
9: NAP Style 1

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Literature Text

A/N: Takes place during Rock-A-Doodle~NAP Style.


Somewhere in a lab of a sort, as war noises were heard, a figure looked at the edge of a needle, pulling a thread through it. It then showed him cutting some material. Then, it showed him sewing up what appeared to be a doll of a sort. Then it showed his hand making the wire work a toy eye that blinked. As the scientist's voice spoke, he continued fixing up a strange doll.

Scientist's Voice: We had such potential. Such promise. But we squandered our gifts, our intelligence.

He finally placed another eye inside the doll. He was then seen using an ink pen, writing something on its back.

Scientist's Voice: Our blind pursuit of technology only sped us quicker to our doom.

He was seen unzipping the front, putting the wire on. Finally, he was seen putting something up as he spoke lastly.

Scientist's Voice: Our world is ending. But life must go on.

A strange device of a sort was placed in before it started to glow. After a few moments, everything flashed.

(OP: Get Over by Dream)

"9~NAP Style"

Later, inside the now dead workshop, the doll of a sort hung suspended in midair before the rope snapped. It caused the doll along with the small talisman to fall down to the ground. After the doll crashed, the talisman rolled away from the doll before stopping and landing on the ground. After a few moments, the mechanical eyes opened up, then the doll began getting up, touching where his eyes were.

Doll: (voiceless) Huh?

He looked at his wooden hand, moving it a bit before looking at himself. As he did, sparks came from the talisman. He noticed before getting up with his back showing the number 9 on it.

9: (voiceless) Hmmm.

As he moved to the item, he wobbled to the ground, then slowly got up, picking up the talisman. He touched the top, looking around at all sides of it. Then, he heard the wind before looking at where a dead corpse covered in paper was, looking stunned.

9: (voiceless) Oh...

He looked around at the lab area, which had remains left. He then heard a clatter sound, turning to the window. The doll looked at the steps, hopping on the papers, then book on top of it before sliding down, almost falling.

9: (voiceless) Phew.

He climbed up the books like a ladder, going to the shutters before using his strength to open the window. There, to his shock, the entire city itself was in ruins, looking lifeless.

9: (worried/voiceless) Oh...

He then heard a noise, noticing someone below. He tried speaking, though no voice came out. He tapped his throat a bit with worry, trying to speak. However, no voice came out. He looked back at the talisman, putting it inside himself before zipping up the zipper on his chest. Quickly, 9 departed from the building, not noticing the music box with a 9 tag clutched on the dead scientist's hand. Outside the ruined home, a pair of familiar eyes groaned, getting up.

Batula: Unnnh...vha? Wh...where am I?

He got up, looking around at the area before gasping in horror, noticing the entire place in ruins.

Batula: (shakes his head) No...(backs away) no...

He fell to his knees, becoming frightened by the sight.

Batula: It's just like my loneliness...Nack...Psycho...vhere are you two!?

Tears of blood shedded as he spoke.

Batula: Rouge...

At that moment, a familiar grim reaper arrived to him, looking seriously.

Grim: Oh good, you're away.

Batula: (grabs him) Grim, vhat's happened here!? Zis isn't the White House! It's a death town!

Grim: You were knocked out when we were escaping, you dope. (moves himself) Now get your hands off me robe.

He sighed as he continued.

Grim: Anyway, it seems that Tron's fiddling with that weird machine when we were escaping brought us to this now dead lifeless world.

Batula: Lifeless?!

Grim: Yes. And in case you're wondering, no, they're not dead. Nack and Psycho's group are probably stuck in a different dimension or escaped the White House in our own dimension while the rest of us got sucked in this dimension. (crosses his arms) Seems you were knocked out during the process of escaping.

Batula: But...(looks around) Ze air is gone from here. How are-

Grim: Mandy forced me to use my magic to make her and the other breathables able to breathe here.

Batula: Vhat are you talking about?

To their notice, they saw the same doll coming out of the building.

Grim: Bat Squirrel, we'll discuss about it later. Right now, we need to find Mandy since she and the others went to explore while (bitterly) I have to babysit you until you awoke.

The doll stopped, looking around the wasteland, then noticed something in a car. Quickly, 9 headed to the car, looking inside. When he and the two undead ones looked inside, they saw, to their horror, corpses of a figure with a child, jumping back in fear.

Grim: (quietly) Yep, they're dead all right.

The wind blew as 9 noticed a paper on the ground, noticing the word "Revolt!" with a drawing of fists grabbing strange creatures on the ground. The three looked up, noticing a strange symbol on another torn poster.

Grim: Hmmm...

Slowly, the three continued before hearing a noise. 9 turned, notcing no one else as the skeleton and vampire hid. Squeaking noises were heard before he and the two in hiding looked up, noticing the small light. It neared 9 as he began to panic, quickly starting to hide beind a broken area. As it came closer, 9 looked around with worry, picking up a small wrench. In a few moments, he swung, hitting the other doll with light that arrived.

Doll: Ungh!

He crashed to the ground as Grim frowned.

Grim: Hey, that's not nice. You should've cut him open first.

Frowning in annoyance, Batula looked seriously at the doll whom got up. 9, peeking, yelped as he quickly ducked back down from the doll starting to get up.

Doll: (smiles) Wait...I'm a friend.

He looked back at the doll for a moment, then sighed and dropped the wrench as the doll got up.

Grim: (sighs) Uh excuse me, Grim Reaper here, but um, I'm not the one from this dimension. Can someone tell me what the blast is going on here?!

Mandy's Voice: Grim, isn't it obvious that in this world, all the bacteria and almost all air is destroyed with only dolls like 2 left?

Batula: (stunned) Mandy?

The three looked around, noticing some of their friends, though what seemed to be in toy forms.

Billy: He-he-he! I'm a dolly!

Mr. Nervous: (worried) I'm glad SOMEONE is bright and cheery in a dead world. (gulps) We won't see any zombies like last time, will we?

Miss Scary: (smirks) Maybe so. If this world's dead, it's GOT to have zombies of the apocalypse sooner or later.

Blaze: But this's just awful. (frowns) I just can't believe everything around here is dead.

2: (smiles) My friends...these people found me and have helped me search for a sign of hope...along with possibly hoping to find you.

After 2 was helped up, he looked at 9 with a grin.

2: (grins) Yes...yes...(holds 9's hands) I always hoped...

He pulled his arm, then looked around the 9th doll, smiling at the number on 9's back while his own back showed the number 2 on it.

2: much thought.

He looked at 9's wooden palm as he continued.

2: The details...carved wood...(pulls a finger) molded copper...

9 only shook his head, trying to speak while pointing to his throat.

Grim: Uh, 2, was it? 9 seems to have a bit of a frog in his throat. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

A rimshot was heard before a snowball hit him.

Mandy: (frowns) That was for the pun.

Billy: Be careful of 7.

Grim: Why?

Billy: Because seven could 'eight' nine! Hee hee hee!

Grim: (annoyed) It's not funny, Billy.

The dogs looked concerned with Courage sniffing sadly.

Courage: I'm glad SOME of you are excited, but what about us?

2: (to 9) You can't speak.

The doll glanced at 9, then pointed to the zipper, which 9 unzipped. 2 dug his hands in, looking carefully before nodding.

2: Uh-huh...

Blaze: Hmmm? What is it?

He began to walk off before motioning his new friends.

2: Come with me.

They came up to what seemed to be a skateboard with 2 lighting up a match, lighting his candle on his hat. As he dug inside, Billy gasped, showing a gun bullet to 9, whom took it and looked at it.

Billy: Hey, lookie! Try playing with this.

9 tapped it while 2 carefully opened the dead doll, then pulled out a voice box from within.

2: (turning) Here.

Just then, they gasped, noticing 9 about to slam the bullet down.

Most: (yelps) STOP!!

Grim: (snaps) Gimme that!

He snatched the giant bullet from him.

Grim: Billy, did you try to make him kill himself?!

Billy: Maaaaybe?

2 only took the bullet as he spoke.

2: Some things in this world are better left where they lie.

Grim: Yes, and NOT where it should be blown up!

He slammed his scythe in anger, which made the bullet blow up, causing Grim to be cover in soot.

Billy: He-he-he-he! You got sooted!

Grim: (glares) Shut up!

The second doll held the opened chest before putting the box in.

2: But if you know where to look, these ruins are full of riches.

Kazooie: Juuuust like Mr. Messy would do if he found garbage.

Banjo: Anyway, 9, I'm Banjo and these are my friends: Kazooie, Mr. Nervous, Miss Scary, Blaze, Billy, Mandy, the Grim Reaper, Mr. Messy, Mr. Fussy, Courage, Shirly, and the guy who's realistic but actually dead is Batula.

Mandy: Believe me. Undead like him can survive even through THIS type of condition, given the right type of vampire.

Mr. Fussy: I STILL say this world we landed in is absolutely filthy! Even more so than the GMP and Mr. Messy's home combined!

Mr. Messy: (grins) Aw come on, Mr. Fussy, at least you're not mistaken for a toy by Mr. Strong again.

Just then, they heard a spark noise. They turned, noticing static while 9 tried speaking with the box being installed.

9: (static) Chhhhhhh...

2: Wait...

9: (partially clear)...chhhhehhhh...

2: (fiddling) Almost there...

9 looked a bit panicky while he tried speaking.

9: (mostly clear) Friend?

Shirly: Come on...

9: (grins) Friend?

Finally, he grinned.

9: (fully clear voice) Friend?

Billy: Oh my gosh! Frodo!!

2: (beaming) Friend. (points to the group) Friends.

He removed the magnifyer on his hat, grinning. Just then, 2 noticed something, pulling the chest open a bit more.

2: What's this?

The 9th doll looked concerned, taking out the talisman from before with 2 smiling, taking it.

2: (grins) You found it. Ho-ho-ho! (taps it) He...he's always drawn this. Ha-ha-ha.

Blaze: Who?

2: 6.

Just then, they heard a growling noise.

9: A-a-are we alone?

Mr. Nervous: Gah! Don't say that! If we are, we have nothing to look forward to, but zombies!!

2: (grins) No, no. There are others...(quickly) Whom ARE alive.

Grim: Well, who?

Just then, they gasped, hearing the noise coming closer.

Mandy: (frowns) Sounds like what Furball would've coughed up if he accidentally ate Elmyra.

2: Shhh...

He began pushing 9 away almost fiercely as he pointed.

2: (pointing) GO! All of you.

Mandy: No way, I can fight.

However, Mr. Nervous yanked her as they departed with 2 putting his candle hat out. As they hid, 2 took out a knife of a sort, looking around as he spoke, motioning the group.

2: Get in the can. Go on.

After a few moments of concern, the group ducked into the can. As the noise came closer, 2 gasped, turning quickly with weapon on hand. Slowly, as the group peeked out, 2 began backing away slowly. He looked around, panting in fear. Just then, as a small noise was heard, a mechanical hand rose up. Then, the figure growled behind 2, making him yelp and turn around. The figure's arm slapped him away, knocking him to the ground. He grunted, trying to get up before heading to the weapon. However, an arm slammed him down. To everyone's notice, they saw what appeared to be a cat skull-headed machine with a red eye as it roared.

Billy: WHOA! Now THAT is a cat beast!

Mr. Nervous: GAH! Cat Beast?!

Miss Scary: Wow, he's terrifying!

Billy: Just like Milkshakes when cranky.

2 grunted, picking up the weapon as he was picked up by the machine. 2 hit the eye socket, making it wince before it growled. In anger, it tossed the doll toward the cart, making him hit the cart and knock the items over. When he landed, the talisman landed in view.

Blaze: (gasps) No!!

The beast, growling, noticed the talisman before picking it up, looking at it. In fear, the panting 9 with his friends ducked down. At that moment, the beast noticed the can wobbling. Inside, as the fearful ones panted, Grim quickly hushed them.

Grim: Shhhh!! It may attack.

It came near the can, looking around with the flashlight on itself. Then, it started departing with the gang looking out briefly.

Mr. Fussy: Uh maybe it left.

Just then, the claws entered, trying to hit the group as they yelped. The beast's claws neared them while it came dangerously close to 9, wincing with eyes closed. When it turned it over, the beast prepared to look inside before it was hit by a rock, turning its attention to the recovered 2.

2: Hey, kitty, kitty...

It growled, going near 2 as he picked up another pebble.

2: Why don't you finish what you started...(wobbles with pebble) with me?

The beast growled, glancing at the shivering 2. After a moment, the beast grabbed him by the mouth, starting to depart. However, it stopped, looking inside the can, though noticing the contents gone. The angered machine tossed the can away, almost hitting the hiding spot where 9's group was.

Grim: (quietly) Eep!

Mandy: (glares) Did you just say "eep"?

Grim: Sorry.

Then, the beast picked up the talisman, placing it on its chest.

2 groaned as the heroes watched, looking terrified as 2 tried reaching for them while the beast with prisoner departed while the hat fell off and broke.

Some: (worried) 2...

The friends got out of their hiding place as they watched the beast darting off to a shut down factory while 9 held his arm.

Batula: (sighs) Zis is a very disturbing world.

Miss Scary: I like the fact they got a mechanical monster. Maybe I should make one myself.

Mr. Nervous: (panics) Are you mad?! That thing tried to kill us!

9 tried reaching out, though winced in pain from the part of his arm broke off, holding it. After a moment, 9 looked seriously.

9: We have to go after him.

Banjo: Why?

Kazooie: He may be the only guy left who can explain what the hell happened to this world, what do you think!?

Banjo: 42?

Blaze: I hate to agree with Kazooie, but she's right. We don't know anything about what happened to this world OR what became of the humans.

Billy: Oh! Oh, do you think they have a zombie apocalypse?

Mandy: Don't even try it.

The gang headed off together. Meanwhile, somewhere above, someone was watching 9's group walking down the bare wasteland, looking exhausted before collapsing to the ground. Up above, a figure with similar eyes to 9 and 2 looked surprised and blinked with concern.

(End of Act 1)
Takes place during Rock a Doodle~NAP Style: While the Freelancers take care of the Bad Fur Day world involving Edmund, Batula and his group end up in a world where almost all life is extinct and must help a group of strange living dolls in a wasteland where humans are extinct and a strange machine, after it gains a talisman, that tries to take the heroes while the heroes try to fulfill bringing the Earth back to life.
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