
Castle of Memories 3A

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Literature Text

(OP: Over the Fantasy)

Blackjack smiled evilly while looking at Delete.

Blackjack: Looks like it's my show now, look alike Keyblade Master and friends. The name's Blackjack. (points to his head) Got it memorized?

Delete: Um...sure.

Blackjack: Excellent, you learn quick. Now Delete, now that we're on a first-name basis...

He then rose his hands, making what seemed to be an earthquake, then placed his hands out as out came two chakrams, grinning evilly. Everyone prepared themselves as Blackjack spoke.

Blackjack: Don't go dying on me!

(Episode 3: Through Feudal Japan & Back)

Blackjack threw his chakrams toward the group as they dodged quickly.

Delete: Whoa!

Digit: Let me see if I have something that can help us.

June: (groans) Great.

Danny: (notices) Delete!

As Digit looked through his Duel Monsters’ deck, Delete gasped as Blackjack was behind the droid while grabbing the chakrams.

Blackjack: Pretty neat, huh? (attacking) Now dodge this!

He tried slashing Delete with the chakrams, trying to hit the droid. But Snake quickly blocked one that looked fatal.

Snake: Not today!

Bubbles quickly punched him off, making the lavender droid frown. The spell casters quickly used their ice spell on him.

Blackjack: Persistant, aren’t we?

He blew flames toward the group, but Ling Ling kept using her ice spell on him.

Mac: Digit, do something!

Digit then gasped as he found three cards with Mac, Danny, and Delete’s keyblades on it.

Digit: Better use this now!

He then slashed his card on the Digivice as he shouted.

Digit: CARD SLASH! Trinity Special activate!

Just then, Delete, Mac, and Danny then got on Minimus’ shield and slid toward Blackjack.

Three: Absolute Zero Friendship Boarding!

The trio then hit the robot, which made Blackjack quickly vanish, leaving the four cards. The cards flew in midair for a moment until Delete and Digit took them. The group looked at the cards.

Swiper: More cards?

The other Ling Ling became a bit curious as he spoke.

D.T. Ling Ling: Hmm...They look kinda like cards made for Traverse Town.

Delete looked at the cards as he spoke.

Delete: Then we need these to go on...

Blackjack's Voice: That's correct.

They gasped as they noticed Blackjack leaning on the wall of the stairs and crossing his arms.

Snake: How the heck!?

Ling Ling: Blackjack!

He then walked toward the group as everyone prepared themselves.

Blackjack: After an introduction like that...(stops near them) You don't think I'd just give up the ghost?

June: So you were just testing us?

Blackjack: Yep, and you passed! Congratulations, Delete and friends. You're take on Castle Oblivion.

Snake became concerned as Delete frowned.

Blackjack: (points to his heart) Follow your memories. Trust what you remember, seek what you forget...and you will find someone very special.

Maximus: (frowns) You mean Buzz, Slider, and Atomic Betty?

Blackjack: (shrugs) I don't know. You'll just have to give some more thought to who's most important to you.

Delete looked confused as Blackjack continued.

Blackjack: Our most precious memories lie deep in our hearts...Out of reach. But you can finds yours, Dee Dee.

Eduardo: (confused) I thought only Senor Delete's closest friends was allowed to call him that.

Delete: How?

Blackjack: (smirks) The light within the darkness. You've lost sight of it, droid. You've forgotten forgetting.

Delete eased up as he spoke.

Delete: Light? I don't understand.

The lavender droid grinned a bit, then reached out to him.

Blackjack: Would you like a hint?

Delete was in deep thought as everyone became concerned.

Grievous: Delete?

Bubbles: Well?

He then shook his head, then looked at Blackjack.

Delete: No, I want to figure it out myself.

He then prepared himself as he continued.

Delete: And if you get in my way-

Ling Ling then jumped in front as she shouted.

Ling Ling: He won't!

Yumi: We won't let him!

Blackjack smirked as he spoke.

Blackjack: Just what I'd expected. That's the kind of answer I'd expected from the Keyblade Master.

Everyone else frowned as Snake narrowed his eyes.

Blackjack: But be forewarned...When your sleeping memories awake, you may no longer be you.

With that, Blackjack disappeared from the group. Snake became in deep thought as the others proceeded to the stairs.

Snake: (to himself) What did he mean? Why did he sssay something like that to him? Could it be...?

He then looked at the others as he ran after them. As they went up the stairs and headed to the next door, the group looked around while the male Ling Ling became concerned.

D.T. Ling Ling: Hmmm...

Delete stopped as he spoke.

Delete: Something wrong, Ling Ling?

He got on Delete's head as he spoke.

D.T. Ling Ling: What Blackjack said got me bothered...

Snake: You're not the only one who wasss bothered by it.

D.T. Ling Ling: (ponders) What could look alike meant by "You may no longer be you"?

Delete: Come on, how can I be anyone else besides me?

Wilt: Sorry, but that may be a bit confusing.

D.T. Ling Ling: I know, I know. But still, it pays being careful.

Digit: (nods) Yeah, just about anything could happen here in Castle...Oblibbity...uh, Oblostemy...

Gaz: (groans) Oblivion, bird brain!

Digit: That's what I said.

Delete turned to the others as he spoke.

Delete: We'll be fine. Whatever they're cooking up, together we can handle it.

Minimus then realized something.

Minimus: Hey, remember that other castle we explored together? With all the contraptions?

The others pondered a bit as Snake nodded slightly.

Snake: Yeah.

Mac: When was that?

Grievous: Uh...

Coco: Coco.

Gaz: I don't remember any castle like that.

Nemesis: What was the village that it was in called?

Minimus: Hmmm, what was it again? Deity...Grims...

He scratched his head a bit.

Minimus: Gee, I must have forgotten.

Snake looked around at the group trying to remember.

Snake: (thinking) I can't believe they forgot Deathsssland.

Maximus: (frowns) Oh, for Pete's sake!

Delete: Minimus, are you making this up?

Minimus: (confused) I don't think so.

Frankie: Well, we may as well go on then.

Digit: Allow me to do the honors. Now, let's see...which one do we take?

He looked at the four cards as he spoke.

Digit: There's Feudal Japan, Jump City, Nowhere, Kansas, and Corusant.

Bloo: How about we pick Corusant, the one that looks like Grievie's ship?

Grievous: (anger mark) Will you shut up!? It's Grievous and you know it!

Delete then took the Feudal Japan card.

Delete: Let's check this one out, first. Then we'll see how it goes.

The droid then lifted the card up, then the door opened. Everyone then went inside as Snake spoke to himself.

Snake: Inuyasha...


In Feudal Japan, the group walked in until they noticed a familiar demon trying to slash the surrounding Heartless.

Inuyasha: Iron Reaper Soul Stealer!

He growled while Swiper gasped.

Swiper: Guys, look! Someone’s in trouble!

Gaz: I say we kick their butts right now or something!

Everyone then ran to where Inuyasha was struggling. They brought out their weapons as Delete spoke.

Delete: Looks like you could use some help.

Inuyasha: Uh, thanks, but no thanks. I got this! Even so, I doubt that I'm done for.

Swiper: I'll go first. Kitsune Swipe!

He dashed toward the Heartless, quickly sprinting around a few of them while stabbing one of them on the back. He then came back with what appeared to be card items.

Swiper: Weird. These cards look like potions and antidotes.

Digit: I’ll hold onto them.

The cats quickly slashed the Heartless that were coming from behind. Delete, June, Danny, Grievous, Mac, and Yumi slashed them, hitting them with everything they have while the protectors blocked, the spell casters used their random spells, and Bubbles used her Sonic Scream.

Bubbles: (panting) It's no use. They just keep coming!

Snake: (frowns) Can thisss get any worssse?

Just then, as the fight continued, two Large Bodies hit June and Grievous behind. Snake turned and gasped as the two were grabbed.

Snake: Oh no!

Danny: What is it, Snake?

Yumi: What's wrong?

They then gasped as the two Large Bodies disappeared with both June and Grievous. The two jumped after them, but it was too late as they were gone.

Yumi: Grievous!

Danny: June!

Snake: No...(to himself) I had to sssay it, didn't I?

They glared angrily as the two hit and slashed the Heartless.

Inuyasha: Where's Kilala when I need her?

Just then, a familiar demon growled as she came down, blowing fire from her breath toward the Heartless, destroying them.

Minimus: (surprised) Whoa!

Inuyasha: (frowns) Kilala, where have you been?

She growled as she showed Inuyasha a jewel of some sort.

Inuyasha: This's said to give anyone incredible power.

Swiper: Well, maybe we should be careful when we run into those stupid Heartless.

Inuyasha: Well, I have to get back to the village somehow. But with all these Heartless...

Nemesis: Hey, droid, we're heading that way, too. So why don't we go with this guy.

Kilala transformed to her small state, jumping to Nemesis' shoulder as she giggled a bit.

Delete: Sounds like a plan.

Inuyasha: By the way, call me Inuyasha.

Delete: Uh, I'm Delete.

Inuyasha: Anyway, thanks, guys.

The others headed off while Danny and Yumi looked worried. Snake placed his hands on their shoulders.

Snake: I'm sssorry, guysss...I really am.

Both: We know...

World Name: Feudal Japan

The group, now with Inuyasha, ran through the forest, slashing and destroying many Heartless along the way.

Inuyasha: This way!

The group continued onto the path to the village while Gaz spoke.

Gaz: So tell me, why are you going to the village anyway, Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: (blushing) Uh, well...I don't need to tell you!

Delete: Is it because of the jewel?

Inuyasha: (looks seriously) Uh, yes. (sweatdrops) That's it. I have to get this jewel to Kagome right away so she can purify it like the Shikon Jewel. Kilala was lucky to made it back in one piece.

Nemesis: No kidding. She's so adorable.

Inuyasha: Yeah, and I bet that cave was crawling with Heartless.

Snake: Wasssn't there anyone else there to help her out?

Inuyasha: (notices) Yeah, where is Myoga?

Just then, a flea wearing a kimono jumped around.

Flea: Master Inuyasha!

He jumped to his nose, starting to suck his blood. The annoyed half demon slapped the flea, leaving him flat.

Inuyasha: Where the hell were you, Myoga?

The flea, Myoga, looked seriously at him.

Myoga: Master Inuyasha, I'm so glad to see you again.

Bubbles: I never saw a flea like that before.

Inuyasha: He's a flea demon.

Myoga: Yes, and I am a servant to Master Inyasha. Also, I've been him for many years and what thanks do I get? Nothing!

Inuyasha: Myoga! I'm doing something important and need to get to Kagome. (realizes) That reminds me...that jerk, Naraku! He's holding Kagome hostage and would only release her if I get him a powerful jewel.

Delete: Sounds like you really love Kagome, huh?

Inuyasha blushed uncontrollably as he tried shaking it off.

Inuyasha: What!?

The half demon shook it off as he glared.

Inuyasha: (anger mark) Now cut that out!

The others laughed a bit as Inuyasha frowned.

Inuyasha: Come on, let's get to the village before you guys make me puke.

They nodded as the heroes headed off to the village. Snake became concerned as he spoke to himself.

Snake: June and Grievousss, I hope you two are okay...wherever you are.

(End of Act 1)
The sequel to the Cyber Hearts series! Episode 3 Act 1!
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