
Castle of Memories 20A

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Back with Imax, she with Schala still looked depressed with Snake looking concerned to the girls while the crystal glowing on his neck died down.

Snake: Girlsss...I wish...I wish I could help you.

He then glanced at Blackjack going to the two before he spoke.

Blackjack: (to Imax) All he cares about now is you. So, you're the only ones who can save him.

Schala gasped while Imax spoke sadly.

Imax: But it's too late.

Schala: Right now, as we speak, he also lost what his fake and real names were. Even someone like Digit could never say his name without remembering.

Blackjack: Don't jump to conclusions just yet.

He then turned and walked away from the three a bit before speaking again.

Blackjack: Hey, guys, notice the Nightmare King 's not here any more?

The three then looked at the clone.

Schala: I don't see what you...

Blackjack: There's nobody here to stop you.

The girls then took in the realization before they both stood up.

Blackjack: Half demon, you with the Triforce Crystal.

Snake: Yeah?

Blackjack: You know that cage couldn't really hold someone like you in it. Why chose not to break out and kill us?

Snake: Becaussse, the way you all talked, and the way you were only protecting that Dende made me realize that not everything isss what it ssseems.

Blackjack: I see...

Snake then opened the cage with his sword, breaking out of it before he got out.

Snake: I'll make sure I won't tell them about Dende...nor anyone elssse you care for.

Imax: Come on, Snake. Time to help your friend.

He nodded, then the two girls with the reptile headed out.

Blackjack: (to himself) Don't let me down.

They opened the door, then headed out of the area. When they were gone, Blackjack let out a grin, looking at the toys in the cage.

Blackjack:'s starting, Delete. I hope you're gonna put on a hell of a show for me.

He then chuckled a bit with heart. He stopped, touching his chest before he grinned a little.

Blackjack: Hey, hey. This really is fun! (looks up) You guys really are the best!

The three continued running while Imax spoke to herself.

Imax: (to herself) We're so sorry, Dee Dee. We were always lonely...that's why Schala and I...

(Episode 20: A Tragic Fox Tale)

Back with Swiper and the others, they looked surprised at what Swiper had on his eyes.

Bubbles: Swiper, how did you get that awful scar?

Swiper: Well, and you will have to excuse the language, but it was that queen bitch that did that to me.

Grievous: Hmph, figures as much. So what was her name?

Swiper: (sighs) She was known as Selene, the Mouse Queen in the Toon World.

Digit: Selene?

Maximus: All right, time out for a minute!

Nemesis: Yeah, how did you get back to the past in the first place? And how the heck did you end up in the Toon World?

Swiper: (sighs) I guess I should tell you.

Bloo: I say it’s-

Frankie: Don’t say it, Bloo! It wasn’t Vampires!

He was about to speak once more.

Mac: Nor was it Werewolves.

Bloo: Oh man!

He looked away from the group as a sad expression was on his face.

Swiper: It started a while ago. Two days before Frankie entered my home...


In the past, Dora and Boots were once more exploring around the latest area they came in.

Dora: Hey, Boots, I see something.

Boots: What is it, Dora? What is it?

The two dug up something from the ground. They then pulled out an object just as they heard some familiar whisking.

Dora: Uh oh, that sounds like Swiper the Fox.

Boots: That sneaky fox is always trying to swipe our stuff.

A familiar fox, hiding in the bush, peeked a bit.

Swiper’s Voice: As you can tell, I was doing what I normally do best: swipe from anyone, especially Dora. But what I was about to do would prove to be a huge mistake.

Just then, Swiper came out as the two noticed.

Boots: There’s that sneaky fox!

Dora: Swiper, no-

It was too late as he snatched the object.

Dora: Swiping...

Swiper only laughed as looked at the object, which looked like an hourglass.

Swiper: You’re too late! You are never going to find it once I rid of it!

Swiper removed his mask, making a slingshot of some sort out of it before shouting.

Swiper: So long, Sands of Time!

Just then, it began to glow as the fox continued.

Swiper’s Voice: That proved to be the worst mistake I have ever made.

Then, the fox along with the hourglass disappeared, leaving only his mask, much to both Dora and Boots’ shock.

Both: Swiper!

(End Flashback)

Everyone looked shocked at what had happened.

Danny: You mean you found a Shen Gong Wu and didn’t even know about it? How did you get back then?

Swiper: I managed to find it, but listen...this next part may shock you all.


Back in Cyberspace, the heroes and villains all looked concerned at what the demon reptile said.

Blossom: So you’re telling us that if we help you, we will find Delete and the others?

Buttercup: No way! Why should we trust you?

Sailor Jupiter: She’s right. Besides, you’re the bad guys here!

Phage: Hmph, good or bad depends on one’s point of view, Sailor Soldier.

Jack Spicer: Like, for example, you being all “gay” around Snake, right?

Phage: (hits him) GRR! (anger mark) How many times have I told you not to say that?!

Ruki only giggled at the amusement before Renamon glanced at her.

Renamon: Ruki, what are you-

She quickly stopped and tried hiding the small blushes.

Ruki: It’s nothing, really. Just ignore it.

The Digimon Emperor, however, smirked when he noticed Motherboard sleeping.

Digimon Emperor: Well, well, looks like she went into rest mode, just like the Phage predicted.

Matt: (notices) Hey, what are you doing?

Digimon Emperor: What do you think?

He shoved the red haired boy, much to the heroes’ shock before the evil boy went to the computer, tapping on the keyboard.

Digimon Emperor: I believe now is the time to find some more allies, don’t you agree, Mr. Phage?

The demon laughed a bit as did most of the villains, save for a worried Kikyo and a confused Brandy.

Phage: Go on ahead, Digimon Emperor!

Courage: NOOO!!

It was too late as the evil boy set the coordinates and pressed the enter button, opening a portal.

Phage: Yes! Yes!

Just then, they saw something coming out before landing on the ground.

Mandy: Great, a stupid bear.

Bear: Where am I? This isn’t Care-A-Lot!

Phage: You are in Cyberspace. Who are you?

Bear: They call me Grizzle, and I don’t need to hear from the likes of you!

Darla: From the way you talk, it looks like you’re a villain.

Grizzle (Bear): That’s right! I’ve been trying to take over Care-A-Lot for a long time now.

Billy: Oh no! Not the cuddly bears from my childhood!

Mandy: I bet you didn’t even listen to their advice at all when they visit you, Billy.

Grim: Tell me about it.

The group then noticed two other figures coming out. One of them was a yellow Imaginary Friend with an evil grin and another being a familiar figure that the group recognized.

All: Lust!

Lust: (looks around) Hmph, seems like we’re in some sort of world. One the droid lives in.

Billy: Who’s that Imaginary Friend anyway?

Grim: Oh great, Bendy. Bloo and the others told us about you.

Bendy: Well, well, looks like the blob made some idiots out of you heroes.

Sailor Mars: Watch it!

Lust: Why did you call me?

Edward Elric: Why do we even need the likes of you here to begin with!?

Alphonse: Brother...

Phage: Now hand it over or else!

Vultureman: Caw! Make us!

Wuya: You asked for it!

Then, the group began fighting one another while they yelped, dodging and hitting one another.

Psycho: This is for trying to hit on Sarah!

The fat wolf was punched in the gut.

Sheriff: Gah!

Sailor Moon: (glares) I know you guys were behind hurting and forcing Tuxedo Mask to work for the likes of you!

Phage: What?

Sailor Moon: Don’t play dumb. He’s with Malachite, Him, Mojo Jojo, and the Rowdyruff Boys! And I know you’re behind it!

Sora: That’s right!

Julayla: Yeah! Don’t make us hurt you or else you little-!

Just as they landed, the Telezoomer came out as it landed in Fred’s hands.

Fred: Hey, the (shouts) TELEZOOMER! Yes!

Just then, it glowed. Then in an instant, it started to glow as the ones that had touched the elephant were starting to disappear.

Cherry: Fuzzy!

Berry: Oh no!

They yelped as they ran over to them. Just then, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Danny, Sawyer, the Sailors, Blossom, Buttercup, Billy, Mandy, Grim, Julayla, Fuzzy, Princess, Vultureman, the Bean Scouts, Psycho, Sarah, Fred Fredburger, the Phage, Lust, Katz, Mirage, Brandy, and the Sheriff all vanished.

Matt: Oh man!

Digimon Emperor: What!?

Terrence: No, they’re gone! And without us!

Sora: safe.

Ruki: Well, that just leaves the rest of us to deal with you then!

The remaining villains (save for Maximus Sr. and Kikyo both watching from a distance) only gulped a bit while Ruki continued.

Ruki: Just leave the goth boy with goggles to me.

Wuya: (sarcastically) Nice move, Jackie.

Jack Spicer: Gah!

Drakken: I want my mommy!


At the castle, the group yelped as they landed on the ground.

Donald: Wak! Where are we?

Danny Cat: Looks like we’re lost. It reminds me of what happened to...

Sawyer Cat: It’s okay...I know who you’re talking about.

Sarah: Huh?

Danny Cat: (sadly) My only son.

The group then heard something as they looked, noticing a familiar girl going to a familiar fox.

Buttercup: It’s Bubbles.

Blossom: Shh, quiet, Buttercup.

Bubbles was concerned a bit while touching the fox’s scar.

Bubbles: So you met Selene and her son, right?

Swiper: Yeah.

Mickey: (to himself) Selene? That sounds familiar somehow.

The group noticed Mickey’s group heading to the gang before they tumbled.

Bubbles: Blossom! Buttercup!

Blossom & Buttercup: Bubbles! You’re okay!

They laughed a bit while the other heroes came to them.

Frankie: Uh, who are these people with those girls, Fuzzy, Julayla, Princess, VM, and the Sailors? They look familiar.

Phage: (walks to them) There is no time for explanations. Right now, I’m on a mission to find Sanford.

Danny: (confused) Sanford?

Phage: (sighs) It’s Snake’s real name, you dolt.

June: Who are you and how do you know Snake?

Sheriff: What in crimanetly is goin’ on ‘ere?

Mandy: I think a certain someone who won’t be mentioned had something to do with it.

Fred: Yes.

Sailor Jupiter: Now look here, buster!

Katz: Oh, like you're one to talk.

The two sides continued to argue before Mickey shouted.

Mickey: ENOUGH!

The group stopped and noticed Mickey going to Swiper.

Mickey: You mentioned Selene, right?

Swiper: know, you look like Hiram's adopted son.

Mickey: Actually, I am his adopted son.

All (but Mickey): What!?

Swiper: You can’t’re suppose to be dead.

Mickey: Aw, it’s nothing like that. Drosselmeyer’s actually a nice guy. He even let us go before I ran into dad again.

Mickey continued talking, patting the fox’s shoulder.

Mickey: After that, he adopted Pinky during our escape due to him not having a family anymore. Well, anyway, even though he and I haven’t seen one another in a long time since our falling out, I’m sure he still cared about me, especially since he’s your close friend.

Swiper: (frowns) Your dad...yeah, he and I used to be friends until...

Sarah: Until what?

The fox only gave out a grim look.

Swiper: Until the day he swore revenge and I gained this scar from his mother.

With the Nightmare King, he and Azula were watching another orb while the king looked shocked at what he saw.

Nightmare King: More guests!? How did they get here without losing their memories?

Azula: My main question is this...

She then pointed to the Homonculi, glaring at her.

Azula: Why is she involved as well?

(End of Act 1)
The sequel to my Cyber Hearts series! Episode 20 Act 1
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JusSonic's avatar
With the new unexpected guests, things are going to be complicated for the Nightmare King and Azula. Continue!