
KNS: A Song of Darkness and Brimstone 2

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(Act 2)

Meanwhile, in a different town of a sort, the familiar figures walked down the street with Coconuts walking down together.

Hiram: And WHY did you ask me to come again?

Scratch: We uh don't wanna end up lost and knowing Grounder with me and Coconuts alone, since he's the only one who can make maps, he's likely one to lose them too!

Grounder: But I wanna get that hypno consoles! I wanna get both of them!

Hiram: Hypno consoles? I thought they were just regular console games that play like Genesis and SNES, whatever those things are.

Grounder: But both sides want one or the other. It's like Super NES vs. Genesis!

Hiram: I still don't know what they are.

Scratch: They're like Christmas games, Hiram.

Hiram: So basically toys?

Grounder: More like videogames. Ha-ha-ha. The hypno consoles are like that too, except they want more money for stuff that won't work on either of them.

Scratch: Grounder, what are you talking about?

Grounder: I dunno. The two sides acting like that because of those machine or the (points) dead animal in the street?

Coconuts: (glares) Hey, you're lagging!

Guilmon: (following) Sorry. We were talking, plus I'm getting hungry.

Takato: Let's just talk to this guy, and then we can hit a fast food place.

Guilmon: But can't we check out the new consoles?

Takato: Talk to the guy first, then food!

Henry: I only went with this business because I like role playing, to be honest.

Rika: (notices) Here's the address.

She pointed to a mansion gate.

Jack: WHOA! THAT is a mansion.

Takato: (notices) And a yacht! What is he? Elmer Fudd?

The doorbell was rung before a voice spoke on the intercom.

Voice in Intercom: Can I help you?

Terriermon: Hello? Is this Yoshiyuki Tomino's house, momentai?

Voice in Intercom: Who is this, please?

Hiram: Uhhhh, it's four kids, a bunch of animals, robots, and a mouse who want to know what happens when the Gundam Villains and the so-called dragons show up? (pauses) Hello?

Voice in Intercom: I'm sorry, but Mr. Martin does not see fans.

Scratch: We're not fans!

Puppetmon: Yeah, we don't even like it!

Coconuts: In fact, we hate it! And I'm pretty pissed off, if you wanna know the truth!

Voice in Intercom: About what?

Coconuts: Let me talk to Tomino, THEN I'll tell him about what!

After a few moments, a buzzer sound was heard before the gate opened up.

MetalSeadramon: Why do I get a feeling he's just gonna stall AND we're gonna starve?

Grounder: We can always eat each other.

MetalSeadramon: You always come up with scenarios that result to cannibalism. (annoyed) And I wish you'd stop!

The door opened as someone came out, glancing at the group arriving.

Man: It's the Blood Wedding, isn't it? You hate how I killed everyone off?

Coconuts: Uh no sir, we just really need to know about the villains, but they never seem to show up, Tomino.

Tomino: Oh they're coming. The villains are on their way.

Coconuts: (snaps) When?

Tomino: You really wanna know?

Coconuts: (sternly) Please. It's urgent.

Tomino: Do you really REALLY want to know?

Coconuts: If we say yes, will you tell us already?

Tomino: Okay then. The president in there is STILL at war with the villains, but there's a brave boy named Hiro who wakes up one morning with a plan. And his tattoo on his back is shown, very delicately and so choice.

Hiram: (sweatdrops) This guy's obsessed with tattoos!

Coconuts: Bub, skip the tattoo crap and just get to the villains!

Grounder: "Hiro"? That sounds like the name of that kid who has a Bayamax bot.

Guilmon: (groans) Soooo hungry! I'm gonna faint!

He slumped to the ground.

Renamon: What the heck happened to you?

Guilmon: I told you I needed to eat. I didn't eat anything since last night!

Tomino: (gasps) Oh Jeez, uh, why don't you kids come out from the cold? I'll order some pizzas.

Hiram: About time! I didn't eat since this morning!

Tomino: Come on in! I'll tell you everything that's gonna happen in Gundam Warriors.

Finally, the group headed inside. Back at the familiar garden, Melody with her group walked with Daffy, Digit, and Vlad.

Daffy: Boys, girls, I wanted to talk to you about Sonik and his friends.

Melody: If you want to make sure I'm not switching sides, Daff, you don't have to worry. My brother is wrong.

Daffy: It isn't that.

Melody: (pause) It's about the fact that we're in Mr. Frederickson's garden again, is it?

Daffy: No! Those two girls are loved by her army (shows a flower), but one of those traitors are still the nuts and ball of their operation.

Beast Boy: So?

Daffy: It would be a huge setback to the traitors getting their Retranoxes if either of them were to be...grounded?

Melody: (shocked) Grounded?

Mr. Bump: For what?

Daffy: That could be up to you.

Melody: Oh no. I ain't screwing around with them. I am straight!

Daffy: Anything but that.

Digit: Get them grounded!? For what?

Bowser Jr.: Wait, hang on. You said nobody will have to be grounded.

Miss Calamity: He's right. We're not playing dirty!

Bowser Jr.: Hey, I am, as long as I paint mustaches on them.

Vlad: Fine, fine. Perhaps you're right.

Mr. Bump: Come on. Has being grounded ever work?

Daffy: Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That will be up to you.

Digit: By the way, did you know that Drakken, Shego, and our friends are working a temp job at mall security?

Some: Huh?

Digit: (ponders) Seems a little convenient, doesn't it?

Bowser Jr.: Yeah, those jerks with somebody on the inside to help them get their Retranoxes.

Daffy: See? Who's playing dirty now?

Mr. Bump: I am!

Mr. Bump jumps in a mud puddle, laughing.

Mr. Bump: I'm a dirty boy, dirty!

Daffy: Let's face it, Song Knight and friends, this is really about you and me getting Super Fun Machines. The rest are simply there to help us get through those doors.

Melody: Daffy, are you trying to make us paranoid about-

Carl Frederickson's Voice: Don't believe it!

They looked at the old man peeking from the back door.

Carl Frederickson: He said that to a bunch of people!

Daffy: Dude, you'd better stop harassing me or I'm callin' the cops!

Carl Frederickson: (snaps) You're callin' the cops?!

Daffy: Yeah!

Carl Frederickson: You're on my property! I'M callin' the cops!

Daffy: Well go ahead! Call the flippin' cops then!

Melody: (sweatdrop) Dear god. A running gag.

At a bedroom, in Mr. Happy's house, the familiar shape human looked at Miss Sunshine.

Mr. Happy: Miss Sunshine, I can't believe this: kissing while our families have a feud with one another.

Miss Sunshine: It was the only place they wouldn't catch us.

Mr. Happy: (blushing) So um...what happens...after we kiss?

Miss Sunshine: Well...maybe we can learn together.

The two smiled warmly before preparing to kiss. Just then, the door opened with the two yelping, noticing the familiar news people.

Dan Anchorman: Oh god! What is with the lips puckering!

Mr. Happy: AHHH! Dan! Maxwell! Miss Nurse! Uh I got something stuck in my teeth and-

Nurse: Mr. Happy, what's wrong with you?

Maxwell: What's wrong?! The Happys and Sunshines have been in a feud for years!

Mr. Happy: No one has to know.

Miss Sunshine: Right. Our relationship isn't their business.

Yuki: Friends, I'm standing in your doorway because we have a hot news story to report.

Mr. Happy: But we don't go to work for another hour.

Dan Anchorman: We just got a call from someone that goes by the name of Dogbert.

Nurse: And he says he can promise us a bigger war on Black Friday if we play along.

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) He wants us to side with him?

Yuki: That's right, Miss Sunshine. Let's not forget that having a bloodbath on Black Friday is good for the news. It's good for us. The bigger, the better.

Mr. Happy: But this is crazy! Our job is to report the news, not make it more violent!

Dan Anchorman: Well, too bad. (chuckles) I hate to find out what happen if your families find out about your..."dirty little secret."

Mr. Happy: You guys wouldn't sell us out, would you?

Maxwell: (points) Tell that to Miss Scary and Miss Naughty.

The cat pointed to Miss Scary with Miss Naughty holding her iphone which had the couple preparing to kiss.

Miss Naughty: Riiiight, because you're sooo about integrity.

Miss Sunshine: Oh horse feathers.

Miss Scary: What's worse for you: blackmail or your families separating you two?

Mr. Happy: (sighs) We have no choice.

Yuki: Back to you.

It then showed the familiar logo.


Voice: It's the morning news with Mr. Happy, Miss Sunshine, and friends, the top rated news anchor teams.

It then showed the reluctant two with the other reporters grinning.

Dan Anchorman: Well Black Friday is just around the corner and friends, it's getting fierce out there.

Mr. Happy: Yes, yes, very fierce, more fiercer. I can't imagine what be more fiercer than that.

He started laughing a bit nervously.

Miss Sunshine: (shivers) That's right, and and temp corospondent Yuki Kunicha is out at the mall with a little holiday surprise.

It then showed the reporter near the mall.

Yuki: Friends, the excitement over Black Friday is peaking, and none other than the heads of Videlectrix themselves have shown up to try to make it even bigger.

She pointed to the familiar employees with a brown hair girl, a Hindu intern, and a bald man in glasses.

Dogbert: That's right. We just want to do whatever we can to help our supporters get their Super Fun Machines at incredible deals on Friday, so we've come to offer swords and battle axes, whatever any fighter can carry to help them fight their way through the other shoppers.

Dilbert: This is madness! Alice, Wally, Asok, Dogbert is trying to make people from shoppers to killers.

Wally: Shh. Dilbert, I can't help you right now. I'm on TV.

Alice: (groans) Idiot.

Asok: (hides) Just keep the camera away from me! I heard it will steal my soul!

Alice: That's stupid!

Yuki: (to the boss) We understand that you've donated some guns to the kids as well.

Pointy-Hair Boss: Yes, but we are limiting it to one per Fun Machine follower, because of course, the key thing here on everyone's mind is safety.

Dogbert: But for the first few kids, we also got a BFG to "take out the competition."

Pointy-Hair Boss: Heh heh heh. These kids these days.

Dilbert: (fearfully) This isn't happening. This isn't happening.

Back at the familiar neighborhood, the crowd of Super Fun Machine supporters with Daffy sitting on a carry throne with a few carrying him marched down the street, each of them holding dangerous weapons.

Daffy: Okay, before we begin, check your weapons for the safety.

Trigger's Voice: Mine's on safety!

Just then, the crossbow of the vulture's was heard flung, making the people scream and duck, yelping before the arrow hit a tree.

Sheriff: (scowls) What were yew thinking, ya bird brain?!

Sheriff hits Trigger on the head, smashing his helmet.

Trigger: It really WAS on, sir!

Brandy: Ugh, him and that itchy trigger finger of his.

They stopped near a door before knocking with Mirage peeking out.

Mirage: Oh crap! Don't tell me there's an angry mob already! It wasn't my fault that the mayor had an allergy problem!

Daffy: Uh we're not here for that. I need to know, is Bugs and his friends over here?

Mirage: (sweatdrops) Ooooh that. Okay, sure. They're out back playing some stupid game. And Mr. Phage would've done something about it, but he's busy with a few things, namely trying to stop Fidget and his crew from their idiotic scam about-

Daffy: Yeah, yeah, whatever! (points) FORWARD, MEN!

Brandy: (annoyed) Ahem!

Daffy: (annoyed) Fine. And women!

The birds holding the throne tried getting through the door, yelping a bit as they tried turning it different directions.

Daffy: That, no-No, you- You've gotta turn me. No, the other way! No, twist it! Twist it! Twist it!

Digit: I AM twisting it! You're just-

Mirage: (snaps) Just use the gate door, stupid!

Digit: (confused) There was a gate door?!

Inside the backyard, the small army was training before Rigby gasped.

Rigby: It's the enemy!

Porky: Defensive po-po-p-po-p-positions!

The crowd shouted while holding their makeshift weapons before Daffy glared.

Foes: (randomly) Protect the Prince and Princess! Kill 'em! Kill 'em! Get out!

Daffy: I seek audience with the traitors, Lady Michiru and Sir Haruka?

Mordecai: Let them pass!

The crowd moved while Daffy with his army passed through the small army.

Hotaru: Uh where did they get realistic weapons?

Mordecai: I don't know. I thought you had to wait or be older in order to get any of them, let alone guns.

Haruka: If it isn't the wizard.

Michiru: We only welcome you to our kingdom and suggest you state your purpose for being here.

Vlad: You can't win this, guys.

Digit: I hate to agree, but they're right. It's impossible for any of you to win this retro console war.

Daffy: Look around you. Lay down yor weapons, and you can come back and fight for Super Fun Machines with us on Black Friday.

Haruka: (glares) Hmph, if you want to change your minds and agree that the even equally lousy other console or whatever is better, we'll consider it.

Rigby: Yeah! (reailzes) Wait, what?

Daffy: Tenou, we all understand wanting to play as the boy once in a while, 'kay? But you are never going to be a real prince!

Haruka: Ha! If I had the Stick of Honesty, you wouldn't be laughing!

Daffy: (anger mark) "Stick of..." (pause) Say, that's not bad. We should use that in another adventure sometime.

Rigby: Oh yeah. Sounds cool.

Mordecai: But where the hell can we get a stick? And who will wield it?

Rigby: Probably some new kid for all we care.

Haruka: Besides, what you are is tar and feathered.

Daffy: That doesn't even make sense.

Melody: Sonik, everyone, this has gone too far. People are going to get hurt.

Beast Boy: She's right! What you started is way out of control.

Cyborg: What I'VE started? How dare you!

The two glared, preparing to attack.

Ash: (panics) Stop it! You guys use to be friends!

Mr. Bump: But they're right! All these people are going to be gaming on Super Fun Machines.

Miss Calamity: I honestly thought we were just gonna get some handcraft things-

Daffy's Group: Miss Calamity!

Thomas: And I was only gonna get a-

Some: THOMAS!!

Digit: Shut up, Goat Meg!

Melody: They have a point. You really wanna just game with Cajun the rest of your life?

Sonik: I would rather game with EVEN Pinky than spend one minute having to set up an Viewalliteshow account!

Miss Whoops: What's Viewalliteshow?

Mr. Bump: Oh that's a little extra you have to pay extra for and set up an account. It's got Soundlink, radio music, and sound drama and such.

Miss Calamity: This whole thing is stupid!!

Mr. Bump: Just like Virtual Boy.

Michiru: We WILL get our consoles tomorrow, and you and your so-called friends will have nothing!

Daffy: You're outnumbered ten to one, and there's no time left! How will you win?!

The gang looked at one another.

Haruka: If we got the Stick of Honesty...

Daffy: Well, you don't got the stick, Ellen DeGeneres, so don't bother. Nyah!

Michiru: The gods WILL find us a way, though.

They glared at one another. As that happened, only Thomas with Meg Griffin, the latter seemingly hypnotic, backed away before darting off.

Daffy: Besides, who you gonna call? In case you haven't recalled, that cockroach's holy ain't here no more!

Back at the familiar manor, Coconuts glared in annoyance while the others waited and Guilmon groaned.

Tomino: So then Duo sees the army approaching, and his head tattoo is about (motions) this big.

Coconuts: (impatient) Grrr!

Tomino: He knows that Heero's is probably shriveled from the cold. Duo has to rally his men, so what does he do?

Hiram: Does it involve tattoos more? Because so far, it's getting ridiculous! AND you're stalling!

Jack: (sing-songy/covers his hears) Oh I am not listening or caring! La-la-la-la-la!!

Rika: He's right, plus you said you ordered us some food. (glares) Or did you just WANT to distract us?

Tomino: Relax, the food is coming.

Rika: Just like the villains. Ugh. Are you going to get to that damn plot point? It's long like the Simpsons!

Coconuts: Or just like a Comedy Central show that is running out of ideas and just use cock magic!

Grounder: (confused) Aren't we doing that now?

As they spoke that, neither of them noticed MetalSeadramon preparing to power his snout gun.

MetalSeadramon: (glares) Just give me the signal and I'll finish him.

Scratch: They're right, bub! You said food's coming because I can't stand Guilmon's complaining!

Takato: You'd complain too if you were a real bird and had to go through 24 hours without eating!

Tomino: Yeah yeah, they're on their way. They're still coming. So the tattoo gets flexed on the chest and goes-(sing-songy/flexes) Dee-doo-dee-doo-dee-doo!

Henry: But you said they were on their way like three hours ago!

Guilmon: (in pain) If I don't eat anything soon, I'm goin' to pass out.

Tomino: If it helps, I got candy in a bowl nearby.

The others spot a bowl with candy inside.

Guilmon: Why didn't you say so before?!

Tomino: Because it's rock candy.

Quickly, Guilmon gulped the entire candy contents.

Some: Guilmon!

Tomino: Don't worry. They're coming. The food's on their way. They're gonna be amazing. Now Wufei finally faces his enemy, and that head tattoo is, you know, huge, right? So it's not goin' to be easy.

(End of Act 2)
As Jack's group arrives to the writer of Gundam Warrior's place and gets stuck listening to him about tattoos and such, Daffy tries to negotiate with Haruka and Michiru without prevail. All while Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine are blackmailed to cover a violent story!
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Things are getting in tenses. Nice build up for the stick of truth story.