the red haired girl, making her frown.

Vicky: (anger mark) Why don't you watch where you're going?! Look, Tigger, there isn't enough room for both of us in this pond.

He licked her face, making her scream.

Vicky: AUGH!!

She angrily pulled his hat down, covering him.

Vicky: GO HOME!!

She finally skated away while Tigger, stuck in the hat, tumbled around while walking out in the streets. All while Mr. Tickle and Mr. Scatterbrain looking out the window noticed.

Mr. Tickle: There's a stocking hat coming up the street.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Is it a planet of hats type? The ones that control you and make you do things THEY would do? Oh Honker was going on about those the other day.

Finally, as Tigger approached a treehouse, he freed himself from the hat, then started bouncing into his home, digging inside. Inside, Rabbit was reading a Santa book with Mr. Tickle showing a leash to him.

Mr. Tickle: Here's the leash, Tigger's all ready to leave.

Rabbit: But Tigger's not a dog and I wish he could walk there by himself. It's so embarrassing.

Later, Rabbit in an embarrassing elf costume followed Tigger in a Santa outfit.

Rabbit: How you talked me into this, I'll never know, Tigger.

Tigger: What? You don't like being Santy's elf once in a while?

In the Bagge residence, Berry noticed Marie dressing in winter clothing.

Berry: Where are you going?

Marie: Santa Claus is down at the corner. I have a few questions to ask him.

She departed, leaving the area. At the Cutie Mart stand, Tigger rang the bell before Marie came up to him.

Marie: (glares) So, Mr. Fancy Claus, remember me? My name is Marie Lumpkins. What happened to all the things you were gonna bring me for Christmas last year? Kinda forgot, didn't ya, huh? I don't suppose you'd care to explain, would ya, huh?

Tigger shouted and growled gibberish to him, frightening her. Back at the Bagges', Marie came back home and sat near her future aunt.

Berry: How did it go?

Marie: We really didn't talk that much. He seemed pretty busy.

Back with Tigger, a little later, he played the accordion proudly while Kanga and Roo passed by him.

Kanga: I don't know, Roo. To me, "Oh Suzanna" just doesn't sound very Christmasy.

Tigger stopped a bit.

Tigger: Yeah, good point.

He played a different song while a bird came up and noticed, whistling near him. The next morning, a Tigger-shaped snow mound was seen on top of Tigger's treehouse. Just then, Tigger screamed, getting out of the snow before kicking some away.

Tigger: Yuck, Tiggers don't like being buried for a long time in snow.

Just then, he heard screeching noises, making him jump and grab near where Rabbit, whom arrived, was.

Rabbit: Tigger!

Tigger: Sorry, long ears.

The two got off of each other as he spoke.

Rabbit: You know, maybe if you smile and show some Holiday spirit, that cat next door will be nicer.

Tigger: You mean that Persian?

Rabbit: Yes, Tigger, I do mean Persian. Maybe you could share a Christmas treat.

Tigger got on top of the branch, grinning and waving before the swipe of a Persian hit him, knocking him to the ground. As he got up, unknown to him, the piece of wood fell down with the bark showing it similar to a Christmas tree.

(Part 2: Yuletide Greetings From Spongebob Squarepants)

At the writing table somewhere, Spongebob was writing a letter. As he continued, Squidward came up and peeked at the letter.

Spongebob: (writing) "Dear Santa Claus, how have you been? Please don't get the idea that I'm writing because I want something. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want nothing. Spend your time elsewhere. Don't bother with me. I really mean it. If you wanna skip our house this year, go right ahead."

The squid gasped in shock.

Spongebob: (writing) "I won't be offended. Really I won't."

In annoyance, the squid snatched it.

Squidward: Spongebob, what in the world kind of letter is this?!

Spongebob: I'm hoping that he'll find my attitude peculiarly refreshing.

Squidward: (rips the letter) It's peculiar, all right. Try again.

Spongebob saw him leave while tossing the trash before writing another letter.

Spongebob: (writing) "Dear Santa Claus, how are all your reindeer? Are they well fed? Is your sleigh in good shape? Are the runners oiled? Then, go man...GO!!!

He looked at it before tossing it away.

Spongebob: I don't think I'd better send that.

He then wrote another letter.

Spongebob: (writing) "Dear Santa Claus, how have you been? How is your wife? I am not sure what I want for Christmas this year. Sometimes, it's very hard to decide. (pauses) Perhaps you should send me your catalogue."

A bit later, at a Boating School, as the kids departed from school, Spongebob looked at his classmate.

Spongebob: I kinda like the new girl who sits behind me in Boating School.

Sora: What's her name?

Spongebob: I'm not sure. She keeps changing it.

Sora: (shocked) Changing it?

The two sat on their desks before a girl looked at Spongebob.

Girl: Today my name is Jezibelle.

Spongebob: Eeep! Uh Jezibelle was the evil wife of King Ahab in the Old Testament. In 2 Kings, it says that her servants threw her out the window and she landed on her head.

She looked worried before speaking.

Girl: Today, my name is Susan.

Teacher: Class, pay attention!

All: Yes, Teacher.

They turned their heads back.

Girl: I can't decide if I like you or not.

He looked a bit shocked.

Girl: You have funny looking holes on you.

He glared at her before the teacher hit him.

Teacher: Spongebob!!

He yelped a bit.

Girl: Especially when the teacher hits you.

Later, Spongebob was writing some notes as he spoke.

Spongebob: I'm making out my Christmas Card list. (to the girl) Can I have your home address?

Girl: Aren't you kinda old for me?

The sponge yelped in shock.

Spongebob: I'm not asking you on a date, I just wanna send you a card!

Teacher: (snaps) To the office, Spongebob!!

Later, Spongebob sat near the Principal's door, sighing.

Spongebob: (dryly) Joy to the world.

At lunch time, as Spongebob was about to eat his lunch, the girl gave him a note.

Girl: This is my address. You can send my Christmas Card there.

He looked at it for a moment.

Spongebob: What about your name?

Girl: Well today, I'm Lydia. Last week, I called myself Rebecca, but I also like Rachael.

Spongebob: Ooookay...(writing) I'll just put down "her".

Later, back at Spongebob's home, the starfish showed a card with "Return to Sender" to his sponge friend.

Patrick: Uh Spongebob, here you go. One of your Christmas Cards came back. And it says no such address for some reason. Did Mr. Krabs changed his location?

Spongebob: (realizes) Gah! It's that girl at Boating School! (groans) Oh she's going to drive me crazy!

Patrick: Why do you bother with her and didn't you say you're not good at driving?

Spongebob: Well she fascinates me for some weird reason...and please, not when I'm depressed like this. I don't wanna talk about how I'm virtually challenged on boating at the moment.

(End of Act 1)
Takes place after It's Christmastime Again, Sailor Moon: More short tales on what happens during the Christmas year before Oogie's Revenge occurs. Act 1: Tigger performs ice skating with dealing with a raging Persian while Spongebob tries to deal with a classmate who keeps changing her name.
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