
Castle of Memories 12A

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Literature Text

(OP: Over the Fantasy)

In the upper part of the castle, Blackjack noticed both Azula and the unconscious Snake with the Dusk arriving.

Azula: (picks Snake up) Whew...Throwing the battle back there really wore me out.

Blackjack: Thrown? Hmph, looks to me like you plain old lost the battle.

Azula: (glares) H-How dare you! You just don't appreciate the finer nuances of-

Braniac's Voice: He's right, though.

The two turned, then saw Braniac appearing to the two.

Azula: Braniac!

He walked toward them as he continued.

Braniac: Humbled by someone of such limited significance.

He stopped in front of her.

Braniac: You shame the Organization.

Snake groaned as he heard the name.

Snake: (moaning) Organization...?

Azula: Hmph, just what we need: another idiot to irritate me.

Braniac: (anger mark) How dare you! Show some respect for your elders!

Blackjack walked to him as he spoke, then grabbed Snake as the reptile yelped quietly.

Blackjack: Can we help you, Braniac? It's not very often we see you topside.

Braniac: I came to lend a hand. I remain unconvinced of any potential in this "hero" you've been coddling. Perhaps an experiment would put my doubts to rest.

They glanced at him while Azula crossed her arms.

Azula: Ha...I knew this would happen. Everything we always need to experiment.

Braniac: I'm a scientist. Experimentation is what I do.

Blackjack: (frowns) Braniac, cut the act. Testing Delete is just an excuse to test your little follower.

Braniac: (glares) Follower? He's the product of much research.

Azula: What he is is a toy.

Snake gulped as he kept his eyes closed, making sure none of them noticed him awake. Only Blackjack noticed and secretly smirked.

Blackjack: Hmmm...

He looked back at Braniac as he had his arms crossed.

Braniac: Hmph, I see I'm wasting my time.

She turned away while Blackjack spoke.

Blackjack: Have fun. (takes out a card) But take this with you. A wild card to keep the game fresh!

He then showed the card of Cyberspace to the android.

Blackjack: It's a present. Now don't tell me I don't respect my elders.

The android took it, then looked at it before he grinned. Just then, a familiar robot in dark clothing came to them while Braniac turned.

Braniac: Ah, you have arrived.

He looked back at the card while Blackjack spoke.

Blackjack: And thus, the party is now complete. Anyway, that card contains Buzz and Delete's memories of their home.

Dark Buzz: Let's get one thing straight, guys. I'm better than Buzz. I may be Buzz's Replica, but don't expect us to act the same.

Azula then realized something.

Azula: Let me get this straight: You couldn't get the real Buzz to join us. So you made this replica. Tell me this is a joke.

Braniac: No, it isn't. It was my plan all along.

She then looked at Dark Buzz as she spoke.

Azula: This is your chance to get your hands on the real Buzz's memories. All you need is that card and a little help from Imax and Schala. Maybe we'll get them to forget you're a fake...Better yet, we could remake your heart, so you can be just like the real Buzz.

Dark Buzz: (shocked) What!? Wait just a darn minute! What do you mean remake my heart? The real Buzz is a wimp who can't deal with the darkness inside him! What do I want with a heart of a loser?!

Azula: Any objections, Braniac? Do you want to test Delete or not?

Braniac: It must be done.

Dark Buzz: (shocked) What? (angrily) Braniac, how could you!

He looked at the card while looking at the replica.

Braniac: Didn't I say I intended to make good use of you?

Dark Buzz: But-

Azula: Relax, droid. It won't hurt...much!

Dark Buzz: (angrily) I'll show you!

He then charged toward Azula, who smirked. Unfortunately for him, Azula used her thunder attack, hitting him and knocking him toward the wall.

Dark Buzz: Ugh!

She laughed wickedly as she looked at Dark Buzz.

Azula: Stupid little toy! What made you think you could even scratch me?

He groaned, then turned to glare at her. The female walked toward him as both Schala and Imax looked at the situation, with Schala looking worried.

Azula: But look on the bright side...the girls will erase the memory of me knocking you flat along with everything else.

Schala gasped as Imax looked horrified.

Imax: Oh no! What have we done...?

The droid was scooting away from Azula, but she stopped in front of him.

Azula: They'll implant the loveliest little memories you could ever hope for. So what if they're lies?

Dark Buzz gasped as he looked frightened.

Dark Buzz: No...

Unfortunately for him, Azula went near the frightened droid and placed her hand on his head while forcing Schala to do the same. The hands glowed as Dark Buzz screamed.

Snake: (quietly) Buzz!

Dark Buzz: (shouts) NOOOOO!!!!

(Episode 12: Operation: Toon Town!)

Back in the Toon World, water was splashed onto the wolf and vultures, with the three coughing.

Hacker: (groans) How long ‘til we get this over with? I have Motherboard to dismantle!

Jack Spicer: (glares) No one cares about what you think, cyborg!

He splashed the three once more with a bucket of water. They coughed as the hooded vulture spoke.

Nutsy: What the heck is going on here?

Jack Spicer: All right, listen up recruits: my team and I have decided to let you guys live, under the condition you join Team Spicer!

Hacker: (shocked) What?! I thought we were going with Team The Hacker!

Wuya: It’s a stupid name, either way.

Phage: I agree with the ghost woman here.

Hacker: (glares) Traitors!

Sheriff: What in tarnation is yew talkin’ ‘bout? An’ why is a human in ‘de Toon World?

Jack Spicer: I used the Shen Gong Wu to get here! Ever since I was little, I believed the Toon World actually existed.

Phage: And thus, it’s another wasted dream of an ape.

Jack Spicer: (glares) Hey!

Terrence: I still can’t believe you guys actually exist.

Trigger: (glares) Sheriff, they’re getting awfully nosey around here.

Mirage: Calm down, everyone. We’re all in the same side, aren’t we?

Katz glanced at the three as he spoke.

Katz: Tell me...have you ever heard of Toon Town?

Sheriff: (realizes) Toon Town? (frowns) It’s where ‘dat weasel defeated I hated ‘im! He stole what was rightfully mine!

Nutsy: Yeah, the Sheriff fell for the female weasel that other weasel tried protecting.

Trigger: (narrows) Nutsy! Button your beak!

Jack then looked at them as he spoke.

Jack Spicer: Come on, join us and help us take over the planet, will you? Please?

Nutsy: Sheriff?

The wolf frowned, then sighed as he looked at the group Jack was with.

Sheriff: Just git me ‘ta Toon Town an’ I’ll probably join ya.

The cat became concerned as he looked at his unconscious wife sadly.


In the Masaki Shrine, Buzz and Slider continued running as they looked around.

Slider: So who lives in this place?

Buzz: Yugi, an’ if by chance, ‘er goons named Hotsuma, Tsugaru, and Matori.

Slider: Yipes.

Voice: Then you should be afraid of me.

Just then, a raven haired woman appeared in front of them, chuckling wickedly.

Buzz: (glares) Matori! Where’s yur leader?

Matori: She’s not available at the moment, I’m afraid.

She then rose her hand as she prepared to use some sort of energy beam toward them.

Matori: But I will enjoy seeing you die!

The two gasped, then ducked down as she fired at them.

Slider: Yipes! Now I know why Yugi wanted her as a henchman.

Buzz: No kiddin’.

Matori jumped as she dashed toward the two, trying to hit them with everything she had.

Matori: Come on now. Don’t tell me you’re both becoming weak!

Slider: (glares) You stupid...!

Buzz jumped away from Matori’s attacks as he glared in anger.

Buzz: Slider, use one of ‘dem cards!

He nodded as he took out the Count Dooku card, then slashed it.

Slider: CARD SLASH! Count Dooku Sith Powers activate!

Buzz then glowed dark, then became Dark Buzz, charging toward her.

Buzz: Come an’ take me now!

Matori: I will gladly do that!

Buzz then jumped around, slashing her as she yelped, being hit by the attacks.

Slider: Get her, Buzz!

Dark Buzz then levitated, then flew around, slashing the woman in different directions and went up, slamming his blade down to her heart. She screamed as Buzz slashed her into two.

Buzz: Now you die!

He then used what appeared to be Force Lightning on her, making her scream before she disintegrated. When she was gone, a card floated to Slider as he took it.

Slider: Well, that’s another villain down.

Buzz then changed back as he looked at Slider.

Buzz: Come on, let’s see if we can get ‘ta ‘de next floor.

He nodded as the two ran to the exit, leaving the area.


In the Toon World, at a place called Toon Town, a glow surrounded an area, then in an instant, Jack Spicer with his team had arrived.

Jack Spicer: See? What did I tell you, Wolf Man?

Sheriff: Crimanitly, yew is plum right, Jack.

Katz: Lord Phage, I suggest we destroy this place immediately.

The reptile, however, glanced to him.

Phage: Usually, that would amuse me, but without Sanford around, well...I doubt it’ll make anything interesting.

Mirage: What are you talking about?

Katz: Apparently, since the half demon’s no longer around, I think the Phage may have lost his own to speak.

Max Sr: So what part of this Toon World are we in anyway?

Sheriff: I believe ‘dis ‘ere is Toon Town.

Just then, a keyblade and wand pointed to the wolf and goth boy’s backs.

Voice: Who are you and why did you bring him along?

Jack then looked as he saw a mouse and duck pointing the weapons to them.

Jack Spicer: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?

The group then yelped as they saw a dog with a shield about to ram them, though he tripped and fell to the ground.

Donald: (groans) Goofy!

Goofy: Oops, sorry about that. A-hyuck!

He then got up as he looked at them.

Goofy: Mr. Sheriff, what are you and those vultures doing here? And who are these fellas with you?

Trigger: (glares) It’s none of your business, Goof Ball!

Nutsy: Yeah, we’re not telling you we’re recruiting some baddies for Team Spicer.

Trigger: Nutsy!

Wuya: That idiot!

Katz groaned as he rose his hand, sending out Force Lightning to the ground, making the three Toons dodge away from the attack. The villains then headed away from the trio.

Mirage: Nice work.

Katz: Thanks. Now...let’s get this over with and find those creatures and that thing that the wolf keeps talking about.

Sheriff: (frowns) Sarah ain’t a thing! She’s ‘de most purtiest weasel I’ve ever did lay eyes on.

Jack Spicer: Wait a second, she’s a weasel? But you’re a wolf! I mean, isn’t that violating so many laws of nature?

Sheriff: I don’t care! I fell fo’ ‘er at first sight an’ never forgot ‘er!

Most of the others, however, looked a little disgusted about it.

Terrence: (to Hacker) That is sooo wrong.

Hacker: Tell me about it.

Donald glared and screamed toward them.

Donald: WAAAK!! I’ll show you!

He dashed after the villains as Goofy shouted.

Goofy: Donald, wait!

Mickey: We better follow them and make sure we get them out of Toon Town.

He nodded as the two followed the duck.

Mickey: I just hope the Toon Patrol and Sarah can help us out on this as well as Sora, Riku, and Kairi, hopefully.

At the other side of Toon Town, Jack looked at the list as the vulture with crossbow spoke.

Trigger: Who the heck are we looking for next?

Jack Spicer: Hmmm, not Maleficent, Jafar, Pete, or Cruella. Mostly because A. They’re marked out and B. They won’t listen to reason, even if Pete could be spoken to.

Terrence: Why not the ones not marked on the list?

Jack Spicer: Well, the only ones not marked are the following: Drakken, Shego, Darla Dimple, her sidekick named Max, and probably the Toon Patrol.

Sheriff: If it involves Psycho, forget it! We ain’t bringing ‘im!

Wuya: Let me guess: He’s the one you hate, right?

Voice: Oh no! What are you doing here?

They then turned as they saw a pink haired violet weasel, making the fat wolf grin lovingly to her.

Sheriff: Well, well, Sarah. How nice ‘ta see yew ‘ere.

He took her arm as she struggled.

Sarah: No! Let me go!

Sheriff: I will, aftah I make yew muy wife.

Terrence: Ew! Gross!

The wolf ignored the remark as he prepared to kiss her, much to Sarah’s disgust.

Voice: Hey, let her go!

The group turned as they saw a white haired boy, a spiky haired boy, a red haired girl, five weasels (with the insane one glaring furiously), and two cats who both frowned.

Jack Spicer: (groans) And just who are you?

Spiky Boy: My name’s Sora! Riku, Kairi, these cats named Danny & Sawyer Cat, the weasels, and I have noticed you guys trying to hurt her.

Sheriff: I is not hurtin’ my love.

The insane weasel growled furiously as he jumped toward the wolf.

Insane Weasel: I’ll kill you!

The wolf yelped as the weasel was trying to hit him.

Phage: I believe that is Psycho, correct?

Sarah: Yes, he is.

Psycho (Insane Weasel): (angrily) Wolf, after what I said, you still came and tried to force Sarah to be yours! That is very low!

Sheriff: She’s mine an’ always will be!

Danny Cat: (confused) Are they always like this?

Sora: I have to think whenever they cross.

Katz: Ah, now I remember who the Toon Patrol are: those idiot weasels named Smart Ass aka Wise Guy, Stupid, Wheezy, Greasy, and Psycho who worked for Judge Doom.

Sarah then gasped as she recognized the red cat.

Sarah: Oh no! Katz! But how? You’re suppose to be dead!

Mirage then chuckled as she spoke.

Mirage: Well, he and Janga made a little deal with me, and now, he and Katz have both become immortals with eternal youth.

Katz: (grins) Ah, Mirage. You’re making me blush.

Donald’s Voice: Hold it right there!

They looked as Mickey, Donald, and Goofy came, with their weapons ready for them.

Mickey: Whatever you’re all planning, it stops now!

Sawyer: I don’t know who they are with those three, but I can tell that these people are up to no good.

Jack Spicer: Hey, I’m an evil genius. Evil is what we do. After all, I’m the leader of the bunch.

The Teknophage groaned as he spoke.

Phage: If you’re our “leader”, then prove it!

The others stood back as Jack gulped.

Riku: Ready to take them out?

Kairi: Yes.

Sora: We’ll deal with this guy first, then the others.

They charged as Jack screamed. Kikyo, awakening a bit, looked at the scene.

Kikyo: What’s going on?

Max Sr: Trust me, you don’t wanna know.

Jack was yelping as he was hit by every weapon and attack until he landed straight into Terrence’s arms.

Terrence: Let me guess: you’re too stupid to admit you need help.

Jack Spicer: Uh...

Phage: Jack, I’m the leader, remember? That means we must deal with these idiots!

Jack Spicer: (sweatdrops) Can’t you just use your brain rising ability?

Phage: I’m not in the mood.

Jack Spicer: (shivers) That’s what I’m afraid of.

Voice: Allow me to get you guys out!

Just then, a smoke bomb was thrown down. Everyone coughed, then the villains with the female cat were gone.

Sora: (frowns) Why do I sense déjà vu?

Mickey: You’re not the only one.

Sarah looked a little worried as she spoke.

Sarah: We have to find these guys.

Sawyer Cat: Question is...who helped them?

Danny Cat: And where have they gone to?

(End of Act 1)
The sequel to the Cyber Hearts series! Episode 12 Act 1
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