
KNS: Is This Goodbye, Sailor Moon? 2

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(Act 2)

Inside the house, a bit later, the movers placed in the remaining items while Amy looked at her friends.

Amy: Well, I sure hate to say goodbye, everyone. It's sure been nice knowing you.

Serena: (sniffs) This is really happening. I can't believe it.

Lita: We're seeing it, and we don't believe it either.

Haley: Well, so long, you old bun head and palies.

Jake: Yeah, it's been nice knowing you.

Raye: (sighs) I don't know what to say. I-I can't believe it. I...I...

Serena: (teary) Amy...take care of yourself!

Amy: You too...and no matter where I am...I'll always remember you all.

The friends looked saddened while the horn honked. Their friends, after hugging Amy's group goodbye, watched while, as the last box was placed in, unknown to any of them, a familiar stick with Mercury symbol fell to the ground with the last item, a sled marked "Rosebud", was in the truck before it closed. Inside the car, as the moving van departed, Lao Shi looked seriously.

Lao Shi: Who would've thought that, in order to have our things brought over, we have to go across the country from Kanto to Kansai in order to bring everything of value to Germany.

Amy looked inside her box, looking at the Master Ball.

Amy: Team Rocket always wanted this Pokeball. I think maybe I'II leave it with them. Or at least Meowth.

Jonathan Long: Well, let's go.

Fu Dog: Just wave bye.

As the van departed, Amy tossed the Master Ball box out the window with Meowth hit by it.

Meowth: Ow.

Everyone else waved before they each departed, looking depressed while the Phage, preparing to depart, stopped, noticing something on the ground. The remaining two looked at the object on the ground.

Fidget: Hmmm? What is it?

The serpent picked up the familiar object on the ground, looking surprised at what he held.

Phage: Mercury's transformation pen.

Fidget: Can we turn into girls with it?

Phage: (annoyed) No dummy.

He hit Fidget.

Fidget: AGH!

Phage: Where did you get a ridiculous idea from anyhow?

Fidget: (pauses) She-zow.

Phage: Ugh. That cross dressing cartoon?

Fidget: Anyhow, whatcha gonna do with it?

Phage: Hmmm...Fidget, we're taking a shortcut to the Osaka Bay. Ready the ship.

He departed with the Mercury pen in hand.

Fidget: Right, sir.

A bit later, as the two came to the front of the building, they stopped, noticing Control Freak still waiting, grunting while he held his belly.

Phage: You can get up now, idiot. Ami Mizuno is gone.

Fidget: Who?

Phage: (annoyed) The girl who had Ami Onuki's first name, but uses the "Amy" nickname to avoid confusing her with the rockstar!

Fidget: Oooooooh.

Phage: (to Control Freak) If you're still waiting for your sweet baboo, you'd better forget all about it. Fidget, the others, and I just saw her leave.

Control Freak: (shocked) What do you mean, "leave"?

Fidget: She's gone. Fineto! Zip! They moved on! The whole family's just plain moved away and ain't never coming back!

Control Freak: That's ridiculous. She can't move away. We had a date. (snaps) Things like this just don't happen. I had a firm date. We had an understanding. I'll sue.

Fidget: Then consider me out! Phage and I got an appointment ta take care of, fatty!

Meanwhile, out in the streets, Dash noticed the moving van before looking at the depressed Mina.

Dash: Where was that big truck going?

Mina: That's a moving van. Amy, Haley, and their family have moved away.

Dash: (shocked) She what!? But I thought she was just kidding. I didn't think they'd REALLY go.

Mina: (snaps) Well, what do you care? You never liked Haley anyway. You were always picking on her.

Dash: But I don't understand. I mean, I-

Mina: (angrily shoves him) Oh, stop making excuses. Go on home and play your old stupid music, Parr!

Later, Dash played on the violin before imagining Haley sitting nearby him, confusing him.

Dash: Gah!

Haley: Dash, what if you and I got married someday, and...?

The image vanished before he shook it off, groaning.

Dash: I never even said goodbye.

The next day, at the Mayor's house, Serena was given some mail from Miss Bellum.

Bellum: This one is for you.

She departed while Serena looked at Meowth, whom held his Master Ball.

Serena: Look, a postcard from Amy.

Raye: What's it say?

The group looked carefully at it.

Lita: (reading) "Dear Serena and everyone, this is the motel we stayed in the first night."

Meowth: At least it's not those "Wish you were her" postcards you were sending.

Serena: They were out of the animal postcards then! I didn't have any choice.

Lita: (reading) "It's weird yet ironic that you send the "Wish you were here" postcards. Anyway, things has been slow during our trip."

Mina: That must be shocking.

Lita: (reading) "The hotel we were at had a swimming pool, but we didn't go swimming. Haley has been crabby all day and I have to ride in the back seat with her. This looks like it's going to be a long trip."

Meowth: Figures with the brat.

Lita: (reading) "Anyway, hope to write soon. Your friend, Amy. P.S., tell Meowth to enjoy the Master Ball and ONLY use it when it's a very rare Pokemon shown up."

Serena: (sighs) That's the saddest postcard I ever read.

Lita: Wait, there's more. (reading) "P.P.S. If Control Freak comes around, asking when I'm ever coming back to date him, ask to take a long walk off a gangplank."

Some: Figures!

Back at Dash's home, the boy played more violin before imagining Haley as part of the instruments, yelping before rubbing his eyes as the image vanished.

Dash: (frowns) Don't tell me I've grown accustomed to THAT face.

Later, at the brick wall, the familiar faces laid their arms around the area.

Darian: I understand you heard from Amy.

Mina: Yes, she sent us a postcard from some motel.

Darian: It isn't the motel that Katz run, is it?

Serena: If it was, we would've saw blood on the card right about now.

Raye: It was the saddest postcard we've ever read.

Darian: You miss her, huh?

Serena: Yep, it's just not the same without Amy.

Mordecai: What about Alice? Or Jake & Haley? Or Edward & Alphonse?

Rigby: (scoffs) Nobody cares about those guys that didn't have episodes focused on them anyway. (gets punched) AGH!

Mordecai: Dude, not cool! This is serious!

Ryan: Earlier, I was gonna challenge your team to a game, but I guess it would be too cruel. Beating you ordinarily is pretty easy, guys, but with some of your team members moved, it would be a massacre.

Thomas: Ryan's got a point there.

Serena: (sighs) Face it. Without Amy, the Sailor Scouts are no more.

Mina: Right. It's like the time Matt, Joe and Mimi got separated from their Digidestined pals during the fight against the Dark Masters. No offense to them of course.

Rigby: (glares) Now look here-

Ryan: Don't say another word, Rigs. I know you're embarrassed for your team, but it's okay. We won't challenge you. We'll stick to playing in my league. At least THEY put up a struggle sometimes.

Some: Augh.

A bit later, Bowser Jr. lied near the tree with Conan glancing.

Bowser Jr.: Hey, Conan, we gotta do something about poor old Meatball Head and friends. We gotta get their minds on other things.

Conan: You're kind of sweet on those girls, aren't you, Junior?

Bowser Jr.: (shocked) What?! Kid, are you crazy?

The koopa kid departed as he spoke.

Bowser Jr.: Sweet on the priest, blondie, tall girl, and Meatball Head indeed. (frowns) How I can be sweet on girls who I can strike out with 3 pitches? (shouts) Boy, you're crazy.

Later, in the kitchen, Digit placed down some badly cooked meat as the kid groaned, looking disgusted.

Bowser Jr.: Agh. I told you I like my meat rare, not well done!

Digit: (frowns) The fryer's on the fritz, what do you expect!?

Bowser Jr.: Ugh. We should've ordered out!

Digit: You're on budget, remember?

He shoved the food away.

Bowser Jr.: Hmmm, maybe I oughta call the girls. (frowns) "Sweet on the girls". That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. (ponders) I guess the only civil thing to do is to call the kids and level with 'em.

The koopaling goes to the phone and dials a number.

Bubs's Voice: Bubs's, Bubs speaking.

Bowser Jr.: (disguised voice) Uh, yes. Is Miss Ecrap there. First name, Ivanan.

Bubs's Voice: Hang on. Hey! Folks! Ivana Ecrap! Does anyone here know Ivana Eatcrap?

Laughter was heard with Junior laughing hysterically a bit.

Bowser Jr.: Ha-ha-ha-ha. That never gets old.

That night, Junior lied on his bed with many kid-looking items surrounding his bedroom with Bowser on his hammock.

Bowser Jr.: Still, how could anyone be sweet to those idiots? I hate to think of 'em, though, lying there wide-awake and wondering. Poor kids. Maybe I should give those four a break. (sits up/frowns) Good grief, how could anyone fall for those stereotypes? The 90s ripoffs who ever lived.

He got up, glaring.

Bowser Jr.: Neither of them can pitch, bat, run, or anything, even WITH practice! (pauses) Poor kids.

Mr. Bump's Voice: Yes, poor poor kid.

Bowser Jr. glares in annoyance. We now see Junior's window opening as Mr. Bump is tossed outside.

Bowser Jr: (anger mark) I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY HOUSE!


Trash can crashes were heard along with Mr. Bump's groaning.

Mr. Bump's Voice: Agh!

Bowser Jr.: I don't need YOUR advice!

At the Hikawa Shrine, the phone rang before the four girls (with only Raye in her bed) stirred a bit before Serena yawned and picked up the phone.

Serena: Huh? Who's calling me?

Bowser Jr.'s Voice: Hello, is Serena there?

Serena: (frowns) Junior, I am not in the mood of your prank calls. Besides, don't you normally save those for Bubs?

Bowser Jr., on the split screen, frowned.

Bowser Jr.: I'm not here to prank ya. (to himself) Yet. (normal tone) Soooo, how you girls doing?

Serena: We're all right, I guess...but I just-

Bowser Jr.: That's what I wanted to talk to you girls about, Blondie. I know you haven't been sleeping well and I wanted to straighten out a few things.

Serena: I'm not into girls if that's what you're thinking.

Bowser Jr.: (snaps) Not that either! We gotta get this straight, if you girls wanna come and see me, well, I guess it'll be okay.

Serena: (yawns) Wha...? See you? Wha...?

Bowser Jr.: (smirks) Yes, I realized you're all overcome, kid, so I'll help you. Yep, if you girls wanna take me out oh, say, to the movies or something, why, it'll be okay, Usagi.

Serena: (mumbles) Junior, I only use my first name when-

Bowser Jr.: Of course, if you try to hold my hand, either of you, I'll have to slug ya! Okay, kids, thanks for the invitation and the call. Now go to sleep. No more sleepless nights, hey, Meatball Head?

The phone hung up from the girl sleepily holding the phone before it focused to Junior.

Bowser Jr.: (grins) Well, I'm glad the kids got it off their chests. (departing) It's kind of funny. I never knew those wishy-washy girls had fallen for me.

It cut back to Serena sleepily holding the phone before it cut back to Junior hopping back into his bed.

Bowser Jr.: Boy, a deed well done.

Mr. Bump: (peeks in) You going on a date with Serena? Boy, if Darian finds out he's going to kill you!

Bowser Jr.: (anger mark) Shut up! And didn't I tell you to get out of my house?!

Mr. Bump: But you still have my slingshots and credit cards-

Bowser Jr.: Don't care!

He shoved Mr. Bump out through the window once more before the bandaged Mr. Man screamed, crashing to the trash once more.

Mr. Bump: (groans) Poopity poop.

Back at the shrine, Serena briefly awoke, then looked confused.

Serena: Wha...? What am I doing here? (to the phone) Hello, hello? Boy, I must be cracking up.

She hung it up, yawning a bit.

Serena: What am I doing the middle of the night?

She went back to her bag.

Serena: I dreamt that I spoke to Bowser's son and he made a speech that acted like I agreed to date him. I must be going bonkers.

She hopped in her sleeping bag before she awoke, looking at Raye, Lita, Mina, Luna, and Artemis all sleeping.

Serena: Now I'm wide-awake. (sits up) It's time to get up.

She then looked at the clock nearby.

Serena: Good grief, it's 1:30 in the morning. What am I doing up at this unearthly hour? Maybe I'm dead. (worried) I wonder if I'll ever fall asleep again. Maybe this is it, never to sleep.

After a few moments, she blinked before falling back to sleep, snoring once more.

(End of Act 2)
Amy and the Longs move away and as the gang try to move on without her, the Phage discovers something Amy left behind while Junior, after thinking it over, believes that Serena and her three friends needs a date with the koopa kid himself.
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JusSonic's avatar
Poor Serena. What now? Nice work per usual.