
Atomic Betty II 1B

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A/N: For those that are wondering, yes, this WILL be a crossover series. Anyway, hope you like this.

(Episode 1B: The Return)

At a national bank on an alien planet somewhere, an explosion blew up most of it. As the alarm rang, two figures, one in a dark suit with cigar, and the other what seemed to be Nemesis with red eyes, both holding high-tech gun cannons, prepared themselves. At that moment, the two noticed many officers surrounding them.

Lead Officer: Ready! Fire!

They fired at the two rapidly.

Officer: Stop right there, Nemesis AS!

As they fired, neither of them flinched. After a moment, the bullets that hit them only landed on the ground.

Meek Officer: (yelps) Sir, what now?

Lead Officer: I...I don't know!

The girl looking like Nemesis only grinned cruelly as the male spoke.

Male: (robotic voice) So, Molly-uh, I mean dearie, shall we kill them?

She then rose her gun, preparing to aim.

Molly: (robotic voice) What do you think, Mac?

The male grinned cruelly before both of them fired giant blasts. At that moment, many of the officers screamed, being absorbed by the blast as the luckless ones struggled futilely to escape. When it all cleared, a figure in the shadows, watching, smirked slyly.

Figure: Yes, this is perfect. I may be allergic to robots and despise them, but in this case, you two are an exception. He-he-he.

In Moose Jaw Heights Jr High, the students were studying while Betty looked at Paloma.

Betty: And so you know, the new girl, Janet, seems really nice.

Paloma: Hmmm, that's interesting, Betty. But still, why would she want to come here?

Noah glanced to them as he leaned upward.

Noah: Maybe she got tired of her job or something.

At that moment, they heard a click sound, with Principal Peterson's voice heard.

Peterson's Voice: Listen up, students of this school, we are having a new guidance counselor since our last one has moved on. Her name is Janet O'Malley.

Betty gasped when she heard the name.

Betty: Miss Janet's the counselor here?

Noah: (confused) How is that possible?

Paloma: I know. She just moved and already she found a job.

Penelope: (rolls her eyes) Geez, we've got another geek to deal with.

The trio glared to her and her croonies laughing.

Peterson's Voice: And now, will Miss Betty come into my office? I would like to discuss some things about the guidance counselor with her.

Betty: huh? But what did I do?

The red haired girl got out of her desk and walked toward the door as Penelope smirked.

Penelope: See ya later, troublemaker.

She with Megan and Sarah giggled as Betty with Paloma and Noah glared at them. She shook her head and exited from her classroom. In the principal's office, Betty arrived, noticing both her principal and Janet.

Peterson: Betty, listen up, this new referee...uh, I mean counselor wanted to make sure that you take a bit of time off from your busy schedule. But only for the special classes.

Betty: Uh, Principal Peterson, how many hours are there to be exact?

Peterson: About 2-3 hours every 2-3 days.

Betty looked shocked at what he just said as the principal looked a little woozy.

Peterson: Excuse me, I'll be right back in a minute. Something's up with my head lately.

Janet smirked, hiding what seemed to be a strange device inside her pocket. As the principal was about to leave, he glanced back to her.

Peterson: O'Malley, take over for me!

The white haired girl nodded as he left. When he was gone, the two smiled toward each other.

Betty: (excitedly) Janet, I can't believe you're my new counselor!

Janet: It's probably because I communicate with kids alot.

At that moment, she heard the cell phone ringing a bit.

Janet: Excuse me. I'll be a second.

She took out what seemed to be a strange phone before she flipped it open, then spoke.

Janet: Hello?


She yelped, holding her ear in pain.

Janet: Ow, not so loud! (to Betty) I'm sorry, Betty, but I gotta take this.

Betty: (sighs) Okay...but hurry back when you're done.

The white haired girl nodded as she went into the closet. When she was gone, Betty's watch beeped, with her gasping. She then turned on the hologram with the admiral speaking.

DeGill: Atomic Betty, this is urgent news. It would seem that Nemesis AS is working for another crook.

Betty: Nemesis again? (sighs) But why is she doing that?

At headquarters, the admiral was filling his pipe with bubbles as he continued.

DeGill: Listen, whatever it is, I can assure you that she is just as bad as Maximus I.Q. Right now, she and her new partner have stolen treasures and a valuable spaceship, one that can have as many valuables. I want you to find her and make sure you stop her, fast!

The red haired girl looked around for a moment, then saluted.

Betty: Don't worry, Admiral, I'm on my way!

She turned off the hologram before she was beamed up to the ship. The ship then headed off into space while inside, Betty looked at her two friends.

Sparky: Craters! First Maximus and now this? What are the odds?

X-5: It would seem that Nemesis is a complicated girl. She apparently has an obvious malfunction for working with others.

Sparky: Well how will we know what the heck she's doing if we barely even know her?

Betty: No idea, (seriously) but I do know she has to be stopped. Let's move out!

Then, the ship headed off into warp drive. With Janet, the angered girl looked around, frowning.

Janet: (anger mark) What the hell do you mean I'm working for some bum!? Maximus I.Q., I can assure you that I don't take anyone else's orders, except yours or my sensei's!

Maximus' Voice: Just get over here, now!

She finally sighed in relief, nodding.

Janet: I'm on my way, my lord.

She turned off her cell phone, then pressed a button on her watch. At that moment, she was beamed up. As she was teleported, her watch glowed as of her entire body. Her human figure transformed her into a familiar feline with glowing eyes. When she was beamed up, she, Nemesis, bowed down to where Maximus was standing.

Nemesis: My lord, what troubles you today? I was in the middle of researching one of the planet's learning facilities.

The male showed her a picture in the front paper.

Maximus: Do you care to explain this, Nemesis?!

She looked at the picture with what appeared to be herself with Mac carrying high-tech weapons.

Nemesis: (reading) "Assassins Murder Officers! Could Maximus Be Involved?" (shocked) What?! How could I have been there and carrying that kind of weapon? I don't even know what that is.

Minimus walked up to her, patting her hand.

Minimus: It's all right, Mistress, sometimes it's hard to tell the truth. (switches faces) Even though we KNOW it's your own fault!

She glared angrily as she growled to him, hitting Minimus.

Nemesis: I did no such thing, you stupid monkey!

Maximus: (crosses his arms) That does not mean you're out with someone you forgot to inform me about, does it?

Nemesis: (anger mark) I don't have an affair with that stupid cat! What makes you think I do?!

The male turned on the TV with the news coming on.

TV: We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin.

On the screen was a familiar green alien, who was near a vast audience.

Captain Chuck: It appears that this hot sexy female assassin has got the edge in killing officers as well as getting the gold, (winking) if you know what I mean. And to top it all off, many people have this to say!

It then switched to random people as each of them spoke.

Girl Alien: She's literally worse than those Atomic Betty look-alikes ever were!

Dragon: How can she do this? I mean she's suppose to be a normal assassin, not the kind that steals everything.

Weasel: What the hell's her problem? Well, the problem is that she spends too much time as an assassin!

It then showed a hedgehog reporter looking seriously.

Hedgehog: Thank you, so much. And in other news, the planet, Splatsy has crime raised by 75%-

The TV was turned off as Maximus glared at her.

Maximus: You were saying, Nemesis?

Nemesis: (crosses her arms) How could I have done all of that at the past few nights?

The chimp, with normal side, rubbed his head a bit.

Minimus: Maybe you've been trying to make sure that you found someone new to love instead of my master...

Nemesis: (anger mark) How dare you say that?! I do not have a new boyfriend! And I'm not in love with my master!

As she sad that and Maximus spoke, both blushed secretly and uncontrollably.

Maximus: And besides, um, we are not a couple, Minimus.

Minimus: (glares) Then prove it...

The female glanced at the two before noticing a familiar ship flying by. She then turned to him.

Nemesis: On the condition that you, Minimus, and some of your robots and blood monks stay the hell out of my way while I deal with the situation.

Maximus: Hmph, you do always know how to drive a hard bargain.

The female gave a small smirk to him. Back with Betty's ship, the heroes continued to follow a huge valuable stolen space ship as the fake Nemesis continued firing at them.

Betty's Voice: Nemesis AS, by order of the Galactic Guardians, I'm placing you and your hooligan friend under arrest!

Molly: Bite me!

Sparky's Voice: Hey, no need to cuss! We're just here to arrest you.

She aimed at the front of the ship.

Molly: We'll see who's arrested!

The copycat fired at the ship continuously while inside, the trio held onto their seats.

Sparky: Geez, first she's a samurai, now she's a gun-hogger!

X-5: Perhaps Nemesis has taken a slight change from her usual samurai self.

Sparky: (gulps) On the plus least Maximus isn't involved!

X-5: I find it peculiar. The profile of Nemesis that I looked up showed that she had no interest in guns.

Betty: Why's that?

She grunted from the impact.

X-5: Because Nemesis believes that guns kill people and that it can cost lives.

Betty: (realizes) Then we're dealing with an imposter!

With Molly, she laughed cruelly as she kept firing.

Molly: Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm glad those idiot officers accidentally reactivated me and my husband, even if we ARE in a future where Megakat City no longer exists.

Mac: (peeking) Molly, hurry up and lose 'em, will ya?

A meteor hit the ship as they yelped.

Molly: (glares) You're always a lousy driver, Mac!

At that moment, a familiar figure in her space suit landed on the top of the ship while with Betty, she looked surprised.

Betty: What in the world?! Who's that guy?

X-5: (glances) From what I can pick up, it seems that the one in the space suit is some kind of female warrior, though her space suit would not let me examine her more.

Betty: Well, whoever she is, at least we can thank her for capturing the impostor.

With Molly, she gasped at the face inside the suit.

Molly: The real Nemesis AS!? (smirks) Well, well, it looks like I'll be able to get rid of the real one after all...

She aimed her gun toward the real samurai assassin as she took out her sword.

Nemesis: Copycat of me, for your crimes of using my body, I will make sure you will pay for the innocent you hurt and killed and the valuables that should be rightfully his!

The gun fired as the sword slashed Molly. After a moment of silence, the ones watching gasped, noticing the gun along with the mask, slashed to pieces, falling off.

Nemesis: (glares) Just as I thought. You're not me.

The metallic head of what seemed to be a robotic cat glared with Betty's group in their ship gasping.

Sparky: (shocked) What is that thing?

X-5 tapped on the computer before looking stunned.

X-5: Gasp. According to the scanners, it would appear that this metallic version of our criminal is perhaps an ancient one. In fact, she is one of the legendary Swat Kats enemies known only as Molly Mange the Metallicat.

Betty: Metallicat?! Wait a minute, she was in the "Old Artifacts of the Swat Kats" Display back in the museum in Neo-Megakat City.

X-5: But the papers did say that she and another member of the Metallicats, Mac Mange, was also stolen.

Back on top of the stolen ship, Molly glared angrily at them.

Molly: You think you're so smart, huh? I've got news for you, Missy. We was activated by those idiot guards who stupidly didn't know what an on or off button was, which reactivated us and got us back to the way we were. And since Mac and I are becoming criminals under your name, that means we're going to make sure that no one, not even your stupid boyfriend, will ever trust you again.

She yelped, blushing as she tried shaking it off.

Nemesis: dare you say I have a boyfriend! I-I'm not in love with Maximus.

Molly: I smell big denial!

Mac: (peeking) Hey, Molly, you got those stupid space buckets where we want them, so finish them off!

Molly: I'm trying, but this girl that I'm suppose to impersonate is right in front of me!

Mac pressed the auto-pilot button before he jumped out of the ship, landing on top of it, then aimed his gun.

Mac: Then let me take care of that bitch for you!

He aimed as the female glared. Mac fired toward her, but she kicked the attack away from herself, which headed toward Molly.

Molly: What the-?!

She was then hit by the attack.

Molly: Ahh!

Her disguise began to disintegrate completely, revealing her metallic body. As the ship was hooked by the Star Cruiser, the trio landed on top of it before they gasped with shock.

Sparky: (shocked) Holy freakin' crap! That girl really is that Metallicat from Lynxia!

Mac glared at them as he spoke.

Mac: So, you wanna fight a Metallicat, huh?

He removed what appeared to be a disguise, revealing himself to be a robotic cat.

Mac: (glares) Then, you'll have to fight two of the Metallicats!

Betty looked seriously at the one in the suit.

Betty: Miss, you're gonna have to leave the rest to us. Now that we know that these impostors have framed Nemesis, we'll take care of it.

Nemesis: (glares) No...they're mine to finish off...for what they have done!

She dashed toward the two robotic felines as Betty realized.

Betty: Nemesis?!

She drew her blde, dashing toward them while trying to slice them. However, Mac and Molly were dodging the attacks.

Molly: You think you can just kill us like that? Ha!

Mac aimed carefully at her.

Mac: You're no better than those pathetic Swat Kats!

He shot toward her as Nemesis dodged, punching and kicking them with Betty following.

Nemesis: Don't you dare compare me to those wannabe heroes!

Betty: I may not know about how you two were brought back to life, but I can tell you that you two will serve some severe jail time!

Molly: Like that's ever stopped us.

At that moment, Betty kicked Mac's chin, with his head popping off and the body falling to the ground. Molly tried punching her, though was grabbed by the throat.

Molly: (struggling) Ugh...why am I feeling pain? That empress told me that...we weren't suppose to feel pain with this upgrade!

Her eyes and crown glowed brightly as Nemesis glared, realizing..

Nemesis: Narcissitad!? I thought I killed her...where is that bitch?!

Betty, overhearing, turned to her.

Betty: That empress back when we were suppose to rescue her back in Crushden, but couldn't...she has something to do with this?

Molly: (glares) Wouldn't you like to know!

Molly kept struggling before Betty rushed over, kicking half her body off while the top half was pulled toward Nemesis.

Nemesis: You never gave me a straight answer, Molly. Where the hell is she?!

Molly: None of your damn business!

Finally, the ship landed on what seemed to be an abandoned planet. When the ships finally landed safely, a familiar looking girl came out toward the ship with a cruel grin.

Narcissitad: Well, well, if it isn't the girl who tried to murder me.

Nemesis gasped in shock, letting Molly go, turning to her as did Betty.

Nemesis: That brat, Narcissitad...I thought Maximus and I killed you!

She only walked up toward her.

Narcissitad: Very clever, Nemesis, but it won't get you far.

Betty gasped while Mac struggled.

Mac: Boss, you gotta get us out...those two girls are no better than those-

Narcissitad: Zip it, Butt Bucket!

She then turned to the guardian and assassin as the sidekicks approached her.

Sparky: Chief, are you all right?

She prepared her stance, glaring to Narcissitad.

Betty: I'm fine, Sparky, but it looks like I just found our new criminal.

Narcissitad: (crosses her arms) You people were the ones who never got to rescue me, and for that, I'm taking revenge on both you and Nemmy!

Nemesis: (anger mark) Don't you dare call me that!

She was about to charge, though Betty quickly stopped her.

Betty: Wait, Nemesis...let me deal with that snuff. (to Narcissitad) Listen, I thought you wanted to go back home-

The evil empress glared, walked up to Betty, and slapped the human girl as she spoke.

Narcissitad: Silence! And how dare you say that the people that didn't want me want me now! Ever since I was sent to space by that assassin, I believe that no one really wanted me...(glares) All I want now is vengeance!

She took out what looked like a black katana as she turned to the assassin.

Narcissitad: You know what this is, Nemesis? (raises the sword) This is the Demon Sword of Zumakalya, guarantee to kill anyone, pure or dark-hearted, but it not only does actually takes your soul too!

X-5: Oh dear. Not good.

Nemesis: Hmph, you're not even strong enough to know its true potential. Only the most darkest and evilest of hearts can wield it. And only THAT person can be the soul taker.

Both glared at one another as Betty prepared to attack. Finally, the princess charged.

Narcissitad: Die!

Before it made contact with the cat, Nemesis quickly blocked it with her blade, both struggling.

Nemesis: Now the Pure Sword of Hokaido...this is guaranteed to stop foes like you and deal with you. Only the strongest and purest of hearts can wield it. I seem to pretty much qualify.

Sparky: (frowns) If you call working for Maximus "pure".

At that moment, Betty brought out her laser sword, nearing it toward her.

Narcissitad: What are you waiting for?! And why are you aiming at me? Arrest her! She's the criminal!

Betty: I don't think so...

Nemesis: (glares) This doesn't concern you, Galactic Guardian.

At that moment, they heard sirens all over. To their notice, the group saw the officers surrounding the place as Molly glared.

Molly: (sarcastically) Great...

Later, the empress with the Metallicat pieces were hauled away with one of the officers looking seriously.

Officer: Thanks for getting this creepy brat for us. We had no idea she was behind this whole thing until now.

Betty: I bet being grounded would probably change her mind.

The dark sword was placed in a case while X-5 looked seriously.

X-5: I have a suspicious feeling that the Demon Sword would cause trouble in the wrong hands once more.

Nemesis: (crosses her arms) Just to let you guys know, it wasn't me killing those officers...I only kill those with the darkest hearts.

Sparky: (looks up) Speaking of which...

At that moment, a familiar ship arrived with Nemesis smirking.

Nemesis: (looks up) That's my ride...

Then, she was starting to beam up from the ship before she waved.

Nemesis: See ya until next time we meet!

With that, she vanished to the ship before it left while Betty glared.

Betty: Someday...I'll find out why you're after us...(realizes) Oh no, I have to go back! Janet's waiting back on Earth!

X-5 looked at his own watch.

X-5: She's right, we have to get her back to Earth.

Sparky: Hey, I know that! (to Betty) Come on, chief!

The trio headed back into the ship as the officers waved goodbye.

Narcissitad: (glaring) Ugh, this is the worst life ever! I'm telling my daddy on you!

Then, the cell doors slammed in front of her. Back on Earth, the ship was entering back into orbit before it stopped at the school. Inside, Betty was quickly beamed back down in her normal clothing.

Betty: Oh, I hope she wasn't too mad at what happened.

Just then, out of the closet came Janet, trying to fix her hair a bit.

Betty: Janet, I'm so sorry about-

Janet: (confused) Sorry about what? I should be the one who's sorry. I've been on the phone for so long with my know, that I completely forgot about our session.

At that moment, the familiar principal arrived.

Peterson: I think I better switch to decaf from now on...(looks at Betty) Betty, don't you have classes to go to? Your hour was up and you're gonna be late if you don't hurry.

Betty: Oh, sorry, Principal Peterson. (to Janet) I gotta go...sorry we didn't have our session together.

Janet: (smiles) It's okay, Betty. See ya on Wednesday for our next session!

Janet and Betty waved goodbye before Betty left. In class, Betty arrived as Noah spoke.

Noah: So how was it?

Paloma: Did Janet do a good job with you as a counselor?

Betty: Well, you see-

At that moment, Penelope arrived, cackling.

Penelope: So, did you get detention?

Betty: Penelope...sometimes it's best not to say anything.

That confused Penelope as she glared angrily at the red haired girl, crossing her arms. Meanwhile, at a galactic prison, sometime later, sirens went off as many searchlights turned on, looking at the prison room burst open.

Officer 1: The prisoners have escaped!

Officer 2: Find them, quickly!

Unknown to any of them, two familiar foes smirked cruelly before they flew with jetpacks strapped on themselves, following a figure.

Mac: So why did you bust us out?

Molly: Yeah, what's your deal anyway?

The shadowy foe glared, with his eyes glowing gold yellow.

Foe: Tell me, have you ever heard of a Swat Kat having a daughter?

(ED: Jama wa Sasenai by Okui Masami)

Nemesis' Voice: This is Nemesis and on the next Atomic Betty II, during one strange night, Maximus and I are involved with a strange world where we find a mystic philosopher stone that gives commands under the Japanese tongue is located. However, we must deal with people that look like everyone we've encountered, including an evil Queen who looks like Iciclia! All while trying to find the true queen and princess What are the odds? Next Atomic Betty II episode: Wonderland. You don't wanna miss it.
Two foes calling themselves the Metallicats have been awakened and wreaking havoc, framing Nemesis in the process while Betty and Nemesis fight them and their supposed gang leader which shocks even Betty.
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