
KNS: Harvey's Game 1

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Julayla-64's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 1: (Ship Demolitions)

At the familiar building itself, some familiar figures watched as a 12 sided dye rolled to the ground before landing on a specific number.

Yolei: (grins) Yes, 10!

Ryan: (reading a page) Well done, Miya-lei. You decapitated the unicorn.

Players: (randomly) WHOO! YEAH! All right.

Rarity gulps as she hides under a blanket.

Spike: Come on, it's just a game.

Rarity: (peeks) Yes, but decapitating a unicorn like that? That's just awful.

Ryan: Come on, it's just a game.

Blond Girl: Oh, oh! We search his tail pouch for treasure.

Ryan: Deep in the unicorn's rump sack, you find...

They gasped before he rolled the dice, showing the numbers.

Ryan: 60 gold pieces and a mysterious scrap of cloth bearing the unmistakable stench of dwarf urine.

Mina: (shocked) The same stench that was on the bed linens at the inn?

Ryan: The very same.

Vlad: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Leonard: I cast a spell of detect magic.

The dice was rolled as the dumb bot trio and Harvey arrived.

Harvey: What are you losers playing?

Grounder: Yeah, mini losers? What is it?

Scratch: Underage gambling? Shame on you.

Harvey: Count me in.

Robots: Us too!!

The cash was placed on the table.

Ryan: We're not gambling, dummies.

Coconuts: Then what the crap's with the dice and stuff?

Spike: We're just playing this game that was stashed away for years.

Vlad: Ever heard of Realm of Darthon?

Harvey: I think I heard it somewhere...can't remember where exactly, though.

Robots: We didn't know!!

Mina: Harvey, it was that lame game that got confusing and such!

Ryan: Yeah, but I think I finally figured a way to play this crummy game while making it unlame.

Ash: Right now, we're fighting for our lives in the lair of the Dragon Queen.

Scratch: Ah, wrong. Right now you're ass-deep in a folding chair.

Ash: Yes, but in my imagination I'm riding a golden Pegasus.

Rainbow: (scoffs) Pegasus aren't golden.

Ash: Really? Then why does Fluttershy's fur look golden?

Fluttershy: Sometimes the sun when I go outside brightens my fur.

Ash: Well, someone doesn't have an imagination!

Rainbow: Hey, I do have one. I just know for a fact that Pegasi aren't golden!

Mordecai: Neither are bears, and yet there's Golden Freddy.

Rainbow: (pause) Okay, you get a point for that.

Fluttershy: (play hops) Um neigh?

Harvey: (sits down) Am I the only one seeing him sitting here with peanut butter on his face?

Iris: Harvey, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, do I say this delicately. Well-

Rainbow: Guys, were you built without an imagination?

Harvey: What? Don't be stupid, of course not.

Coconuts: Yeah! It just hasn't descended yet.

Grounder: Right. What do you take us for? Idiots?

Ryan: No, just you.

Scratch: Wait, where's Jesse and a few others?

Yolei: After your stupid fiasco that got everyone to hate you and beat you up for a few days, some of them are still kinda a bit bitter about the whole Starro thing.

Hawkmon: Sadly, we from the past have a hard time making sure a few of them become friends again, despite some working with one another.

Coconuts: Awww, they're all babies. Give them a few more days and they will move on!

Hawkmon: Like Kid Flash?

Coconuts: (pauses) Touche.

Later, out in space, as a familiar spaceship flew in the sky, the robots and Harvey began to sadly ponder.

Coconuts: Um...Iris, Brock, guys, do Scratch, Grounder, Harvey, and I have an imagination?

Brock: I don't know, guys. Why do you ask?

Clemont: Were the other boys making fun of you?

Grounder: (nods) Mhmm. They said I couldn't imagine things.

Brock: Oh come on, that's just crazy talk. Robots can imagine things as the next person!

Harvey: But they said we don't count!

Scarlett: Well, you never know unless you try.

Max: Yes. Like, I didn't know if I could swallow a softball, so I gave it my best shot and voilà!

He lifted his shirt, revealing a large lump in the middle of his abdomen.

Max: Wait, that's not it.

He turned to the left, revealing a second lump.

Max: Ah, thar she blows!

Scarlett: (face palms) Idiot.

Max: Is that thing my fiend or ab....

Scarlett: (interrupts) Best not to finish that. Everyone is still trying to forget that little incident. And each time it does get brought up, there tends to be arguing...and green mist for some reason.

Just then, the ship began beeping.

Voice on Ship: Warning, out of fuel.

Iris: That's not a warning. A warning is supposed to come before something bad happens.

Voice on Ship: Warning, engines will shut down in one second.

Brock: (sweatdrops) That's more like it.

Finally, the engine died, coming to abrupt stop, causing everyone to yelp, flying out of their chairs and to the ground. The ship itself floated by where shady junk flew around.

Sammy: (notices) Uh-oh. This space neighborhood looks kind of sketchy.

Just then, an alien flew to the front of the ship, yanking off an ornament similar to an award.

Alien: (smirks) Rock 'n' roll.

It flew away.

Harvey: (frowns) Hey, that punk stole our hood ornament. Now no one will know we have the LX package.

Grounder: (confused) Wait, we got a LX package???

Dawn: (glancing) We need fuel and we need it fast.

Misty: (looks around) Right. We better think of something quick before more of the ship pieces get stolen before we eventually run out of air.

Harvey holds up a bike pump, much to the others' notice.

Brock: (sweatdrop) Wrong air, dummy.

Amy (TD): (glances) Samey, check for a box marked Energon. It better not break under your watch though!

Sammy: Um-

Amy (TD): Just do it!

She yelped, darting away. Later, the girl came to a box before noticing a box marked "Energon".

Sammy: Yes! I've never been so excited to see stuff like this. (pauses) Well maybe once.

She opened the box, turning it before putting the contents in the receptacle, causing the engines to briefly fuel up. Afterward, the ship began activating, departing the neighborhood as they cheered.

Scratch: There's gas in our ass.

Most: Eeeew.

Scratch: Figure of speech.

At a fueling station, the ship wobbled near the air lock before it entered, then crashed near it. Afterward, the humming Scarlett hopped out of the ship, going near a fuel box marked "Energon: $9.99 per gallon". Slowly, the female began charging as the others came out of the ship.

Scarlett: Can you believe the price of Energon? It'd be cheaper to fill the tank with Nobel Prize winners' sperm.

Harvey: I still think fire works better.

Grounder: I say we find the Autobots and asked for them for their Energon

Brock: Unfortunately, no one knows where they are nowadays.

Finally, the gas was full before the price showed.

Computer on Fuel: Total Energon purchase: $632.14. Your CashCard will now be charged.

The robot arm snatched her card before it was swiped.

Scarlett: Hey! (frowns) You lousy...

Then, two truckers nearby glared at the ship.

Trucker 1: Hey, gets a loads of that ugly ship. What shades of red is that? Puke?

Max: For your information it's called Electric Blood.

Trucker 2: More like puke. He-he-he-he!

Trucker 1: Whoa!

Amy (TD): (glares) Why don't you come a little closer so my copy's foot can hear you?

Trucker 1: Why don't you come over and give me a f**k?

Trucker 2: Woooooo!

Amy (TD): Samey, the foot! NOW!!

Brock: Calm down, Amy. You can vent tonight on your blog.

Trucker 1: What's the matters, you couldn't affords the LX package?

Trucker 2: Puke-a-doodle-do.

Scarlett: You're making fun of our ship? Your ship is the most beat-up thing I've ever seen, and I've seen Mickey Rourke's head.

Trucker 1: Yeah, she's a little Rourky, but you got to gets big time ugly to be five-time winners at a demolition derby.

He pointed to the "Demolition Derby Tonight" poster near the station.

Coconuts: Yeesh. That's five more times than we've won or even entered.

Grounder: We do suck.

Trucker 1: Yup, and it's gonna be six winses after tonights.

Scarlett: (frowns) We'll sees abouts that.

Trucker 1: Ha ha ha! Sees isn't a word, stupid.

Trucker 2: Yeah, you ain't got any imaginations.

Harvey: (glares) Lemme burn them...NOW!!

Sammy: (grabs him) No, no. (to Harvey) Not 'til tonight.

Later, back in Crystal Tokyo, in the Pokemon Stadium, the familiar green hair man looked at the people in the meeting with Warren looking through a Hot Bunny magazine.

Cilan: Energon costs have tripled, so we must reduce expenses. Therefore, we will no longer provide complimentary magazines of any kind in the lounge.

Warren: Aw dammit.

Ghastly: And no more wasting fuel.

Hector: The major doctor is right. From now on I'll be keeping a tight hold on the keys to the ship, with Boskov swallowing them before we go to bed and recovering them the next morning.

Most: Splech!

Ghastly: Chief, it's about 4 PM.

Hector: 4:00 in the evening? Boskov likes sleeping earlier for some reason. Sadly, I'm forced to go as well.

The bear snatched the keys, swallowing them.

Boskov: (growls) Goonight.

Cilan: Anyone caught wasting fuel will be punished big time.

Most: Yeesh.

Later, in a "steam room" marked with "No Pointing and Laughing", the familiar figures were sitting on the chairs while the steam was being made while the non nude ones wore towels around themselves.

Scarlett: I don't care what our Hector says. We're entering that demolition derby to prove our ship isn't a piece of junk.

Fidget: But won't that turn our ship into a piece of junk?

Coconuts: Shut up, Bat Leg.

Grounder: But he's got a point, Scarry.

Scarlett: Scarlett.

Amy (TD): But we have no choice. Rednecks insulted fake me.

Sammy: So? Let it go. Don't let your temper get the better of-

She yelped, being shaken senselessly by her twin in anger.

Amy (TD): REDNECKS!! They insulted the fake me!!

Harvey: Isn't it you that got insulted as well-

Amy (TD): No it wasn't, stupid fluff and stuff rag doll!

Rigby: Uh question, Amy...why do you like to blame fake you in everything that's obviously your fault?

Amy (TD): That's none of your damn business, you lemur.

Rigby: I'm a raccoon!

Daffy: I'm with Ames. We're entering the competition. They mocked my ship and I'm paying them back! (smirks) And I know just how to make the bear cough it up.

Inside a bedroom, Boskov was sleeping with the brain in tank near stomach wincing, trying to cover his non-existent ears.

Hector: (to himself) Ugh, Boskov, you REALLY need to get something for that snoring! It's annoying!

As Hector turned away, the door opened with Dodgers and Pinkie going near the sleeping bear.

Pinkie: Psst! Fidget...over here.

The bat, in black clothing, slunk around before going near the sleeping Boskov, holding a magnet on fishing rod.

Fidget: (quietly) Okay. Using this magneto, I will now guide the keys up the thorax and out via the frontal face hole.

He ran the magnet around the body before a key was placed on the magnet.

Fidget: That's the storage locker, (snatches another set) the boat, (snatches a third set) the other boat, (snatches the last one) pay dirt!

A bit later, the doors to the building opened before out came the ship, zooming at warp speed.

Rocket Ship

It zoomed passed the moon and the entire solar system.

Rocket Ship

The ship then crashed through the Demolition Derby sign before it arrived to the stadium.

Daffy: WHOOO! We're here, people!!

Twilight: I STILL don't understand why you even bother wanting to enter, guys. You could get in serious trouble and some of our friends from the past could get banned.

Daffy: (scoffs) You worry too much.

Finally, it landed on the ground while a voice shouted with the crowd cheering wildly.

Voice: Greetings, sports fans. Though whether this outpouring of inbreds can in fact be classified as a sport is a subject of no small scholarly debate.

Trucker 1: (notices) Well, wells, well, if it ain'ts Princess Pukerella and her pukey puke-mobile.

Max (TD): Oh, yeah? Well... Shut up.

Rainbow: (dryly) Good comeback, Max.

Max (TD): You shut up, too.

Rainbow: Gah!

Sammy: Um-

Max (TD): Shut up!!

Amy (TD): Finally, something he agrees with.

Max (TD): I said shut up!!

Amy (TD): (snaps) No, YOU shut up!

Daffy: Why don't you both shut up?!

Both: (punches him) You keep out of this!!

On the stadium booth were two kids dressed as reporters.

Boy: Nick and Chip here as Howard and Cosell.

Chip: Yes!

Nick: And now to grace us with its rendition of the national anthem, please welcome what is left of the Dixie Chicks after their tragic matter transporter accident.

Up came a blob of three humans walking to the center of the area, mostly heads with arms and legs, wincing.

Dixie Chicks: We're in horrible pain.

The crowd only cheered wildly before the ships took off.

Chip: And we are underway.

As metal music was heard playing on the stadium, the ships began crashing one another with one holding a stuffed deer strapped to roof smashed to a blue ship, causing the stuffed corpse to hit the window.

Crowd: YAY!

One ship bashed a bigger ship with the crowd cheering more while two more ships crashed and Daffy's ship swerved, hitting the trucker's ship as the two truckers yelped.

Truckers: WHOAS!!

The others in Daffy's ship, minus the excited ones, only winced with fear.

Drakken: (smirks) Yes! Now we're inflicting.

A piece of the ship landed on the ground. As the brawl continued, the crowd continued to cheer.

Nick's Voice: Outstanding! Tonight we are witnessing a veritable clinic and that ludicrous hullabaloo known as demolition derby.

A man in Lego suit on a Lego-looking ship flew before colliding with a big ship. More ships flew with an Asian colliding with a head of a man on a head jar marked "Scott Bakula".

Asian: (frowns) Way to kill the franchise, Bakula.

The ship was hit, destroying it with the Asian yelping, being hit by lasers before it blew up. The crowd kept cheering with only the trucker and Daffy's ships beginning to head to one another.

Chip's Voice: I haven't seen damage like that since Lord Hater!!

Nick's Voice: Indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, we are down to our final two ships. In the storied annals of demolition derby, today will surely be remembered, if only as the day upon which I was absorbed into that hideous conglomeration once known as the Dixie Chicks.

It then showed Nick and Chip merged with the Dixie Girls, whom frowned.

Dixie Chick: (frowns) Ugh.

All while Daffy and the crew began heading to the garbage truck.

Daffy: Buckle your sphincters.

Everyone else only held on as they screamed in terror while they went closer.

Trucker 1: That broad's gang's insanes.

Trucker 2: But you're insansier, right?

Trucker 1: Nah, I guess nots. I've decideds to relax and enjoy life from now ons.

The two screamed, steering away from the ship before it tumbled, crashing before it showed the garbage truck in the wreck with hood pop up and windshield wiper missing. The crowd cheered wildly with the ones inside shivering, peeking out a bit.

Daffy: YES! We did it!

All while his tail was on fire before it fell off. Later, big trophy was shown.

Nick: And Team Dodgers takes the trophy.

The two ships tapped with the trophy hood popped open before part of the hangar broke off. Later, the familiar ship began wobbling back to its home.

Rocket Ship

Afterward, it crashed to the ground. Later, the gang quickly covered the ship with curtains to make it look like Dodgers' ship. A bit later, the sleeping bear snored with the gang glancing.

Rainbow: (quietly) Now, I'll use the magnet to get the keys back in there.

Fidget: (quietly) What? You mean I cut a big hole in him for nothing?

He pointed to the Toon hole on Boskov's belly area before starting to put the covers back. Later, the remains were pushed back behind the curtain.

Mordecai: Okay, let's not panic. Boskov and Hector probably won't even remember that they have a spaceship.

Just then, the doors opened with two familiar figures (with brain and stomach on bear) arriving.

Hector: Ah, my precious spaceship! My one pride and joy in the cold December of my days. Come, friends. Let's take her for a spin to the evil malt shop like old times.

Rainbow: (quickly) Quick, Fidget, execute Distraction Protocol Alpha.

Fidget: Roger that.

He hopped on the ball, starting to juggle torches while balancing himself.

Fidget: Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! (trips) Ooh!

He crashed to the ground with the torch landing near the curtain.

Fidget: (Anime eye swirls) Don't look at me.

Just then, the curtain was set on fire, causing the entire thing to be uncovered, showing the ship with dent marks, causing them, minus the oblivious Hector, to gasp.

Hector: Yes, she's a wonderful ship, all right. As beautiful now as the day I got botched laser eye surgery in my old body.

He then noticed the fuel gage on the floor.

Hector: Now, that's odd. What's the fuel gauge doing on the fl-(gasps) Gah! The gage broke off!

He noticed the ship slightly below the full mark.

Hector: Great Godzilla's gonads! Who wasted precious fuel AND broke off the fuel gage? Answer now or be punished.

Amy (TD): Fake me and Scarlett did it!

Hector: (glares) You will be punished. (notices) Boskov, point!

The confused bear only pointed.

Hector: To the culprit, stupid!

Boskov: Ugh!

He pointed to the two.

Hector: That's better.

(End of Chapter 1)
The fuel crisis commences as the price of Energon goes high. However, Scarlett plans to go to the demolition derby to prove herself and beat the crud out of the truckers! Meanwhile, Harvey and the Dumb Bots find out they have no imagination within themselves and decided to try out the game from the past: The Realm of Darthon.
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BrentdyeDragon's avatar
I guess is amy and Scarlett fault.