
KNS: Halloween Tree: KNS Style 2

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(Act 2)

The group looked horrified, watching the tornado carrying the ghostly boy.

Sam: Great spiritual ways of the Indian tribe that we're not suppose to be talking about! What happened to him!?

Moundshroud: NOOOOO!! Bother, bother, bother, I say!

He quickly dashed down below to the ground.

Moundshroud: (glares) Do you have any idea what you've done! Now my entire night schedule is thrown off!

Tom Skelton: What did you do to Pip?

Shirly: Tell us!

Courage: Where'd you send him?

Max: Yeah, do it or I'll rip that skin off that will match your balding head!

Moundshroud: (frowns) Oooh, I didn't send her anywhere, Skeleton.

Jenny: (glares) Where is he?

Others: Yeah!

Grim: Huh, he must've not liked Moundshroud's company, so I assumed he escaped.

Moundshroud: (hissing) Escaped, I might add, with a pumpkin that is my property!

Tom Skelton: Well then, Mr. Moundshroud, sir, you bring our friend back right now!

Chiyo: Yeah, he could be panicking in fear!

Darry: (as Danny) Hey, he's a ghost! I'm sure he'll be all right. (as June) That's what you think, but he's not a halfa like us.

Remy: (sweatdrops) Yeeeeah, no comment here.

They looked at the tornado blowing around with the wind.

Moundshroud: Sorry, if only life were that easy, friends. (ponders) Hmmm, by now, Pipkin's escaped to the undiscovered country. There's no telling how long it will take me to find him again.

Shirly: (shocked) What?!

Tomo: Find him?

Courage: He's lost?!

Mr. Bump: Unfortunately.

Miss Scary: What!?

Nina: (sweatdrops) Which figures.

Rini: Hey, Moundshroud, can we go with you? We can help.

Moundshroud: Impossible! You've helped quite enough already! Thank you!

Ralph: But anything's possible on Halloween, right?

Mandy: They have a point, you know.

Moundshroud: (glares) Oh really? And what do (pointing) YOU know about Halloween? A few meddlers and their dogs barging into my house, blundering into my business not even knowing why!

Grim: (glares) Hey, I tried stopping them! What's your excuse?

Moundshroud: (pointing) You dressed as a skeleton, witch, mummy or...

He stopped for a moment, beginning to ponder with a grin.

Moundshroud: Hmmm...wait just a minute.

Wheez: (confused) Huh?

Moundshroud: It is a long trip and it's hours before dawn so I...

He looked at his watch, glancing.

Moundshroud: So I...oh, I mean WE should have enough time if we fly fast enough.

All: Yes.

Moundshroud: (raising his arms) And far enough.

All: (nods) Yeah. Yeah.

Moundshroud: (smirks) We might be able to catch Pip, grab her pumpkin fire soul, and have a scavenger hunt as well! So you can find out who you are, what you are made of, and retrieve your Pipkin at the same time.

Wheez: Yeah...(realizes) Wait, what?

Moundshroud: (grins) Well, will you come with me to solve three mysteries in one?

Some: Yes!

Courage: No, don't listen!

Wheez: Coward.

Jack O'Lantern: (crosses his arms) Forget it! If you think I'm going to do some stupid scavanger hunt like that, you-

Grim: (shoves him) You owed us last Halloween, Jack! Now move!!

Wheez: That and they COULD use the stuff and knowledge they could get.

Shirly: (pauses) Something tells me he's undead.

Grim: (dryly) What was your first clue?

Moundshroud: (grins) What fun then! The undiscovered country it is!

Billy: YAY!!

Moundshroud: (pointing) Feast your eyes, a thousand Halloweens wait out there to swallow us whole!

They looked at the abandoned barn nearby.

Moundshroud: That barn and on the sides of the barn, the makings of an October kite! Do you see?

Wheez: See what? See what?

Fred: Bad nose! You got a bad nose!

Wheez: (anger mark) Now cut that out!

They looked carefully at the abandoned farm with thunder and lightning flashing about.

Moundshroud: (grins) This way skeleton, this road mummy, this fence witch, this meadow monster.

Wheez: And this lame gag, dogs.

Dogs: Don't remind us.

The group came through the area, looking at the area.

Moundshroud: Do you see, do you see?

As Rini's voice spoke next, the group looked at many old posters attached to the barn.

Rini's Voice: And they did see, they saw a poster papers tapestry of circus beasts pasted on the barn's side years ago. It was as if the captures animals were waiting to be released.

The group muttered and stared in amazement.

Ralph: (stunned) Oh my gosh.

Homestar: What's wrong, SB? I don't find that quote annoying.

Strong Bad: Maybe not to you.

Moundshroud: (grins) Let's build a kite then, shall we?

Grim: Well, it's suppose to be my night off, but if I must help you, I must.

Mandy: What are you talking about, Grim?

Grim: Uh, I'll explain later.

The skeleton rose his scythe as both he and the man shot some lightning from the fingertips and from the scythe onto the wood. They watched as the wood began forming, to shape itself like a cross with barbed wires tangling itself around the kite.

Billy: Oh, my turn! My turn!

The kids and canines came to the posters and as the scythe hit the pictures, all of a sudden, the lion in the poster began to move and roar at them.

Courage: OOoooooh!!

Mr. Nervous: AHHHH! It's alive!

Miss Scary: Whoa! Moundshroud, I love it!

The others gasped a bit with thunder circulating the posters, with many roars of different animals heard. As Rini continued, the papers began flying away from the building, with the posters torn and forming all over the area where the kite prop was.

Rini's Voice: They seized huge rolls of animals from the weathered wall. They tore off patches of fangs, striped of piercing eyes, sheets of claws and tails. The unshackled beast cried and the assembled in three leaps and valves.

The group watched while the man began pulling the ropes, with the wind becoming strong, making the giant animal kite start to fly.

Ralph: Oh my gosh!

Homestar: Whoa!

Maximus: (stunned) Did not see that coming.

Moundshroud pulled hard, grunting a bit.

Tom Skelton: (concerned) Will it fly us?

Nemesis: All of us?

Moundshroud: (grins) I thought you've never asked.

The man pulled hard on the ropes before the kite began lifting in the air with the beast kite roaring. The animals, holding the rope, grunted, flying around, though they noticed the kite flying rapidly and crooked.

Shirly: It won't fly straight.

Wheez: (glares) What was that about trusting you?

Moundshroud: Shut up.

Fred: Oh, love the pretty dangling kite. Yes.

Tom Skelton: (realizes) A tail, we need a tail.

Nina: That's it!

The skeleton wearing boy ran up to the fence, climbing up it before trying to grab the kite. When it flew and almost hit him, he grabbed the bottom. Just then, she with the kite began flying, though now more straight with Tom grinning and the kite roaring.

Moundshroud: Right, my boy! Who else for the tail?

Wheez: Ya ain't getting me to be the-

Ralph: (yanks him) WE are next.

Mandy: Come on, stupid.

Wheez: (sweatdrops) Why me?

They began dashing off with Wally and Jenny following.

Jenny: Not before me!

Courage watched Shirly following with the lizard pulling.

Courage: I think I'll stay and-

However, the smug pumpkin quickly kicked him toward the sky.

Courage: AHHHHH!!

Just as the others, with the reluctant weasel, grabbed Tom, Courage grabbed Shirly's legs, shivering in fear.

Courage: Eeeeek.

As everyone else quickly grab the tail, they, as the tail, began flying very high and straight with the laughing Moundshroud, holding the rope, following.

Moundshroud: Ha-ha-ha-ha! FLY! Ha-ha-ha-ha! FLY!

Finally, as the kite was going airborne, Moundshroud, running, tied a rope onto his torso, holding onto the rope. Finally, he too was lifted up as the roaring kite with the group flew up in the sky.

Wheez: (sickly) I should've brought a sick bag with me.

Osaka: (Anime eye swirls) Me too!! Too high!!

Courage: (dryly) Welcome to my world.

As they kept flying higher, Shirly shouted.

Shirly: Jenny, just don't look down!

Jenny, however, looked down, yelping as she saw the city below.

Jenny: AHHH! I just remembered: I hate heights!

Shirly: (sweatdrops) I warned you.

She quickly closed her eyes, shouting the multiplications.

Jenny: 2x2 is 4, 4x4 is 16...

As she continued, the group flew passed the clock tower, then passed many houses with the kids continuing their trick or treating, not noticing the giant kite. As they kept flying, Jenny kept multiplying.

Jenny: ...256 is 6500...

Courage: (gasps) AHHHH! (pointing) LOOK! Pip!

Wheez: Huh?

Kaylee: He's here?

Shirly: What?

Wally: (notices) It IS Pip.

Ralph: Pip.

Jenny: 74-(notices) Pip!

There, they saw the ghostly boy flying inside the wind, still clutching onto his pumpkin.

Tom Skelton: (stunned) Pip!

Strong Bad: Where the crap's he going?

The man, now flying a bit closer to them, looked seriously.

Moundshroud: Not where, when! Four thousand Halloweens ago. Serenity with my pumpkin has gone ahead or should I say past.

They noticed many red clouds with thunder swirling about before they went through the portal with everything flashing about. As they continued through, they passed the moon going through many eclipses/dark side circular motions while Rini continued.

Rini's Voice: The moon began to blink faster and faster it began wax to wing. Until a thousand times over it flickered and then flickering changes the landscape below.

The group continued flying through the area, looking shocked with the land changing as flickering continued. Finally, when it was all done, the blond girl gasped, noticing where they were.

Tom Skelton: Egypt, but it's brand new.

Mandy: (dryly) Ugh, don't remind me. Reminds me of...(shudders) Irwin.

Minimus: And disgusting mummies like that space pharoah.

Ling Ling: Hai, me too!

Shirly: (realizes) That means, we've really gone back in time; four thousand years!

Just then, without warning, the kite began flying toward the ground as they began screaming. As they screamed, the kite was dragged to the sand, being ripped to pieces before crashing. After a moment, when they recovered, despite groaning and Courage spitting sand out, the man, using his cape to fly downward landed near them. Then, to their notice, they saw a small town by the pyramids.

Courage: (frowns) I really don't like tonight's adventure.

Tom Skelton: (pauses) Hey, guys? We met you before during the first Jack O'Lantern thing, right?

Mandy: Most of us, right?

Wally: How come you pretend like you didn't know us or something? We have to reintroduce ourselves.

Julie: Oh, well the rest didn't know you yet.

Sam: And Max and Psycho are both on short term memories.

Nack: Yep. We have to bring them back both to speed every once in a while.

Max: (gasps) AHHH! We're flying!

Psycho: (gasps) Gah! Giant talking rabbit!

Near the Egyptian homes, two Egypitans lit the door candles while gifts were placed on the ground. As that happened, many wandering spirits flew around while two of them noticed the group arriving. They yelped, quickly moving away with Raye gasping and Courage shivering.

Ralph: Oh my gosh.

Strong Bad: (anger mark) Stop saying that, homo!

Courage: (gulps) A-a-are those real live ghosts?

Mr. Nervous: Eeep! This is freaky!

Moundshroud: They prefer to be called spirits.

Jenny: Trying to get in to one of those houses?

Wheez: True.

Tom Skelton: And the food on the porch is for them?

Moundshroud: (nods) Seems so.

Shirly: Hmmm. Why, good ol' fashion trick-or-treat.

Homestar: (grins) Sweet, let's eat!

Moundshroud hits Homestar away however.

Homestar: Ouch!

Moundshroud: Don't disrespect the dead by eating what's rightfully theirs!

Meowth: Right, be respectful, Dumbstar!

They walked around the area with Wally looking around.

Wally: Four thousand years ago?

Wheez: (nods) Yes, imagine that.

Darry: This place looks like a dump! (Danny voice) Darry! Don't be rude! These are very people dedicated to their gods! (normal voice) Sorry.

Kaylee: Darry.

Just then, Tom Skelton gasped, noticing a familiar spirit boy near a mummy.

Tom Skelton: (pointing) Look there! That ghost-uh spirit.

Wheez: Shhh. Quiet.

Moundshroud: (smirks) Let's sneak up on him.

Miss Whoops: Right. Let me...

Of course, Miss Whoops bumps into some stuff, knocking them down. Just as one of the spirits was drinking and Pip prepared to take a piece of meat, he heard his friends and the accidents.

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

Mr. Bump: You never learn!

Tom Skelton: Pip!

Wally: Hold on!

Jenny: Wait!

Ralph: Pip, here we are!

Shirly: (notices) Kids, no!

Hiram: Gah, no! You're going to...

The spirit vanished with Pip gasping in fear. Quickly, he entered the house.

Courage: Ooooh! (groans) Why us?

Fred: Why not? Yes!

Grim: Come on, we better follow Pip before he ends up being casted into the other side.

Quickly, they followed before Moundshroud opened the curtain, noticing four people named Atem, Teana, and Jono with the last one shadowed in the dark nearby.

Hope: (gasps) My goodness!

Pom-Pom bubbles in surprise.

Chiyo: Is that...our Yu-Gi-Oh pals' past selves?!

Sam: Past lives. We must've been in a time long before they became the pals we know.

Teana: (grins) Enter, sit. You are all welcome.

The gang looked at Moundshroud, whom only nodded. They entered before sitting down. Before Wheez entered, not noticed by the others, he noticed his outfit, looking embarrassed a bit before snapping his fingers, transforming his garb into Egyptian garb.

Wheez: Much better for time fitting.

Hotaru: Looks kinda lame.

Mordecai: Tell me about it!

Finally, he entered as well. The group was given some strange food while Courage and Shirly, looking at the soup, looked a bit disgusted.

Courage: Bleck!

Darry: (June voice) Darry, eat us. Those people were nice to let us in here. (normal voice) Mom! This is disgusting! (June voice) Don't be rude or you won't go Halloween for 2 years! (normal voice/meekish) Yes, mother.

Moundshroud: Tell me this: how long have you have this condition?

Darry: (twitching) What condition? I don't got a condition. Guys, do I got a condition?! Wow, is it getting hot in here?!

Most: (annoyed) Yes.

Kaylee: He have it since mom and dad have to be in pods to get their memories restored and corrected.

Moundshroud: Ah, I see.

The kids, noticing as well, passed it down before Ralph, noticing a mummy, gasped in shock.

Ralph: Gah!

Nack: Holy shocking relatives to keep in your own home!

Psycho: (grins) Found another mummy.

Wheez: Oh holy cow! (realizes) Uh, I forget, who the heck is that mummy?

Atem: (sadly) Shimon Muran, my old mentor.

Jono: (quietly) Just don't make a fuss.

Miss Sunshine: Wow, poor guy.

Tom Skelton: He doesn't look very good.

Teana: Oh don't worry, he's been dead for quite some time now.

Ralph: Uh, so what's he doing here?

Shirly: Good question.

Yomi: Yeah...shouldn't he be in a tomb or a pyramid or something?

Some drinks were poured into goblets.

Atem: Once a year, at the feast of the ghosts, we invite him out to sit with us.

He pointed to an empty coffin as the mortals gulped a bit.

Courage: Now I'm GLAD I don't live in Egypt or a Mayan temple.

Ling-Ling: *Or some bakas ruling our world and making us put crap in their pyramids as tributes.*

Max: (pause) Why do I sense foreshadowing?

Sam: Never mind it, Max. It will pass eventually.

Teana: Eat.

Rigby: Dude, if we're spirits, how can we eat?

Mordecai: Hey, I ain't one to pass up good food.

Atem: Just be lucky you ain't three former friends of mine whom I won't mentioned for a long time. They were always tyrants.

Moundshroud: (smirks) Don't you wish we had a custom like this back home? Hmmm? He-he-he. Dinner for the dead.

Courage and Mr. Mervous finally screamed in fear when theu noticed the mummy nearby them.

Courage and Mr.Nervous: AHHHH!!

Miss Scary: Ha ha ha! Now that's scary!

Ralph, noticing Courage and Mr. Nervous screaming, went to them.

Ralph: He's dead, he can't-

Mr. Nervous: But he could come to life and strangle us or cursed us like King Tut!!!

Just then, they tripped, yelping before some of the pots were knocked to the ground. To their shock, they saw a familiar gasping boy, quickly trying to hide from them.

Moundshroud: (notices) What?!

Mr. Grumpy: There he is!

The ghostly boy continued to run.

Most: Pip!

Mako: Get back here!

He ran through the curtains, heading outside once more.

Wheez: Well girls, seems we won't have time for dessert.

Shirly: (dryly) I hate to ask: What's the dessert?

Wheez: From what I can tell, basbousa with semolina as the key ingredient...with vinegar too.

Courage: (disgusted) I rather pass.

Some: We're with you.

Mr. Happy: (sighs) Sorry we have to leave so quickly but...

Atem: It's okay, you may go get your friend if you like.

They looked at the mummy once more before they screamed, running outside.

Teana: (sweatdrop) Weird people.

Atem: Yet I got a feeling that we will see them again...

Outside, as the spirits continued with gift getting, the gang ran quickly.

Remy: Pip, come back!

Mr. Bump: Man, for a little kid, he flies quickly!

Tom Skelton: Come on, Moundshroud!

Wheez: Hhe's getting too far ahead!

Darry: Pip, come back!

Just then, the gang noticed Moundshroud nowhere while they quickly stopped.

Tom Skelton: Huh?

Nemesis: (frowns) Where the hell did he go?

Grim: What's Moundshroud planning?

Courage: (notices) Oooooh!

Mr. Nervous: (gasps) Look!

To their shock, they saw Moundshroud flying as he is laughing wickedly in the air.

Moundshroud: Ha-ha-ha-ha! The time has come! Hurry, race, run! Your three mysteries await!

Strong Bad: Hey, get back here!

The Cheat: Meh meh meh meh!

The grouos followed quickly, following the man before they stopped, gasping at the giant Egyptian statues.

Tom Skelton: (amazed) Whoa...just look at these.

Jack O'Lantern: (bored) Boring!

They walked through the area, looking at the statues.

Jenny: I'll say, they're giants.

The girl peeked a bit inside before noticing one of the statues moaning with sand coming out of its mouth.

Rini: Gah!

Wally: (gulps) Pip didn't go in there, did he?

Statue: Yeeees.

Osaka: Yikes! You have to ask!

Courage: (annoyed) Oh great.

Mr. Grumpy: One of us will have to either check or ask, I guess.

Jenny: Uh, go ahead, Tom.

Tom Skelton: No, uh, maybe Wally or one of the pals should go first.

Mr. Nervous: (gasps) No!

Reiko: Forget it!

Courage: I was gonna suggest Wheez.

Wheez: Are you outta your mind?!

Darry: (Danny voice) Young man, we got to do something or we will be trapped in this pas tforget.

Wally: It's all yours, Ralph.

Ralph: No, you first, I insist.

Just then, hissing sound was heard before a roll of bandaged rags threw itself outside the entrance, landing near Wally.

Billy: Huh?

Shirly: Hmmm, I can bet Pip sent that rag out to show us the way.

Kaylee: Really?

Just then, when Wally was about to pick it up, the rag snatched her as he screamed.

Wally: AHHH!!

Others: (shocked) WALLY!!


He was forced inside while the others quickly dashed after him, shouting all over the Egyptian tomb. The group continued through the area while Wally was continued being pulled inside. Wally was forcingly pulled through many door-like halls before finally arriving to where a coffin was. The rag snapped off before it fell to the ground. The boy panted a bit before a familiar voice through the mummy was heard.

Mummy: (Moundshroud's Voice) You, with the mummy wrapping and mummy faces.

The others caught up while Wally pointed to herself in confusion.

Wally: Who, me?

The mummy showed his hands with paintings of the sun and moon.

Mummy: Day is killed by night, summer by winter. Osiris the Sun God destroyed by his brother Darkness, the seasons!

Sarah: (gasps) My goodness!

The mummy placed his hands together before a red light glowed inside.

Wally: Is that what the Egyptians thought of Halloween?

Mummy: You tell me!

The mask was removed before the group gasped, noticing Moundshroud, now transformed to a mummy.

Grim: (dryly) Nice outfit...

Moundshroud: Why do you wear that costume?

Wally looked at his outfit a bit.

Rini: (sweatdrop) You don't know, do you?

Moundshroud: Oy! You're a mummy, boy, because that is how Egyptians dressed up their dead for eternity. Spun around in a cocoon of threads. They hoped to come forth like fresh butterflies in some far dear underworld. (motioning) Know your cocoon boy, touch the strange stuff.

Wally: (touches himself) Then everyday is Halloween.

Moundshroud: (realizes) Oooh yes, every day. (grins) Very good.

Jack O'Lantern: (bitterly) That would've happened a while ago for me but NOOOOOO! Grim's stupid pals ruin everything!

Mandy: It was Irwin who delivered the big blow shockingly.

Just then, they heard footsteps with moaning.

Mr. Nervous: (gulps) What's that?

Mr. Bump: Not the welcome committee or something not good.

Wally: (concerned) But what about Pip?

Moundshroud: It maybe too late. They're wrapping him up as a gift to eternity now!

The group gasped in shock while noticing shadows below in an opening.

Hotaru: No!

Wally: (frowns) You don't mean like right now?

Moundshroud: Save her, boy!

Wally and Mr. Bump quickly jumped in as they screamed.

Both: AHHH!

Courage: (panics) Oh no!

The pink dog hopped in the hole as he also screamed.

Courage: AHHHH!!!

Darry: (June voice) Kids like them shouldn't jumped to where they don't know what is going to take them. (Danny voice) Right, here. Wanna make out? (June voice) Let's!

The two puppets make out, making the others uneasy.

Darry: (sighs/normal voice) Story of my life.

The three of them continued sliding before they came to a floor, crashing toward a coffin. The three groaned a bit before getting up. Just then, they heard a familiar voice.

Pip's Voice: (in coffin) Courage? Wally? Mr. Bump

Trio: Pip?

Pip's Voice: that you?

Mr. Bump: Yeah, it's us.

Wally: (grins) Of course it's me. We're going to get you out of here.

They looked at the Pip faced coffin as he spoke weakly.

Pip's Voice: I'm fading.

Courage: Oh no!

Mr. Bump: Oh poopity poop!

Wally: (worried) No, you can't leave now! What about all our plans? You said someday you would teach me how to bat left handed, help me with my study session to get to High School and even graduate together with our friends to college? You're the only friend who ever first saw me as I am instead of what people though I was and the only person who's never made fun of my wearing glasses.

Mr. Bump: Yeah, listen to him, Pip!

Pip's Voice: (groans) Learning to bat left handed isn't so hard, Wally.

The three grunted, trying to lift the coffin together, though it would not budge. Just then, they gasped, hearing a noise. They heard chanting with the pink dog, using the remaining bandages on himself with the three hiding before the Egyptians came inside. Then, the coffin was taken before they left the room. At the corners, Wally, Mr. Bmp and Courage posed as mummies before they peeked.

Wally: (frowns) Oh great, now what do we do?

The three finally quickly headed off, following them. Slowly and surely, they hid in each area before noticing the Egyptians heading to a tomb. In the familiar tomb, Wheez heard something.

Wheez: Guys-

Mounshroud: Shhhh!

Sakaki: (gasps) Hide!

They quickly hid with Moundshroud posing as a mummy. Finally, they posed while the chant stopped. Just then, groaning was heard before the Egyptians gasped, noticing a very bandaged up figure with red eyes moaning. The Egyptians yelped, quickly dropping the coffin, which popped the lid open, freeing Pip. As they continued running, Wally, Mr. Bump and Courage arrived.

Courage: (grins) I knew finding the Mummified Baker here was a good idea.

Mr. Bump: Didn't know he was here back then.

Wally: Good thing, too. He's the ONLY mummy that's absolutely an actual undead who's our ally.

The mummy chuckled a bit while the Moundshroud mummy went to the boy in coffin.

Moundshroud: Come along Pip, you've had your fun.

Miss Daredevil: Yep, come on, kid. Time to take you home...

The Egyptians continued screaming, running in fear while Pip sat up, noticing the three with the real Mummy scaring them. Just then, the boy yelped, noticing Moundshroud.

Moundshroud: You and I have an appointment to keep. You MUST keep it!

Meowth: Huh? What appointment?

Olivia: I thought...

Pip then looked back at the pumpkin, making some echoing sounds of some sort. Just then, Pip's face started to change to normal color with himself touching his skin.

Pip: Uh...wha?

Shirly: Hmmm...looks like-

Chiyo: Wait, is he?

Moundshroud: (horrified) NO!!

Pip quickly picked up his pumpkin with his skin normal again, quickly spinning it. The winds began picking up while the rags were blown off the mummified man, whom was forced to revert back to his normal form. Just then, the tornado appeared with both the pumpkin and Pip lifted toward the sky.


Most: PIP!!

Pom-Pom bubbles as Strong Bad frowns.

Strong Bad: Crap! Not again!

The man begins to growl in anger.

Courage: (to the mummy) Uh, thanks again!

Wally: (pointing) The air vents. Come on, let's hurry.

Moundshroud smirked cruelly, chuckling wickedly.

Moundshroud: Yes, find him, catch him!

Rigby: Dude, don't do that. It's creepy!

They quickly climbed up through the vents. Outside the pyramid, the heroes and rivals came to the top.

Tom Skelton: Wait up Pip!

They climbed up with Wally looking back seriously.

Wally: Hurry, but don't fall!

Ralph: Oh my gosh!

Homestar: Disgusting!

Courage: Don't look down!

Shirly: And don't jinx it, okay?

Jenny: Right.

Grim: Hurry!

They quickly climbed with Moundshroud flying out. As he flew around, Pip, at the top of the pyramid, frowned to him.

Pip: This is ONE soul you will NOT have, you creep!

Furiously, Pip spinned the pumpkin, holding on while flying away just as the gang missed him.

All: PIP!!

Fred: Wow, is the game over?

Max: (frowns) That kid never stayed in one place for so long. It's annoying!

The man frowned before looking at the others chasing him, smirking a bit. Then, Moundshroud, snatching his cape attached, threw it at them.

Moundshroud: Hurry then, everyone. Grab on! Ha-ha-ha! He can hide, but if we hurry, we can go seek! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

The group held onto the cape as Moundshroud flew away. Just then, the wind picked up as the seven yelped, screaming as they flew into the air, flying far away and eventually out of Egypt.

All: WHOA!!

After escaping from Egypt, the man with the others followed the spirit, hoping to catch him. In the swirl of dark clouds, Pip continued flying through the wind, still holding on to his pumpkin. Moundshroud flew after him with the group still clinging onto his cape, flying straight to a scary-looking skull. Finally, in a lightning flash, the eight arrived to a different location. The medium dog noticed the ancient looking town.

Shirly: Hmmm...

Ralph: (notices) Hey, look down there.

Jenny, however, kept covering her eyes.

Jenny: (fearfully) Ralph, don't you dare tell me how high we are!

Ralph: Sorry.

Mr. Nervous: (panics) I'm not looking either!!

Psycho: (scoffs) Big babies.

They continued to fly with Moundshroud looking at them, smirking.

Moundshroud: Time to celebrate, children.

They flew over the wall before arriving to the town.

Moundshroud: Happy New Year!

Rini: (frowns) No, Moundshroud, it's Halloween.

Mako: And it's not even close to Chinese New Year.

Moundshroud: Well, maybe in our time it All Hallow's Eve. But in this time, it's New Year's Eve, the true end of summer and cold start of winter.

Down below, a clan called the Ravenclaw Clan cheered, clinking their goblets happily while cheering to the other clans dancing and playing music called the Gryffindor and Huffinpuff clan. Everyone danced with brooms swung a bit.

Tom Skelton: Down in the crowd, is that him below?

Wally looked below before looking up.

Wally: (pointing) No, he's there above!

They watched the boy fly like a shooting star. Quickly, the man tugged the cape on him, flying downward with the others screaming, still holding on.

All: AHHHH!!

They continued flying around before arriving to where a many stones in a circle were.

All: (amazed) Whoa.

They looked above, noticing Pip spiraling and swirling around before she crashed toward the stones. The light circled around faster and faster before it finally faded into the darkness. Finally, they landed with Moundshroud changing back to normal with Wheez now donning some Druid clothing.

Jenny: (confused) What is this place?

Max: And why should we care?

Tom Skelton: Where are we?

Ralph: When are we?

Shirly: It's old time kids, ancient times, Stone Henge.

Wally: (amazed) She's right. This IS Stone Henge back in its day.

Sam: Meh, we've seen better.

Moundshroud backed toward the stones as the dark shadows began looming over the henge.

Moundshroud: (smirks) You need courage tonight. It's the Dark Ages and this is the longest, darkest night in all dark time.

Finally, he faded and vanished in the darkness. The others, gulping, gathered closely in a circle.

Miss Scary: (smirks) You mean THIS is the scary part? Awesome! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Pom Pom bubbled a bit with annoyance.

Miss Scary: Oh go suck an egg!

Tom looked around before noticing a familiar shadow. After a minute, Ralph and Shirly both noticed.

Ralph: Oh my gosh!

Strong Bad: Great high spirits!

Wally: (turning) What, what?

The shadow continued going around the henge.

Courage: (shivers) Is that you Pip?

Tomo: (worried) I hope so! 'Cause it's not funny anymore.

Billy: Uh what's not funny?

They watched together as Pip continued running around the stones. They kept watching before they saw shadows of wild animals running around in the stones.

Moundshroud's Voice: In these dark times, people thought that on this special night that those who have died during the year would turn into beasts, became animals, dogs, wild boars or worst of all...cats.

Courage: (frowns) Hey! You're acting like dogs are a bad thing.

Cats: What?!

Maximus: How dare you!

Nemesis: (anger mark) We're cats, bub!

Moundshroud's Voice: You two and the felines don't count!

Shirly: (annoyed) That figures!

Just then, they saw a shadow of a cat, revealing a cat, a specific black cat, meowing in fear.

Moundshroud's Voice: Black as bad luck, black as sin.

Billy: HEY!! It looks like Milkshakes covered in soot!

Fred: Yes!

Tom Skelton: (gasps) Pip?

The cat meowed a bit, hissing at the dogs with Courage yelping.

Courage: (screaming) Oooooooh!

The cat quickly hopped out of the wall and onto the top of the other stone.

Moundshroud's Voice: Black as night!

The cat meow howled in sorrow.

Wheez: Yeesh, what are you, a werepanther or something?

Minimus: Please don't talk about werepanthers! My masters had a bad experience with them a couple of times.

Tom Skelton: (calmly) Easy Pip, steady boy.

Wally: We'll save you.

Wheez: Oh, I got her! I got her!

Jenny: (stops him) No, I'll do it.

Sakaki: I'll do it.

Swiper: Uh, Sakaki? Don't cats usually bite you whenever you...

She quickly began climbing the stone.

Sakaki: Come here Pip.

The girl winced her hand to it, looking reluctant before her hand neared the cat. At that moment, the cat Pip bit her hand, making her wince.

Yomi: (sweatdrops) That's typical.

The cat scoffed before he began hopping from stone to stone.

Jenny: Pip, no! Come back!

However, the cat headed off, running out of Stone Henge.

Ralph: Tom, I think this is the last year I'm ever going to go trick or treating with you guys, okay?

Rigby: Meh, you'll be back to trick or treating by next year. It's not like this stupid experience is gonna traumatize you from ever trick or treating or dressing in costumes ever again, right?

Psycho: And we will need them by another Halloween special from Family Guy.

Ralph: Huh?

Psycho: (pause) Don't know why I just say that. Maybe a prediction or something.

Miss Scary: Where the heck is that cat going? I wanna see if it's true on black cats bringing bad luck like that myth of cats having nine lives.

Nemesis: Ahem! I'm partially black and I'm not unlucky!

Miss Scary: That's 'cause you're not fully black.

Maximus: (frowns) That's no excuse!

Sarah: Bad cats are known to cause bad luck and fear. Just ask Ichabod Crane.

Psycho: Sure, if anyone can find his body and his head.

Just then, another shadow loomed on the stone, shaping and transforming into a familiar man whom came out.

Moundshroud: Peek-a-boo.

Courage: AHHHH! Don't do that!

Miss Scary: Ha-ha-ha! I love it when you do that!

Grim: (dryly) You would.

At that moment, they heard stick clattering. They peeked before, to their notice, they saw a group of people called the Slytherin clan making broomsticks.

Rini's Voice: There was a hustle of brooms in the broom works, and a mince traffic jam of brooms for witches to perch upon. It was as if all Earth's forest gave up on branches in one boom and fling and scowering autumn fields, cut clean and throttle tight, such cereal grains has made good sweepers, flashers and beaters.

They watched the last of the brooms being piled up with Jenny peeking with a grin.

Jenny: (grins) Hey, you know what that is? A broom festival!

The girl quickly crawled toward the brooms.

Jenny: And they're making brooms, but not ordinary brooms.

Moundshroud: Touch them, feel them.

Jenny touched herself a bit.

Jenny: (giggles) Broomsticks for witches!

Moundshroud: (bows) For you.

Jenny: (grins) Me?

Miss Scary: And me? Sweet!!

The scary girl snatched the broom nearby.

Miss Scary: This is great!

She shook her fingers a bit, pointing it toward the broom before it was touched. Just then, the brooms glowed as both brooms began to fly.

Jenny: (gasps) Whoops!

Miss Whoops: For once that wasn't me.

Miss Calamity: Tell me about it.

The broom began flying around, though without warning, nearly flew into her and the others, forcing them to duck down. Just then, Jenny gasped, noticing the broom heading toward the two.

Jenny: (realizes) AHHHHH!!

Miss Scary: Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Courage: RUN Jenny, RUN!!

Wheez: Hey, no "Run Lola" references on this!

It was too late as the broom swept the two up up.

Both: WHOA!!

The girl screamed as she flew around in the sky with Miss Scary laughing wickedly. The others watched with Courage looking horrified.

Courage: NOOOOO!!

The girl, on the opposite end of the broom, lifted the cape on her, yelping as she saw the sky.

Jenny: Oh crud!

She grabbed it tightly before clinging on the broom hard, making her twirl around. The girl screamed and twirled before flying passed her friends and sweeping up the screaming Courage.

All: Whoa!

Wally: (shouting) Ride it, Jenny!

Courage: (panics) But be careful!

Some: (randomly) Whoo! Come on! Go! Fall already!

Moundshroud smirked a bit.

Moundshroud: Anyone else care to try it?

He snapped his fingers, making the brooms fly under the others with Grim using his scythe like a broom.

All: WHOA!!

Grim: Come on, it isn't THAT bad.

Mr. Nervous: (fearfully) Maybe not to you!

They screamed while flying high through the sky. After a moment, Tom with Rini chuckled a bit with Ralph panicking.

Mr. Nervous: No wonder Jenny hates heights so much!

Wally only muffled in the bandages, trying to undo the ones on his mouth. All while the ones ahead came near the panicking girl with dog on the broom with their eyes closed.

Wheez: Jenny, listen to her for a sec!

Jenny: (frightened) No! I want to be back on the ground! Just put me back on the ground!

Moundshroud's Voice: Where's your spirit of adventure?

To their notice, they saw Moundshroud, flying to them.

Moundshroud: Witches have nothing to fear for their brooms.

Courage: (realizes) Hey yeah.

Miss Scary: Bet it's no difference than riding your bike.

Jenny: My bike, my bike.

She looked at the broom, noticing in her image, it being replaced with the bike while flying straighter.

Jenny: (grins) Hey, you're right!

Courage: Phew.

Moundshroud: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Now, how about following the leader?

The group quickly flew after Moundshroud with the man smirking.

Mandy: Something tells me he may have the same job as you, except on Halloween night.

Grim: I ain't telling OR spoiling yet.

As they did, they flew into a barn, scaring many chickens with one chicken hitting Courage with an egg in snhrt.

Courage: Ick!

Both Jenny and Moundshroud laughed heartfully before Grim noticed something.

Moundshroud: (pointing) Look!

The group gasped, noticing a scary-looking forest with a skull-faced moon in the sky. Later, at a village, many people chanted while raising their staffs as the three ahead flew above them and the village. Just then, the girl gasped.

Jenny: (panics) Oh crud!

The two yelped, crashing through the trees and on the ground.

Courage: (dryly) Next time, I drive.

The others flew around before landing safely near them.

Wheez: (smirks) Well?

Jenny: (smiles) I can't believe it, when I was flying I saw...I saw-

Tom Skelton: Pip? Was it Pip?

Jenny: Now witches everywhere.

Shirly: We must be in Salem if there are the "witches" about.

Hiram: Witches?

Remy: (annoyed) Great, another thing to worry about.

Moundshroud landed on the ground with a smirk.

Moundshroud: Of course. It can't be Halloween without witches.

Miss Scary: (surprised) Then they're really were witches?

Grim: (uneasily) Well yes and no.

Jenny: Could they fly broomsticks?

Moundshroud: Not really.

Wally: But they can talk to the dead, right?

Mr. Bump: Those are special priests that can do that...though I don't think they carry warts grow on people either.

Moundshroud: Sorry, no.

Tom Skelton: Make people jump by sticking pins in dolls?

Courage: That's Voodoo stuff only!

Moundshroud: Not to my knowledge on witches.

Jenny: (groans) I give up!

Wheez: You quitter!

Jenny glared at the weasel.

Miss Scary: Well heck, what do they do!?

Moundshroud: Nothing!

All: (confused) Nothing?

Some: (dryly) Nothing?

Moundshroud: Plenty claim they would. But that is just ease to protect their privacy.

They walked through the forest together, though one branch hit the gray weasel.

Moundshroud: Ever wonder what a witch REALLY means?

Shirly: I do, but I will allow the others to guess.

Grim: Same here.

Courage: (scratches his head) Well no.

Jenny: Not until tonight.

The group peeked as they saw what appeared to be a clan called the Death Eaters laughing as they began making potions.

Moundshroud: Witch, knack, information. In the Dark Ages, the name of what happen brings knowledge and his whisk about him, yes? So, anyone too smart was called...

All: A witch.

Moundshroud: Exactly. And the really smart ones, ones with the wits are called hold it...(glows his claws) magic!

As they chanted while an angry mob was heading their way, the group continued talking.

Shirly: Precisely, athough in the actual case, there are those that really ARE in the arts of magic such as myself and others I have seen.

Courage: Tell me about it. Though there are those that actually DO magic and actually ARE witches!

Weasels: Like Gruntilda!

Hotaru: (to herself) And my mistresses who use to look after me.

Mordecai: Don't remind us...EVER.

Grim: And besides, aside from the people of the 17th century, only idiots and cowards can think some people like them are witches.

Billy: Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't quite focus. What were we talking-

Just then, he with Mr. Nervous gasped in horror, noticing the Death Eaters clan.


Miss Whoops: (sweatdrops) You were saying?

As Rini spoke, the villagers with torches began heading toward the druids clan before they used the flames to burn the towns. The people screamed in fear, trying to run.

Rini's Voice: In every town, in every tiny village, the old religions hid out and all the little lolly gagging cults all flavors and types scramble to survive. By every crossroad and by every haystack, dark forms jumped across flames as fire burn everywhere.

As they ran, with the flames rising, the group quickly flew away. While they flew in the sky, the forest with village burned while screams of agony were heard.

Moundshroud: In the end, all the clouds of witches smoke. Anyone want to be a witch?

Jenny: (horrified) NO! Not me!

Courage: Me either!

Miss Scary: That was totally scary! I want to be a REAL witch! Ones that DO spells and raising the dead, not like what I saw here tonight!

Mr. Nervous: (frightened) That's typical of you!

Nack: At least it isn't Gruntilda.

Ralph: Who's Gruntilda?

Psycho: Trust us, the less you know about Grunty, the better.

Jack O'Lantern: Wait, I can use magic.

Grim: (annoyed) Only because you stole me scythe...twice in fact!

Jack O'Lantern: That's no excuse!

At that moment, they noticed a familiar spirit on a broom with pumpkin flying pass them.

Darry: (as Danny) Pip?

The boy, with fear in his eyes, clenched the pumpkin tightly. Moundshroud grinned evilly with a cruel grin.

Moundshroud: (evilly) Wonderful, let's play tag.

The man with wings-like cape flew faster with the others following. The ghost boy looked behind with worry before at that moment, Moundshroud flew in front of him.

Pip: GAH!

Moundshroud: (glares) Now Pip, the pumpkin doesn't belong to you anymore!

Pip: Forget it, Death! You may say it isn't mine, but it STILL is!

Mandy: (overhearing) "Death"? Griiiiim?

Grim: Uh, well, it's kinda a funny story, Mandy, um-

Billy: (notices) What's he doing?!

The man grabbed it, both struggling and grunting. The others following behind gasped, noticing Pip and Moundshroud fighting.

Jenny: (worried) Hold on, Pip!

Just then, Pip pulled the pumpkin free, though fell off the broom and headed down below.


All: (horrified) Pip!!

Quickly, Jenny with Shirly and the kids flew down, heading to her friend. At that moment, Jenny almost came close to Pip.

Jenny: Grab on!

Quickly, Pip took Jenny's hand with the medium and kids holding the brown haired girl tightly.

Some: Horray!

Wally: That showing him, Jenny.

Courage: Yay!

Pip: (grins) Some switch, huh Jenny? You saving me, huh?

Just then, Pip's grip was slipping.

Jenny: (shocked) Don't fall Pip. What if I ever needed to talk me down out of an apple tree or airplane I didn't wanna get on again, huh?

The hand began slipping more and more.

Jenny: Tighter Pip, if I ever lost you...

Pip: (grins) Hey, no tears. You're a tough girl. Wouldn't you just hate to have your friends see you cry?

Moundshroud: (arriving) Pip, fun and games are over!

Finally, Pip quickly let go of his friend's hand, flying downward and through the sky.

Pip: (frowns) No they're not. Follow me if you can. (echoing) Ready, set go!

As he flew away, the group stopped a bit.

Ralph: (amazed) Whoa, there's got to be two zillion or ten billion acres of air wrapped around the world.

Hotaru: It's amazing!

At that moment, they noticed Moundshroud following him.

Shirly: Which acre is he heading for?

Julie: We NEED to keep him in check.

Courage: Now what?

Jenny: (smirks) I'm still a witch, right? Follow me!

Miss Scary: Hey, I'm the only real wanting to be witch here! I thought you didn't want to be a witch anymore.

Jenny: That was before...but uh, remind me next year to dress up like a gypsy instead, okay?

Shirly: (chuckles) Of course.

The two on the broom headed off with Courage jumping onto Jenny's shoulders, smiling.

Tom Skelton: (grins) You heard her! Let's go!

With that, everyone followed their friends, heading to their next destination.

(End of Act 2)
After gathering the materials, the gang head off to search for Pip. There, on the way to finding him, they learn about Mummies from Egypt and Witches from the ancient Salem times. All while Darry's madness of parent puppets continues!
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JusSonic's avatar
Wow, talk about your history. What will the gang learn of next? Good job!